Recommendations for a stereo power amp with a XLR/RCA input switch around $2k

I recently scored a Cary SLP-98P tube preamp that I’m currently powering through my Musical Fidelity M6si integrated HT bypass. I’m thinking of selling the integrated to get a dedicated stereo power amp. Naturally I’m considering their M6s PRX model because I like the Musical Fidelity sound (beefy and musical). I also like that it has an input switch between the XLR and RCA inputs.

I know some people here are not MF fans (not sure why and don’t care to get into that), but would I be missing out if I get the MS6 PRX over another amp? What other amps around the $2k mark should I consider? My goal is to get a neutral/musical sound, with good controlled bass that is not over analytical or fatiguing, and prefer Class A and A/B. I play jazz, electronica and rock mostly. My speakers are Tannoy XT8f FYI.

I ended up going with the Musical Fidelity M6s PRX. I'm super happy with it. Its super clean sounding and gets very loud. It may be too much power for my living room, but if I move - this amp will be able to power most room sizes and will power most speakers with ease. Bonus, the A/B switch is in the front not the back! hit me up if you have any specific questions.
Hey Galacticmayan, did you ever settle on an amp that allows both the XLR/RCA inputs? I am in a similar position with the same DAC and price range.  Would love to hear the results of your search.
I like the MF a lot and think it would be a good match with your Cary. The MF is naturally slightly forward and combined with the slightly warm nature of your Cary preamp, I think you would end up in a very Happy place.

Incidentally, a lot of dealers really hate MF because it was one of the first big brands to move on-line and they have nothing nice to say about it.  This may be influencing peoples POV on the brand as I had multiple dealers tell me how crappy it was prior to becoming a dealer myself.  

A bit pricier, I would look at the Rogue Hydra. It is a class D with a tube input stage. I own one of these and love it. You would probably want to roll in different tubes. Used, you can find these in the $2K range.

Second Parasound. The A21 or A21+ would be a good choice. They offer what you ask.
I have an RME ADI-2 DAC with both XLR and RCA outs. I have the RCA going through the Cary preamp and want to go direct to amp via XLR for when I want to do non-hifi/tube listening off my computer. I've gone direct into the power amp before and it sounds fine to me. Do you have any amp recommendations that fit my workflow? 
What DAC do you have? Even if it has a volume control it could easily sound far better run through your preamp with RCA connectors than direct to your amp with XLRs.
your Cary SLP-98P doesn't have balanced outputs so why do you need XLR inputs on the amp?...for your next pre after the Cary?
I would look at Parasound. Most of their amps have switchable inputs and they offer excellent performance for the money. 
The benefits of true balanced mean NONE of the internal circuits share a board, eliminating the potential for cross talk. Hence more costly ...
That’s mistaken. The main benefit of a true balanced (differential) circuit is its Common Mode Rejection Ratio, which means better S/N. There’s no reason at all that a balanced circuit can’t be built using a shared board.

I’m not aware that a differential amplifier offers any inherent advantage regarding crosstalk.
I never mentioned balanced inputs. I have 2 sources -one is XLR and the other RCA. What you’re saying is common knowledge around here and doesn’t really answer my question.
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Just because components have XLR I/Os does not mean they are true balanced designs. Very misleading I know, but there you are.

The benefits of true balanced mean NONE of the internal circuits share a board, eliminating the potential for cross talk. Hence more costly

That has NOTHING to do with the misconception that XLR is only for long interconnect runs. I hear the difference in 1m XLR cables, but that is because my system IS true balanced

Some true balanced designs go so far as to have separate power supplies.
