Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.
Perhaps someday a clever inventor will develop a direct drop-in fuse protector with a built in breaker switch instead of a fuse. Using only audiophile approved wiring and metals (of course). It would only require 2 wires with an attached suitably sized breaker.
Heck, I may even pursue the idea...

As this fuse thread is not yet closed because of « you know who », I’d like to continue to learn from the new prototype fuse, Oregonpapa is testing. 
I wouldn't recommend bypassing a fuse if the manufacturer has one in line.
You do what you think is best, though.
Fine by me……
Post removed 

Ignore him. The guy's got something wrong with him. Just continue to report his posts and maybe sooner or later he'll get the boot.

I wouldn't recommend bypassing a fuse if the manufacturer has one in line. 
You do what you think is best, though.
Post removed 
George, please invest in a good pair of reading glasses before releasing your next vitriolic assault.

Your outright hostility prevents you from engaging in any intelligent discourse. Please stop polluting this site George.
Having owned many unfused speakers I am totally unconvinced by their necessity in the signal chain.

Are you serious!! where have you been, this statement proves you have absolutely no idea.

99.9% of good passive speakers are not fused for a reason, it has the same bad effects as putting fuses on an amps dc rail lines or it’s output terminal.🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
If you are an experienced audiophile with an intimate knowledge of your equipment‘s driving ability and volume capabilities. I would endorse the replacement of speaker fuses by a direct bypass rather than an audiophile fuse. Having owned many unfused speakers I am totally unconvinced of their necessity in the signal chain.

Never had a bypassed speaker fail. Just a whole lot better sound.
But I can tell your Maggies will sound a touch better with just a piece of copper wire soldered lightly outside of the fuse clamps and no fuses. This makes them vulnerable to an amp blowing and going dc, as you know having electronic knowledge background, but no more so than any other speaker would have no dc protection either.
George, for once I actually agree with you. Bypassing speaker fuses can have clearly audible benefits. However manufacturer‘s warranties go out the window, and you are taking a gamble, especially if your amp is underpowered or remotely unstable.

I took the gamble and it was well worthwhile to me.
Post removed 
Leave it to oh so brave georgie to pick on a member who's been gone for over a year. Classless. 
I rarely post anything here. I did so this time because I had direct experience on the topic and reported it in a factual and non judgmental fashion. My reward was to be called a lier by one member and told I was in the wrong hobby by another ( I have been in this hobby for 49 years ). I am and always have been in this hobby for the enjoyment of music. I once got into a discussion with Geof Kait on the directionality of fuses and realized

You/we are lucky GK has disappeared (or been banned) he was a real comic piece of work but fitted in well in these types of threads, and his website is really out there https://www.machinadynamica.com/machina5.htm best one is the pebbles.

As for your Maggies I had quite a bit to do with them owning the big Tympanies also, before going on to big ESL’s.

cerberus79A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member. To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses. I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference. I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference.

As you stated no difference in sound whether 10cent Bussman fuses were in or $150 SR Orange were in, to yourself or when the guys were around to do the A/B with.

Has the purpose of a fuse been lost ? How it is designed to work ? By design there is no directionality in a fuse. it is simply designed to open in an overcurrent situation. If it was directional in relation to the current passing through it would be a diode

Same thing I say to them, if it’s directional then it’s trying to be a diode, and that NOT good in either direction!

But I can tell your Maggies will sound a touch better with just a piece of copper wire soldered lightly outside of the fuse clamps and no fuses. This makes them vulnerable to an amp blowing and going dc, as you know having electronic knowledge background, but no more so than any other speaker would have no dc protection either.

You could try one of these if you want to retain the protection soldered to the fuse clamps.

Cheers George
100 hrs on the Yellows.

Still not sounding right. Can’t pinpoint it but my system definitely sounding different in a bad way. 
Any one else can share there Yellow burn in experience? 
What say Raven audio about the fuse protecting just the house ?

Heavy knows better but fails to correct Albert… “ tube protection “ indeed.

A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member.
To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses. I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference.
I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference. Kind of just says it all doesn't it?

To those non technical thinking of purchasing these $$$ fuses. Just save your $150+ and do this instead.

A fuse:
1: two end caps
2: short piece of fuse wire connecting the two end caps through a glass tube (that’s all she wrote).

