Reference DACS: An overall perspective

There has been many threads the last few months regarding the sonic signature of some of the highest regarded reference DACS (Dcs,Meitner,Ensemble,Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts) here on the GON. I have been very fortunate to audtion many of these wonderful pieces in my home or friend's systems. I wanted to share, in a systematic way, my impressions/opinions with you GON members for a two reasons: 1)That my experiences might be helpful to fellow members interested in audtioning these DACS. 2)Starting an interesting discussion regarding the different "sonic flavors" of these reference digital front ends. I totally agree with the statement, "if you have not heard it you don't have an opinion". Therefore, I have no comments regarding DACS from Weiss,Goldmund,Audio Aero and Burmester because I have never had the pleasure of audtioning them. I would love to hear from members who have and share their experiences with us. My overall impression is that these DACS(Dcs,Meitner,Ensemble,Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts) can be grouped into two molar categories regarding their overall sonic signature. By the way, all of them can throw a large/deep soundstage with excellent layering in the acoustic space with "air" around individual players on that stage. However, than they start to part company into two major categories. Category #1) These DACS "flavors" revolve around pristine clarity, fine sharp details,speed,very extended top/bottom frequencies,and great PRAT. These DACS never sound "etched" or "in your face" but are more "upfront" then "layed back" in their presentation. The DACS, to my ear's, that go into this bracket are Dcs,Ensemble,Meitner. My personnal favorite in this group is the Ensemble, which I owned for two years. These DACS remind me of the sonic signature of speakers such as Wilson,Thiel,Dynaudio, Focal/JM Labs. Category #2) These DACS "flavors" revolve around a "musical/organic" sense, natural timbres,and an easy flowing liquidity. Their "less forward" presentation my give the impression of less detail, but I think in this case its an illusion fostered by their more relaxed/organic manner. The DACS, to my ear's, that go into this bracket are Audio Note,Zanden,Reimyo,Accustic Arts. I did find that the tube DACS did not have the top/bottom frequency extenstion and PRAT of the SS DACS in this bracket. For me, the Accustic Arts DAC1-MK3 gave me the best of both categories, therefore it is now the resident DAC in my system. These DACS remind me of the sonic signature of speakers such as Magnepan,Von Schweikert,Sonus Faber. Well, it's all just my opinion regarding these digital pieces, but I hope this post was at least informative/somewhat interesting and would lend itself to other GON members sharing their impressions, not about what DAC is the "BEST" in the world, but your personnal taste and synergy with your system.
Ok Guys the new AA MK4 went into the system last night. The System....G R Research Alpha LS line array speakers, Dodd 120 el34 mono blocks, Dodd battery/tube pre, fully modded Squeeze box II by boulder, Tice 1850 watt power supply/conditioner, anti cables & inter connects, cheap digital cables (better cables). My old DAC was the Audio Logic 34 MXL. WOW, let me prepeat WOW. My system now rivals the best system I have ever put together and quite possibly the best system that I have heard! Please understand that this is all subjective and with my room and my ears. We all have hearing loss to some degree (depending of age and I’m 47 and have played in a blues band for years). I ran the Squeeze Box (SB) all night into the DAC so I have about 12 hours on it right now as I am typing. I can hear Jeff Golub (jazz guitarist) playing in the back ground, WOW! The bass is thunderous the treble is quite good but needs to settle in a bit. When played loud you can still hear a little digital effect.

My wife puts up with my Audio hobby because she knows it makes me happy but has never really taken an interest. She enjoys and loves good music but just never really got the whole audio thing. She sat down with me last night for a listen. Now when I get new gear I usually ask here to sit down and listen to a song, which she will do. I always ask her “doesn’t that sound better, can you hear the difference in the bass, here sit right in the middle and listen to the sound stage etc”. Her response is ALWAYS, “it sounds great but Guy (that’s me lol) but I can’t tell the difference it always sounds great”. WELL…….last night with the AA MK4 in we went through this process again. Chris (my wife) had a glass of wine and I had my favorite beverage and I proceeded to the music room with my wife in tow. Chris requested Michael Bublae’ (sorry for the spelling), about one minute into the song I began asking her the same ole questions. How does it sound, can you tell the difference, bass, voice etc. And her responses was a knee jerk, “it sounds great but I can’t tell the difference”. Well by the time the song was over she requested another and another and another song about one hour’s worth. Chris started asking my how much we had into the system and said it was absolutely the best she has heard. I wish you guys could have seen her face, it said it all. She was just floored but did not know how to put it into words.

