Records, CDs, Streaming

What percentage of time you spend listening to CDs, records and/or streaming?, 

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The percentage changes pretty regularly. I tend to go on binges. Sometimes I'll stream like crazy, sucking up every obscure performance of a favorite classical piece on Idagio or Qobuz.. Because I just got a new cartridge, I'll go to my record shelf and just pick stuff at random, letting my new Hana ML give it a go. Less often but still often enough, I'll binge on my 1980's-2000's rock, which I have mostly on CD.

I've been on a Qobuz kick lately. The rabbit hole is endless. I can't help wondering how different it was growing up in the 60's and 70's, to hear new music, but today all I could imagine or desire is a press to play away. 

99% streaming.  I started streaming Qobuz and now Roon and got hooked.  I saw the writing on the wall and sold my 400 record albums and turntable to an antique shop.  I still have a few hundred CD's and transport but honestly haven't played them in months.  The antique shop doesn't really want my CD's but I am contemplating selling my transport.

I play CD regularly, LP and Streaming in binges...streaming usually for exploring and casual listening...

I stream all day while I am working in my office.
Streaming is my portal for finding new artist and new material from old favorites that is new to me.

I still buy and listen to CD’s as I have a awesome transport and CD’s are dirt cheap now days.

I listen to LP’s a lot also and buy a lot of previously loved vinyl on Discogs.

33 33 33. 

I do records and CDs only as streaming is not as good sonically.Many many records and CDs are not available for streaming.

I spend most time listening to ripped files or internet radio.

Broaden your scope of options dude.

no streaming, except YouTube via home theater, Pandora in Office

I went deep into Vinyl, 100% for 2 years while upgrading my 3 systems (shown here), even buying new copies of favorite LP’s as well as very good used.


final quest, wonderful sounding CD Player, Sony xa5400ES


now, and for a while while rediscovering my many CD’s it’s

75% CD; 25% LP, even buying new and used CDs it sounds that good.

After a while, I'll get back to CD 25%; LP 75%, I still need to discover the gold in the 4,000 lps I luckily inherited. 

Streaming 95%, Vinyl 5%. My streamer and vinyl are very comparable (see my UserID for systems). Sometimes streaming sounds bettering than vinyl. Sometimes vinyl better than streaming. Both sound incredibly musical and enjoyable. 

I own 2,000 vinyl albums and 2,000 CDs (which are also ripped and available on my two streamers).

I listen in phases.  About a month ago I listened 90% of the time to streaming.  Currently, 90% CDs and SACD’s. Other times, mostly records, depending on my mood.

OP, so… why? Is it a difference in sound quality on your system? Nostalgia? Just kind of fun fiddling with a disk?


For me, it is nostalgia. Spinning a disk (vinyl). The sound quality is the same. 

Whitefishpoint1175 >>>>Woah, wait a tick, wouldn't that be 331/3, 331/3, 331/3?

95% digital, about 60/40 split between streams and cd rips from my over 2500 cd  collection. Vinyl is for nostalgic listening sessions, beginning to doubt whether even worth it to upgrade my vinyl setup at this point.


I just go through phases of interest.  Streaming and CDs sound about the same.  

SACDs sound better. And records with the right pressing.can sound the best.

95% CD/SACD, 0% vinyl, 5% streaming.

I'm just a digital guy I guess.....

CD/SACD sounds better than streaming to me.

I have no intererst in vinyl.

70/30 split between streaming ripped files/Qobuz and spinning vinyl. It's not that I think the digital side sounds better, they are pretty equal. It's just that I'm getting lazier in my old age.



95% vinyl. Only listen to digital for background music or to put some hours on a component. Hard for me to really enjoy any digital source.

Seldom do I stream or listen to my many cd's. I'm addicted to the sound of my Lp's. Plus, unlike some, I actually enjoy all the fuss it takes to play them. It makes me forget about life for the time being, as I'm fully engaged with something tangible. 

OP: “I just go through phases of interest.”


That is a reasonable approach. If you enjoy the process,  that is the point, enjoy the pursuit.


In general, on my system,  if a recording is available on SACD the high Rez file is available on Qobuz so, my system will reproduce that sound quality. Also, I’m getting old, and not getting up is good.