To those "non technical" members that are interested in "maybe" wasting their money, do not listen to the non-technical, listen to the technicians of this industry that design the audio products you have and listen to. AND YOU WON"T SEE THEM ON THREADS LIKE THIS AGREEING WITH WHAT SAID HERE ABOUT THE SOUND IMPROVMENT DETAILS AND AC FUSE PLACEMENT DIRECTION, EVER!!!
Just clean and tighten your fuse holder and re-new your fuse (if old) with a good quality 50cent Bussman, Littlefuse or similar.As with "many switch-on surges" they do deteriorate, bend, stretch and get crusty with electrolysis formations on their fusible wire elements before they give out, as these pics show of a fuse wire element ageing over time show. https://ibb.co/9NbTwqK (even the $$$ boutique ones will age just as much also)

Cheers George

Insanity: doing (posting) the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. 

Nah! just a real dislike for "snake oil" and voodoo here praying on the gullible

I rarely post anything here. I did so this time because I had direct experience on the topic and reported it in a factual and non judgmental fashion. My reward was to be called a lier by one member and told I was in the wrong hobby by another ( I have been in this hobby for 49 years ). I am and always have been in this hobby for the enjoyment of music. I once got into a discussion with Geof Kait on the directionality of fuses and realized

You/we are lucky GK has disappeared (or been banned) he was a real comic piece of work but fitted in well in these types of threads, and his website is really out there https://www.machinadynamica.com/machina5.htm best one is the pebbles.

As for your Maggies I had quite a bit to do with them owning the big Tympanies also, before going on to big ESL’s.

cerberus79A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member. To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses. I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference. I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference.

As you stated no difference in sound whether 10cent Bussman fuses were in or $150 SR Orange were in, to yourself or when the guys were around to do the A/B with.

Has the purpose of a fuse been lost ? How it is designed to work ? By design there is no directionality in a fuse. it is simply designed to open in an overcurrent situation. If it was directional in relation to the current passing through it would be a diode

Same thing I say to them, if it’s directional then it’s trying to be a diode, and that NOT good in either direction!

But I can tell your Maggies will sound a touch better with just a piece of copper wire soldered lightly outside of the fuse clamps and no fuses. This makes them vulnerable to an amp blowing and going dc, as you know having electronic knowledge background, but no more so than any other speaker would have no dc protection either.

You could try one of these if you want to retain the protection soldered to the fuse clamps.

Cheers George

Insanity: doing (posting) the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. 

Nah! just a real dislike for "snake oil" and voodoo aimed at the gulible to rip them off.

Post removed 
Post removed 
Thanks for the reminder, here ya go.

A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member.
To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses. I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference.
I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference. Kind of just says it all doesn't it?

To those non technical thinking of purchasing these $$$ fuses. Just save your $150+ and do this instead.

A fuse:
1: two end caps
2: short piece of fuse wire connecting the two end caps through a glass tube (that’s all she wrote).

To those "non technical" members that are interested in "maybe" wasting their money, do not listen to the non-technical, listen to the technicians of this industry that design the audio products you have and listen to. AND YOU WON"T SEE THEM ON THREADS LIKE THIS AGREEING WITH WHAT SAID HERE ABOUT THE SOUND IMPROVMENT DETAILS AND AC FUSE PLACEMENT DIRECTION, EVER!!!
Just clean and tighten your fuse holder and re-new your fuse (if old) with a good quality 50cent Bussman, Littlefuse or similar.As with "many switch-on surges" they do deteriorate, bend, stretch and get crusty with electrolysis formations on their fusible wire elements before they give out, as these pics show of a fuse wire element ageing over time show. https://ibb.co/9NbTwqK (even the $$$ boutique ones will age just as much also)

Cheers George

how many cut and paste moderator deletes on this thread to date George? I have lost count. Your egocentric mania has escalated and is currently out of control.

Insanity: doing (posting) the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

Nah! just a real dislike for "snake oil" voodoo that's a scourge in audio aimed at the gullible.  

"Just a real dislike for "snake oil" voodoo that’s a scourge in audio aimed at the gullible."

I believe that nothing is hurting this business more those extremely cynical people that continually seek to exploit the gullible or the inexperienced.