The Accustic Art DAC has REAL promise. What did you guys experience during break in and at what time intervals?

Thanks and all the best, Guy
An after thought.......As good as the Zanden is, it can only be used for redbook CD playback so it is off my list of DACs. I have my CD's on my computer and I like to watch/listen to DVD concerts as well as plug my SATV into the DAC and the Zanden just won't do that. If my AA MK4 keeps getting better with burn in all other DAC's may be off my list as well LOL.

Playntheblues, I bought my unit and it was already broken-in so can't help you there.

If you look at some of my other threads you will be able to read my comments.

When I put the Dac in my system it was a WOW! factor also and I was comparing to a Audio Research Ref7 cd.

I purchased a new Drive MK2 and it is breaking-in and really with the Dac sounding nice, the best my system has ever been.
Here are some news for this excellent thread:

I auditioned Esoteric X-01 D2 pretty extensively in last few months. My end conclusion is that it sound very best in my system in BB mode... Build quality is excellent and I can recomment this unit to most of you since it is really chameleon like in its presentation(BB, AD etc. modes)...

Accustic Arts just released new TUBE DAC! Here is a short description:"Handmade in Germany, Accustic Art's new $10,500 DAC sports dual 32-bit mono converters for left and right channels, a class A power supply with 84,000uF of capacitance, dual encapsulated toroidal transformers and a heavy gauge solid aluminum chassis. The hand-selected tubes are 2 x 12AX7WA/ECC83. These tubes are lab tested by Accustic Arts and burned in for 100 hours prior to shipping. Both balanced and single ended outputs are provided, and a full compliment of digital inputs including XLR, RCA & BNC." Sound very promissing indeed...

BTW, new Esoteric D-05/P-05 combo is also using 32bit dacs...
To give something back to this wonderful thread, I've now taken delivery of the latest MBL reference DAC, the 1611F. It now supports SACD decoding via firewire, unsure if it works with any SACD transport though, you would have to ask them about that.

The sound with my 1621A transport is fantastic. Crystal clear, very, very natural across the whole spectrum. It just sounds like live music! This is the best digital I have ever heard.
I just got the new Accustic Arts hybrid tube reference DAC in my system. It is not even burnt-in yet, but right out of the box it is the best combination of type 1 and 2 flavor I have ever heard yet in my system. Just wonderful musicality/liquidity and yet great resolution/extenstion/dynamics. I'll be writing a formal review here on the GON after it totally burns-in in the next couple of weeks.
I know this question is off topic but since I used to post to this thread I know that there are lots of people here that are very knowledgeable about all things digital.

I'd like your help finding a budget CD player. I'm looking for a used, one-box unit, with no upsampling/no oversampling, and a tube output. The price has to be under $1,000 used.
Teajay am I correct that DAC does not have a built in master clock but the transports do. I use a Apogee BigBen reclocker with my 390s CD/Dac. Much improved but still a slightly bit too edgy. I am using a computer hard drive as my transport. Thinking about upgrading the dac but what is the cost? Great Job creating such along thread. Richard
Hi Richard, you are correct the AA Tube Hybrid does not have a built in master clock. The price of the AA Tube Hybrid is $10000.00.
There is some interesting reading on Arthur Salvatore site reagrding Reimyo CDT-777 and DAP777, Ayre CX 5E, AMR 77, Oracle CD 2500 MK II, Accuphase SACD/CD DP77, ARC REF CD 7
and APL Denon 3910 players:

I'm surprised that (amog other things) ARC CD-7 review mentioned "a slight leaning out of the harmonics in the upper midrange accompanied by a slight tendency towards stridency in this range" since this player was described as Flavor 2 in this thread.
Elberoth2, yes I would agree that Arthur offers some interesting reading but have you ever heard any of his set-ups? Interesting chap for sure, I bought some Entecs from him.

Regarding the Accustic Arts Tube Dac, all I can say is WOW!

I almost bought a ARC REF CD7 which I had in my system for a few weeks and then had the opportunity to compare with a Accustic Arts MK4, not the NEW Tube dac and hands down I prefered it in my system. The ARC even had the edge as I use a ARC REF3 pre in my system so there should have been some synergy happening. The new TUBE DAC from "AA" greatly improves over the already great MK4 DAC, read Tejays review.

