Replacing current sub with another

I am in the process in replacing my current sub with something with better control, meaning tuning and integrating. My option would been a SVS SB-1000 pro. Keep in mind I have a very small room and really the Vandersteen 2ci are more then enough for the need of any music. I have a sub not for output but for quality and and response. I have the tools to tune and integrate the sub with the 2ci so that is not a factor. I currently have the HSU STF-2 and is a great sub but it only has the basic controls so I am limited.

Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64

@highend64 ,

What I meant is that despite my attempts to integrate them, I had certain frequencies that were booming (mostly 150 to 80 hertz) when I switched to 'Pop' music. With non-electronic music, things sounded well balanced, but if I switched, it ended up rattling the house.

I never had that issue with my Vandy 2w's or 2wq's.

FWIW, even Mr. V. agrees with having multiple subs, as a way to mitigate room nodes. Though, the Sub 3, with the integrated equalizer, minimizes that effect.


Mr. V. is a frugal Dutchman, he makes products that perform above their pricepoint.

And, if you look at how his subs operate, then you will see that though Vandy subs might cost more and require a high pass filter, you get a truly seamless integration with your speakers (and others, like Maggies), as well as letting your amp perform better. It is really quite an elegant solution, when you look at it.


Why is there no mention of REL Subs?  Their subs use a high level connection that IMHO have fantastic results.   I'd recommend 2.  The high level runs off your amplifier.   


@gdnrbob I dont understand by what you mean certain frequencies get attenuated? I am assuming you are referring to room nodes.


@audioconnection , you took the words out of my mouth.


@highend64 ,

The limitations are that there are certain frequencies that get attenuated too much, despite careful setup. The result being that one setting will sound great with Classical, but become boomy with Pop and Rock. Using the Vandy sub has never shown this behaviour.

Another benefit of Vandersteen subs is that they are built like tanks. 2W's are still working despite being nearly 30 years old, the 2wq's are a bit younger, and I expect they will last just as long. Hsu and SVS are good subs, but I don't think they will age as well.

I still think you should join the Vandy forum and get some more ideas or at least explanations. Though we love our speakers, we will provide honest answers.


What Everyone here is forgetting or misinformed about is

 The Vandersteen Sub 3 and 2WQ unloads the heaving lifting of the main amp

while lowering the modulation distortion of the main speakers dramatically improving the clarity and transparency of the whole system while doing it without any DSP-inducing. issues Personally I prefer this as a seamless solution with all these added benefits make it an easy choice for music's sake.


Vandersteen dealer


The SVS for $500 is a respectable sub and has a nice app to use with your phone or tablet.  You can also greatly better it by the REW program downloaded to your computer, and buy the mike it  recommends for around $100  then you can totally fine tune your room it takes time to practice and learn  but you can accurately 

fine tune your Bass , at some point buy 2 subs it’s far easier to eliminate nulls in the room  and you control its output it just blends much better.

I agree on the SVS sub. It’s easy to integrate and has plenty of controls to dial it in. In my situation it was almost too easy. 

Are you trying to talk yourself out of the SVS? Seems like a perfect choice for your situation. I started with the PC2000 Ultra, then bought a SB4000, then a SB3000. Each integrated easily by themselves and now I use all three. Hard to beat. Good luck. Once you get a sub dialed in the first thing you will ask yourself will be, why did I wait so long.

The Vandie 2W is a good sub, but frankly I'd upgrade the Hsu to a VTF-15H MK2.  I use two of them and have been quite happy with the performance and adjustability.

@gdnrbob Thanks for response. I will keep in mind about the 2wq.

What limitation are you referring to?

@highend64 ,

Make an account at HifiShark and use the necessary filters to have it email you whenever a 2wq becomes available. I do know they have popped up recently.

You will need either a fixed crossover (around $200 from a dealer-contact John Rutan at Audioconnection), or the M5HP (around $750 used).

I agree, the Hsu does a nice job. In my office system, it is pretty well integrated, But, when compared to the Vandy subs, it definitely shows it's limitations.

As I have said before, the Vandy method relieves your amp to do what it does best, while allowing the sub to take over the power taxing lower notes. You'd be surprised what you will hear when you make the change. It isn't dramatic, but quite a subtle refinement in sound. Hard to put into words, I suppose.

Regarding signal latency-

IMHO, you should try to avoid this.

I am pretty much a digital streamer. This new method of sound reproduction opens up a hornets nest of new issues. My advice is to use the least destructive method of sound reproduction.

As you own Vandersteen products, I suggest you join the forum on the Vandersteen website. Post your concerns and Mr.V. will probably chime in. 

(Hint- he loves vinyl).


@gdnrbob I was thinking of the 2wq awhile back but I never able to find one in my area. The HSU sub does pretty good in my system but I wanted a little more control.

Yes I do agree DSP does introduce some signal latency from encoding and decoding and as long it is away from the main signal chain, it should be ok.

As you own a pair of Vandy’s, why not get a 2wq?

They can be had quite inexpensively, now that the Sub 3 is out, and they will not only mesh nicely with 2ci’s, but will allow your amp to work more easily.

I use the Hsu subs on my office system with a pair of VLR’s, and their integration isn’t not as seamless as my main system -with Treo’s and Sub 3’s (I owned the 2wq’s prior), with either sub, the Vandy’s were a superior match.

Using DSP, has the issue of introducing time and phase distortions, which is something the Vandersteen speakers are built to mitigate.



I think you are mistaking one thing.  You can use a miniDSP without putting anything between your pre and amp, and I've had excellent results that way.





Thank you all for the responses. I like the idea of using the DSP for correction but I really want a sub with DSP or something more controls. Imo, I want to try avoiding  using something in between the signal path of the main and preamp.

Keep the Hsu and get a second sub, two subs will be easier to dial in.

Or, keep the Hsu and get a DSPeaker 8033 sub equalizer.

Or, get a second sub AND the 8033.

I have the JL110 with DSP. It was very easy to integrate with my speakers because of the DSP. Also the 10 inch woofer works well in a small size room. I do wish it could be adjusted on the fly though an app on my iPad/phone.