Theirs is always a short term tactic that will inevitably leave the customer with a bad taste in their mouth and a permanent mistrust of those who use clever rhetoric to suggest such blatantly dubious products.

Yes, sometimes there is a return policy, but it is hardly ever quibble free.

Besides, who wants the extra hassle after having their falsely inflated hopes so unceremoniously dashed?

Why not instead have some self respect, and let your conscience help you to refrain from such behaviour?

Just a real dislike for "snake oil" voodoo that's a scourge in audio aimed at the gullible.  
Insanity: doing (posting) the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

Either that, or,
Sadism: taking pleasure inflicting pain and discomfort on others.

Both are a form of mental instability.

All the best,
A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member.
To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses. I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference.
I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference. Kind of just says it all doesn't it?

To those non technical thinking of purchasing these $$$ fuses. Just save your $150+ and do this instead.

A fuse:
1: two end caps
2: short piece of fuse wire connecting the two end caps through a glass tube (that’s all she wrote).

To those "non technical" members that are interested in "maybe" wasting their money, do not listen to the non-technical, listen to the technicians of this industry that design the audio products you have and listen to. AND YOU WON"T SEE THEM ON THREADS LIKE THIS AGREEING WITH WHAT SAID HERE ABOUT THE SOUND IMPROVMENT DETAILS AND AC FUSE PLACEMENT DIRECTION, EVER!!!
Just clean and tighten your fuse holder and re-new your fuse (if old) with a good quality 50cent Bussman, Littlefuse or similar.As with "many switch-on surges" they do deteriorate, bend, stretch and get crusty with electrolysis formations on their fusible wire elements before they give out, as these pics show of a fuse wire element ageing over time show. https://ibb.co/9NbTwqK (even the $$$ boutique ones will age just as much also)

Cheers George
I’ve also spent the last few days experimenting with a set of 6 stones (2 of each color.) I put 3 each directly on top of the Quicksilver and Rogue transformers, respectively. Can’t compare the improved sound to any fuses because I’m still getting around to that. But the relaxed detail, expanded soundstage, etc. reminds me of the improvement I first heard with the SR HFT devices. So from a cost comparison standpoint, these 6 stones at 258.00 compare very favorably with a standard HFT 5 pack at 299.00. I also have a light violet fuse coming in shortly...looking forward to that one. Expectation bias is sky high so it better be good!
The stones are the real deal. Like millercarbon, I put all six (2 of each color) in one place, on top of my power conditioner. I could experiment, but I am very happy with them there. I figure all my components are benefiting that way.

I recently upgraded my pre to a Django Mini passive TVC. That, along with the stones and QSA blue fuses, has brought my system to new heights. I am one happy camper!😃

Shostakovich is one of my favorite classical composers. Listening to his 4th symphony, with Eugene Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra, yesterday, was a real treat.
^^^ ... Carp, don't bother.

Pity the man. What we are observing here is the manifestation of psychosis due to living in what is now a police state. 

I understand where you're coming from in your belief on fuses.
But, will you explain to me how it is a waste of money to try one when there is a full money back guarantee?
A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member.
To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses. I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference.
I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference. Kind of just says it all doesn't it?

To those non technical thinking of purchasing these $$$ fuses. Just save your $150+ and do this instead.

A fuse:
1: two end caps
2: short piece of fuse wire connecting the two end caps through a glass tube (that’s all she wrote).

To those "non technical" members that are interested in "maybe" wasting their money, do not listen to the non-technical, listen to the technicians of this industry that design the audio products you have and listen to. AND YOU WON"T SEE THEM ON THREADS LIKE THIS AGREEING WITH WHAT SAID HERE ABOUT THE SOUND IMPROVMENT DETAILS AND AC FUSE PLACEMENT DIRECTION, EVER!!!
Just clean and tighten your fuse holder and re-new your fuse (if old) with a good quality 50cent Bussman, Littlefuse or similar.As with "many switch-on surges" they do deteriorate, bend, stretch and get crusty with electrolysis formations on their fusible wire elements before they give out, as these pics show of a fuse wire element ageing over time show. https://ibb.co/9NbTwqK (even the $$$ boutique ones will age just as much also)

Cheers George
A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member.
To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses. I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference.
I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference. Kind of just says it all doesn't it?

To those non technical thinking of purchasing these $$$ fuses. Just save your $150+ and do this instead.