I've had the Reimyo CDT-777 and Oracle CD 2500 but did not keep them and that was when I had the MK4 comparing. Out of all the one's you listed the AMR 77 peaks my interest the most to try but all I heard were problems not working, noises, breaking down and not reading disc's etc. A few have said that these issues have been corrected but then I have found out that they actually have interest in the company one way or another (dealers etc.)

Teajay my unit was just getting broken-in and I made a big change, I sold my Andra's and await for my new MBL 101E's.
Dev -> can you elaborate more about the sonics of AA gear, especially compared to Ref 7 ?
Dev, you said "Regarding the Accustic Arts Tube Dac, all I can say is WOW!"

Now I know there are differences to be heard between inexpensive players and something a bit better. I'm sure there are differences to be heard between these better players and expensive players, otherwise why would anyone spend the $$$. But every player I have heard, from mid to high, shows subtle differences. I can't say I have really heard any "wow" factor, and I have heard some very good players in direct comparison.

So I am really interested in what specifically brings about the "wow" in your statement.

Article that Elberoth2 mentioned by Arthur Salvatore is pure crap IMO. One of the "reviewers" were Isreal Blume... Go to audioasylum and read current not very nice debate about that article...

Apparently Ken Kessler, some respected members and I are deaf since we all think that ARC REF CD7 is warm sounding player...
Hi Elberoth2 if you look threw my threads you will find your answer regarding my experience with the ARC REF CD7 player which is a great player but I could not believe what I was hearing when I put the Accustic Arts Dac MK4 in my system.

Hi Ptmconsulting, it would be best to refer you to the Product Reviews section. Refer to Teajay's review of the Accustic Arts Reference Tube Hybrid Dac, he did a splendid review and basically is bang on. I never thought that this could happen either until I put it into my system, it really is just the most marvelous piece I have ever had.

Braninmir you obviously have Arthur figured out and hit the nail right on the head but I was saying it in a nice way. We all have our own opinions and experiences, we have different gear including set-ups which can determine the outcome (synergy)along with how we personally like our sound.

I just bought some MBL 101E's and can't wait to get them but I'm sure allot won't like them but I'm getting them for my enjoyment and not others. I have found in this audio journey that I have connected with many trading back and forth experiences which have helped greatly but I still like to try myself to determine the outcome.
>>Article that Elberoth2 mentioned by Arthur Salvatore is pure crap IMO. One of the "reviewers" were Isreal Blume.<<

Above and beyond the fact that AS and IB are joined at the hip, the shoot out itself was flawed. First, the players had different output levels and no adjustment was made to level the playing field. Second, some of the players invert polarity and again the players were not compared equally.

This comparison and the blog itself should be taken for entertainment value only. There are far too many inherent conflicts for anybody to take both seriously.
The author's revised version comes to such different conclusions it is impossible to even imagine what w going on. I mean, the Ayre went from last to first? What's the explanation for that?
I have just read the "revised version". Funny as hell. I had a good laugh reading it. This is my favourite part (APL 3910):

"If you happen to doze off, do not be surprised, so relaxing is this player. "


True or not, that was a good reading.
Thanks TeaJay for recommending the Accustic Arts Tube Dac. It is everything you said it was. I now look forward to listening to CD's as much as my vinyl.
Your more then welcome Hamburg. It's been a pleasure to talk to you regarding the AA Tube Hybrid DAC and the rest of your system. I'm sure it sounds great now, but watch what happens when you put in the new fuses and the Amperex Bugle Boy tubes! Keep in touch.
I would like to know which brand powercords are best match
with Accustic Arts transport and converters ?
Thanks in advance
Ben, I have tied three different cords with my Accustic Arts gear and always come back to Harmonix Studio Master power cords.

I also have found that the Ensemble Duo Isolink transformer, that was developed for transports and dacs, brings out the best performance of the Accustic Arts pieces better then any other power conditioners in my system.
Hi Teejay, thanks for all the info on the AA. If you're familiar with the Reimyo DAC or player, could you give a quick comparison between the AA and Reimyo? Some here have compared the AA to the ARC Ref7 but I've never heard that player.

How about the older AA DAC vs the Reimyo? Does it also have tubes?

Thanks in advance, glad you're enjoying the AA so much.

