Replacing current sub with another

I am in the process in replacing my current sub with something with better control, meaning tuning and integrating. My option would been a SVS SB-1000 pro. Keep in mind I have a very small room and really the Vandersteen 2ci are more then enough for the need of any music. I have a sub not for output but for quality and and response. I have the tools to tune and integrate the sub with the 2ci so that is not a factor. I currently have the HSU STF-2 and is a great sub but it only has the basic controls so I am limited.

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Showing 1 response by audioconnection

What Everyone here is forgetting or misinformed about is

 The Vandersteen Sub 3 and 2WQ unloads the heaving lifting of the main amp

while lowering the modulation distortion of the main speakers dramatically improving the clarity and transparency of the whole system while doing it without any DSP-inducing. issues Personally I prefer this as a seamless solution with all these added benefits make it an easy choice for music's sake.


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