A fuse:
1: two end caps
2: short piece of fuse wire connecting the two end caps through a glass tube (that’s all she wrote).

To those "non technical" members that are interested in "maybe" wasting their money, do not listen to the non-technical, listen to the technicians of this industry that design the audio products you have and listen to. AND YOU WON"T SEE THEM ON THREADS LIKE THIS AGREEING WITH WHAT SAID HERE ABOUT THE SOUND IMPROVMENT DETAILS AND AC FUSE PLACEMENT DIRECTION, EVER!!!
Just clean and tighten your fuse holder and re-new your fuse (if old) with a good quality 50cent Bussman, Littlefuse or similar.As with "many switch-on surges" they do deteriorate, bend, stretch and get crusty with electrolysis formations on their fusible wire elements before they give out, as these pics show of a fuse wire element ageing over time show. https://ibb.co/9NbTwqK (even the $$$ boutique ones will age just as much also)

Cheers George
Will Lenn,

The Antipodes takes two fuses. Going from Yellow ( Mickey Mouse ) to the Red  
(Superman) was huge. Your Lamp needs Red!
You guys need Red! Yo, 🗣RED!

The vail is lifted and you get more 🎵🎼🎶. Tonality is spot on. Realism and staging is upgraded. Worth the $$$.

Unload your Yellow, Blue and Purple. Walmart fuses 🥸 Red is the color you need, want and must have.

Red in the AddPowr X4 and Antipodes EX. 4 more to go that goes inside the amps of my Manger S1 active speakers.

Walmart fuses 😎😂🙈🙊🙉

Go pitch quarters in the locker room or get a monkey and tin cup and stand on the highway and beg and sing for the $$$.  Search your couch and chairs for cash or borrow the blinking $$$.
Go Red.

Ask Mike to demo a Red. He’s a reasonable guy. Lay down your CC # and demo the Red. You won’t return it 💯
A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member. To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses.
I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference.
I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference. Kind of just says it all doesn't it?

To those non technical thinking of purchasing this fuse "snake oil" Just save your $150+ and do this instead.

A fuse:1: two end caps2: short piece of fuse wire connecting the two end caps through a glass tube (that’s all).
To those "non technical" members that are interested, do not listen to fusers, listen to the techs of this industry that design the audio products you have and use.


Just clean and tighten your fuse holder and re-new your fuse (if old) with a good quality 50cent Bussman, Littlefuse or similar.
As with "many switch-on surges" they do deteriorate, bend, stretch and get crusty with electrolysis formations on their fusible wire elements before they give out.
As these pics of a fuse wire element ageing over time show. https://ibb.co/9NbTwqK
(even) the $$$ boutique ones will age just as much also)

Cheers George
A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member.
To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses. I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference.
I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference. Kind of just says it all doesn't it?

To those non technical thinking of purchasing these $$$ fuses. Just save your $150+ and do this instead.

A fuse:
1: two end caps
2: short piece of fuse wire connecting the two end caps through a glass tube (that’s all she wrote).

To those "non technical" members that are interested in "maybe" wasting their money, do not listen to the non-technical, listen to the technicians of this industry that design the audio products you have and listen to. AND YOU WON"T SEE THEM ON THREADS LIKE THIS AGREEING WITH WHAT SAID HERE ABOUT THE SOUND IMPROVMENT DETAILS AND AC FUSE PLACEMENT DIRECTION, EVER!!!
Just clean and tighten your fuse holder and re-new your fuse (if old) with a good quality 50cent Bussman, Littlefuse or similar.As with "many switch-on surges" they do deteriorate, bend, stretch and get crusty with electrolysis formations on their fusible wire elements before they give out, as these pics show of a fuse wire element ageing over time show. https://ibb.co/9NbTwqK (even the $$$ boutique ones will age just as much also)

Cheers George
Show me on the doll where the bad fuse touched you.

Your answer is here
A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member.
To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses. I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference.
I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference. Kind of just says it all doesn't it?

To those non technical thinking of purchasing these $$$ fuses. Just save your $150+ and do this instead.

A fuse:
1: two end caps
2: short piece of fuse wire connecting the two end caps through a glass tube (that’s all she wrote).