Hi, Analogkid, I'll answer your questions in the order you asked them:

1) I have heard both the Reimyo CDP and the first generation DAC. I would put them into the type 2 flavor without having the microdynamics/clarity of the AA Tube Hybrid, which has great extension/dynamics and very natural timbres without the loss of dynamics of other tube DACS. Remember the AA does not use the tubes in the analog conversion stage, but upstream in the digital process.

2) I have never heard the Ref7 in my system, but have heard it in a system I was not very pleased with, so I really can't give you a very objective viewpoint regarding it's performance compared with the AA DAC.

3) The Accustic Arts DAC MK3 does not use tubes, and when I auditioned the Reimyo vs the MK3 I purchased the AA, still liking its overall sonics compared with the Reimyo DAC.

Hope this helps.
Thanks Teejay. If I had to be in one camp I always would choose the "type 2" flavor, especially with so many strident and poorly-recorded CDs out there. Sounds like the AA combines the best of type 1 and type 2.

Another player that looks interesting is the Abbingdon Research. Now that I've recently switched to a solid state amp (ASR Emitter I, which is great by the way) I wouldn't mind having tubes elsewhere in the chain - not because I want euphonic coloration - but I find that systems with neutral tube-based components somehow sound less "hi-fi".

Teajay thanks for your input, I like harmonix powercord too
Kimber pk14 is also fine contender, strange to say but I prefer Harmonix HS 102 xlr digital cable over Stealth sextet
in my setup too.
Preffered settings for the P03-D03?
Can someone please help me. I am a new owner of the Esoteric P-03/D-03 combo. The manual is less than helpful, as was Bob Harley's review, about the optimum settings.
Should I upsample at 176? What should the word clock setting be? Do I need to use the "DSD" mode to play SACD or can I use upsampling as described (i.e. 176). Should the digital filter be on or off. Really sad manual info for such expensive gear. Please help!!
Marti, have you consider just experimenting and finding out what setting you enjoy the best? You can't break the machine no matter what settings you select. . . let us know your findings.
Has anyone tried Chord's DAC 64?

If one is using the DAC mainly to improve a music server, does the clocking mechanism gain in importance?

I have recently purchased the Sooloss music server system. Its sooooo much fun, and really allows you to re-discover your entire collection all over. Just amazing. Highly recommended. However cannot help but think that using an external DAC improve sound quality substantially (currently hooked up to a McIntosh pre-pro in a home theatre set up in the living room). The Chord DAC64 on paper is interesting to me given the buffer stage, small size and cost wide not as burdensome as some of he top tier DACs (I do use the Meitner DCC2 in another system in a diff 2 channel dedicated room which I love especially re SACDs). I also own the Benchmark DAC but that;s for my desktop set up where I use it for late night listening when I need to work (connected to my PC and AKG 701s). While quite good, not in the same class and looking for something better for the music server.

Any thoughts? Or other ideas?
I had the pleasure of being asked to bring my Accustic Arts Tube Hybrid DAC to a fellow audiofile's home so we could compare his new Reimyo DAP-777 DAC to the Tube Hybrid. Everything stayed the same, including using his Reimyo CDT-777, the new companion to the new Reimyo DAC.

Well, it was very apparent to all involved that the Reimyo was a very good DAC, but fell significantly below the Tube Hybrid in the following areas:

1) Less organic timbres 2) Did not throw as large and as deep soundstage and also lacked 3D imaging in the soundstage 3) Lacked the pure liquiity and ease of the Accustic Arts DAC

The Reimyo was a very good type 1 flavor, but was not on the same level as the AA Tube Hybrid which seems to offer the best combination of type 1 and 2 flavors that I ave heard so far on redbook cds.

I am currently enjoying AA Tube-DAC II/Drive I Mk2 combo. Still, it is IMHO bettered in several sound aspects by my current digital reference Esoteric D-03/P-03U/G-0Rb combo.

In short Esoteric is better at bass depth, speed and articulation. Midrange on AA combo is more creamy but, I like more natural Esoteric presentation more(Piano for example sound faster and more real on Esoteric). AA highs are nicelly extended and sweet, no fatigue at all. Soundstage depth is not as good as on Esoteric. Here I have to say that both Esoteric and AA combos are world class here(for digital playback).

All in all IMHO AA combo although very, very good is not in the same class as Esoteric combo. But, to clarify my opinion AA combo is IMO better then ARC REF CD7 for example(in fact clearly better!) and it replaced ARC in my systems.

Since I am in process of changing speakers and electronics I need to reevaluate them after I put up my systems(in mid Februar)...
Brainmir,,,,have u tried the estoeric D-05? I beleive its noch below the D-o3 but so is its price. Referring to back to my question, I am trying to come up with a high quality but somewhat price reasonable DAC (about USD10,000 or below?) solution to improve the sooloos music server system in one my rooms which is just super fantastic for interactivey functionality and discovering long lost loves in my 3000 CD library. Chord DAC 64 is one possible me thinks as is Accustic Arts (perhaps the Tube DAC may be a bit over my self imposed budget not sure but the DAC4 shld be in the territory...and as I understand it so should Esoteric's D-05...hence the question....also like the idea re its ability to serve as master clock for an external source).

Esoteric D-05 is excellent DAC but, you will get most of its capabilities only with matching P-05 CD/SACD transport.

My advice is to look at Accustic Arts DAC I Mk4($7K) since TUBE-DAC II($10.5K) could be marginally outside you target price range.
I think that AA DAC I Mk4 is better then Chord DAC64. But, that is my personal opinion...
Thanks...I suspected the Esoteric was really designed with its transport in mind.
Branimir, thanks for responding to my E-mail concerning your opinion regarding the AA Tube hybrid DAC. I have found, the details are on my review thread regarding this DAC, that I got a significant and dramatic improvement in the sonic performance across the board when I put in a pair of NOS Amperex 1950's Long plate tubes in the AA DAC.

So, my question is, have you listened to the AA DAC with its stock tubes to this point or tried some NOS replacements? I believe you might be somewhat surprised how much closer in performance the AA DAC might come to the performance level of the Eosteric D-03. I also believe you might like using NOS smooth plate Telefunkins, which to my ears, produced a very a "Eosteric Sound" when used in the AA DAC, that was alittle to much of a good thing with Macrodynamics and punch in my system, but you might found it just right in your system setup.
You might consider the new Wadia 581i SE with it digital inputs. I heard the 581 & it is very nice but comments suggest the SE is much better.
I have listened Esoteric combo in my friend system many times
I had Chord Dac64 paired AA Drive1 MK1 transport then I had
Reimyo DAP777 dac paired AA Drive 1 MKII transport and currently I have AA Dac MK4 with AA transport after I purchased AA dac mk4 I bought AA preamplifier (thanks to Teajay recommendation) this preamp together with my tube amp
(Leben CS660) brought the sound into reference level standard
I mean digital and low voltage analog signal passed through all AA equipments (AA transport,dac,and preamp)maybe this synergy is explaining what and how the manufacturer understand from sound and music (if I were not a tube guy and very happy with Leben amp,I would try AA power amp too)
After reaching top level digital front ends(AA,Esoteric,AN,Zanden,EMM,etc..)I believe tube types(As Tejay refers)interconnects(digital or analog)powercords even
speaker cables and speakers make huge differencies and effects in comparison those brands, I mean,ie,if someone prefers Esoteric over AA on the bass region with his interconnects or other equipments(pc,tube rolling etc..) he might change his mind with another brand equipments if he try IMHO
I am not in tube-rolling... AA Tube-DAC II was designed with Chinese tubes.
I compare AA combo against ARC REF CD7 pretty extensivly and IMHO AA combo is better. BUT, in most areas it is marginally better(Ok, you can hear the difference. Just IMO it is very small for average audiophile). AA use much bigger digital processing power then ARC but, IMO ARC analogue stage is better and more elaborate then the one in AA.
Also beside my Esoteric D-03/P-03U/G-0Rb combo I had on hand Esoteric D-05/P-05/G-03X, Weiss Medea/Jason combos and Esoteric X-01 D2 player.
AA combo did not better either of Esoterics! I would personally choose Esoteric D-05/P-05/G-03X or X-01 D2 over AA combo as a single digital playback in MY system.
Weiss combo was bettered by AA combo. Here margin in some areas(midrange articulation or soundstage size, specially depth) was big.
Problem is that AA, although very, very good is NOT SOTA in current digital playback.
When I compare AA to Esoterics I invited two other person to get their respective opinions. One is true audiophile(and AA Player I Mk2 owner...), other is Classical Music Piano player. All three of us agreed that AA combo is adding something artificial to the music, specially to single acoustic instruments... Piano for example had some syrupy quality that it do not have in real life(or on Esoteric). To cutt the point-Esoteric sounded closer to real sound with Classical music. That "thing" that AA combo is adding(source-tubes?)is in fact very, very pleasing stuff. I like that way AA combo sound and it is much more #2 sound then #1 sound.
If any of you seek slightly warmer sound then typical #1 combo or player then simply go for AA Tube-DAC II! It is the best #2 sounding combo that I heard(if memory serves me well it is better then all mighty Metronome combo based on Kallisa!). Just one problem-AA sound signature is not fully my cup of tea. I will keep it anyway. Just as a warning to all future owners(potential as well) of AA Tube-DAC II, if your system(specially speakers) is already on the warm side of the spectrum look elsewhere... AA combo is fully, organic sounding stuff as Teajay described it in his review, I would just add that you got the impression how Teajay's system is sounding via his AA reviews.
BTW, Teajay-you really did a great job with your AA Tube-DAC II review!
Teajay, I know very well Shuguang 12AX7 tubes (I am still using them in my Unison Research tube amp)which AA used in Tube Dac,they have syrupy and blury low mids and upper bass as Branimir indicated. I guess you got better result replacing the stock tubes.
I would purchase Tube Dac if I have not tubes in my system already but did not
want to struggle with many those small tubes already I have 5
I thank you for your detailed comparison AA and Esoteric transport/dacs
Could you please write your observations about human voice(female especially)
violin and other string instruments comparing them if you have listened such instruments playing on both of them.
Thanks in advance
First about violin, Itzhak Perlman Stradivari sounded much more clear and alive via Esoteri D-03/P-03U/G-0Rb combo then via AA combo. There were also more details apparent like Mr.Perlman hand moves and his breathing while performing. Since I heard Stefan Milenkovic live playing one of the Stradivari's I know what I am talking about. Wood, body but, also nice string clearance is IMHO key to good violin perfomance-Esoteric combo is hear closer to real music then AA combo.
Human voices:Male-Andrea Bocelli for example sounded less chesty with more articulation and power on Esoteric then on AA, Female-Sarah Brightman sounded also way more powerfull and real on Esoteric with NO "Whiskey" like signature in her voice(that signature is apparent on AA but, I know her voice very well-it is a fake signature made by AA).
Cello is fuller but, way more clear on Esoteric then on AA.