To those "non technical" members that are interested in "maybe" wasting their money, do not listen to the non-technical, listen to the technicians of this industry that design the audio products you have and listen to. AND YOU WON"T SEE THEM ON THREADS LIKE THIS AGREEING WITH WHAT SAID HERE ABOUT THE SOUND IMPROVMENT DETAILS AND AC FUSE PLACEMENT DIRECTION, EVER!!!
Just clean and tighten your fuse holder and re-new your fuse (if old) with a good quality 50cent Bussman, Littlefuse or similar.As with "many switch-on surges" they do deteriorate, bend, stretch and get crusty with electrolysis formations on their fusible wire elements before they give out, as these pics show of a fuse wire element ageing over time show. https://ibb.co/9NbTwqK (even the $$$ boutique ones will age just as much also)

Cheers George
So I tried the Stones last night. Two each Red, Blue, and Clear. They sound pretty much as described on the site. Except they don't just work in those areas alone. In other words the Red isn't just for lower range. They all work across the whole band. It is sort of like they are all doing the same thing but with a slightly different flavor or balance.   

It was only one night so not a huge amount of time to try them everywhere. I like to start small and places it shouldn't work, so put the first one on the Sovereign motor pod. Wasn't expecting much, didn't get much. Oh well it is only one and a motor after all.  

Moved it to the Raven, on top of the center cover which is where the power transformer should be inside there somewhere. Okay this definitely is a little better. Not a lot but realize this is one Stone, two per package, so $43 for the one, I guess maybe it is $43 worth of improvement.   

Gradually adding them one at a time until all 6 are in a row on the cover. I like the Red the least so put them on the outside, Blue closer to the middle, Clear between Blue and Red. 

Each one alone is okay but kind of missing here and there. All 3 types combined together is magic! I was having my most enjoyable listening experience, ever! 

The combination of all 3 Stones together is smoother, deeper and more natural than compared to say the one Blue QSA fuse. Which I guess is about right since 3 sets of Stones costs a lot more than the fuse. If the budget was $80 I would say get the fuse. No doubt. When the budget gets more up around the price of three sets, this is about the price of a Yellow fuse and I haven't got my Yellow yet so can't say. But the fuse can be used one place only so Stones might be the way to go for someone who likes to move stuff around and experiment more.
Two Reds in my Antipodes CX 

Huge upgrade from two yellow fuses.

Forget all other colors, go Red 🥸
Just upgraded from 2 Blues to 2 Yellows in the phono and poweramp. My premap already had a yellow fuse in there.

With just under 12 hrs on burn time, the system is sounding pretty crap. Quite bright/Thin and the music sounds quite constrained. Doesnt have any body to the sound. And yes the fuses are installed in the correct direction.

Also with the new Yellows soundstage is very small and the music plane is very flat with little depth

When i initially got the Blues in my system it was an instant no brainer with instant improvements all round. This was coming from factory fuses. The Blues then continue to improve over a 4 week period.

I hope the yellows will improve over the next few days.
A few months ago I purchased a used pair of speakers from another Agon member.
To my surprise all the fuses were Orange fuses. I listened to them and then to satisfy my curiosity I replaced them with ordinary buss fuses and could not hear a difference.
I did this test with a bunch of friends and neither I or them could hear a difference. Kind of just says it all doesn't it?

To those non technical thinking of purchasing these $$$ fuses. Just save your $150+ and do this instead.

A fuse:
1: two end caps
2: short piece of fuse wire connecting the two end caps through a glass tube (that’s all she wrote).

To those "non technical" members that are interested in "maybe" wasting their money, do not listen to the non-technical, listen to the technicians of this industry that design the audio products you have and listen to. AND YOU WON"T SEE THEM ON THREADS LIKE THIS AGREEING WITH WHAT SAID HERE ABOUT THE SOUND IMPROVMENT DETAILS AND AC FUSE PLACEMENT DIRECTION, EVER!!!
Just clean and tighten your fuse holder and re-new your fuse (if old) with a good quality 50cent Bussman, Littlefuse or similar.As with "many switch-on surges" they do deteriorate, bend, stretch and get crusty with electrolysis formations on their fusible wire elements before they give out, as these pics show of a fuse wire element ageing over time show. https://ibb.co/9NbTwqK (even the $$$ boutique ones will age just as much also)

Cheers George
Post removed