All in all Esoteric produce classical music and voices closer to real music then AA. Live performace of classical music is(when really good) in my personal experience never syrupy or slow, in fact it is always very dramatic and entertaining!
Thanks a lot for your test report,though I have AA dac mk4 not tube dac and
only listen Esoteric combo in my friend s system (not in my setup doing A/B tests) I have similar observations mostly with yours
Esoteric is more powerful (more upfront)clearer (not having tube noises vs tube dac and better signal to noise ratio vs dac mk4) a bit better bass definition but dac mk4 is not syrupy or slow and I think it is a little more musical for long term listening,and as all we know digital interconnects and powercords make dramatic effects on transport and dacs
I again thank you for your detailed comparison
I think the overall perspective today was given to me by the Stereophile show report that indicated "master quality"
computer discs from Reference Recordings are here-now!!. Wow!! Things are quickly getting even greater for those of us loving the sounds only the high end can provide. No wonder Sony & the others are now allowing free MP3 or whatever downloads. Word will spread about the utterly fabulous sound available by "upgrading" to a "pay for" product-this will be great for the music industry and all us audiophiles. Quality we've never heard before(and I keenly remember the let down I experienced listening to a record on my Goldmund Studio and 'spensive cartridge-versus- the same piece on the old pre-recorded tapes on my rather only slghtly above average reel to reel! We may finally be getting somewhere it seems-after all these years of "faulty, noise producing" CD players with their pathetically "s----y" power supplies & lack of isolation. We've all been had by Sony & Phillips and I hope it's comming to an end. And this business of "reviewers" wasting time trying to describe one extra "mousepower" in the "greatly improved" ' DAC or better yet transport under review'. It will be wonderful to move forward. I am really hoping the new formats "players" with be immensely better than the average available now- and we all don't have to go thru the same 'newly improved' nonsense for the next 20 years. If my toes aren't tapping and i don't get the sensation of melding with my lazy boy with the assistance
of a little Sherry or Port then I for one may throw in the towel on the new and spend a lot more time with my
Goldmund enjoying the "classics of yore-- let's be honest( and I am a big collector)-there's just not that much "new" being released. Seems the 3 B's, 2 H's, 2 M's,eastern Europeans and joyous, dynamic Italians are still our bread & butter, steak & eggs, caviar & champagne, and the wine & cheese on a sunny day.

Good to see that you got the new AA Tube Dac and are enjoying it.

You really are missing out not changing the tubes, there are only two 12ax7's. I'm not really into tube rolling either but this is so easy and I look at it like changing out cables and getting a different flavour it most defiantly is worth it.

When I hear people refer to the manufacturer voicing there gear and by changing this or that then you are changing what the manufacturer created I have to add to this as I'm not fully in agreement. There are other factors that come into play here so if you were wanting to get exactly what the manufacturer hearing while voicing then you would need everything they were using while in the process, same IC's, identical components like amps, pre-amp, speaker cables, speakers etc. which I'm sure no one is using. When I personally am putting a set-up together I look at all of these pieces as ingredients just like a baker or cook would.

Teajay you really did a good review of the Dac and I will say that your out come of the sonic flavours when evaluating the different tubes is pretty well identical to my own findings, great job.

I have to say that I previously heard the Esoteric D-03/P-03U/G-0Rb combo in a system and I was not impressed with the system as a whole, I have not heard the Esoteric pieces in my own system but I intend on doing so in the near future.

Now back to the Tub Dac, I use to own the AA Drive also and I had a chance to try a couple of different transports and ended up with a Oracle 2000 but this is their latest design and hooked-up via Stealth Sextet digital AES connection. I preferred the 2000 over the AA Drive, if you happen to get one to demo make sure it is their latest design and do not use the 2500 as your outcome will be different. I just received my new CAT JL3 Sig. MK2 mono blocks to pair up with my MBL 101E's, I also just got Stealth Dream speaker cables two sets which are replacing my VD cables so I'm true bi-wired. I also received their Dream power cables so my system will be connected with all their power cords and lastly I got their latest Sextet BNC to BNC digital cable reason being to compare to the AES Sextet digital as Oracle says their BNC connection is better so I guess I'll find out.

Once I have had all of these new toys in my system for a while I'm going to get the Esoteric D-03/P-03U/G-0Rb combo and try it in my system. How much do these three pieces list for? When I heard that system with these in it I noticed that the transport was noisy is yours? The high cost of these pieces my expectations would be much higher and I would not be able to live with this if every transport does this.

Branimir when do you expect to get your new speakers? and just curious while doing you evaluation what was the rest of your set-up, speakers, IC's, components etc.
Branimir what digital cable did you used in those comparisons?
I guess Stealth Sextet?

And please tell us which is superior the X01D2 or the combo P05+D05?
In this thread

the X01D2 is favored over the combo and especially from "Esoteric's people" but I guess -as Ben already said- that the digital cable and/or power cables has significant part to the final outcome.

What do you think?


Yes, I used Varidig Sextet. I tried something else(cables) and got similar results.
Esoteric D-05/P-05/G-03X combo is marginally better to my ears then single X-01 D2. But, there is a difference in price as well.


My P-03U is normally noisy... I heard one P-03 at show that was more noisy then my P-03. BTW, IMHO build quality of Esoteric gear is at much bigger level then AA for example.
My new speakers will be in my house in mid February so, you can expect my review here in late March...
Now I'd like to ask this seriously......
In case you just need a top reference DAC but not want to buy transport from the same company which DAC perform "universally"?
I mean it will give almost it's ultimate performance with any transport or hard-drive?

For example does Esoteric's DAC D05, or D03 give 100% of it's quallity with other transports?

Please share your views about this.

It is a good question indeed I will be happy to learn his comments on dacs alone
too. However this topic is reference dacs titled,comments were presented mostly on same brand transport dac combos,and IMO Teac transports(which Esoteric uses)are clearer,punchier with more bass weight vs Philips transports
(which AA uses)are smoother more musical and more laid back.
The mentioned differencies between AA and Esoteric combos may come from
their transport sound character.
Funny to say but I tried many powercords for AA transport to be able to get clearer punchier sound with more bold and could not succeed to find one then I made a diy powercord using SOLID CORE 3x1,5 mm with rubber outer
shield only terminated with Frutech gold AC plug and Wattage IEC plug and
my AA transport has all sonic capacity I need whereas many different brand powercords worked very well with AA dac