Professional Turntable Set Up in Kentucky?

Does anyone know of a professional set up person in driving distance of the Lexington KY area? Spoke with Brian Walsh not long ago but he's not going to be in this region anytime soon.  
Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
Since it appears a few people in Kentucky are asking for setups, it looks as though I will be driving to Atlanta, passing through Indiana, Tennessee, and Cincinnati along the way. Dates to be determined, estimated early December but possibly sooner.

Brian Walsh
Fascinating. For so long now I have been dreaming of driving around seeing the whole country, but never could figure out how to afford all that travel. Turns out all I had to do was quit telling people how anyone can set up a turntable. Its all fake by the way. Its now clear to me, I was totally kidding. Only the most highly experienced audiophiles with decades of experience are able to turn a screw, er I mean perform precision cartridge alignment. Not everyone can tell by a bubble level, er I mean professionally position and laser-sight precision level your rig, er I mean turntable.  

Okay maybe some kinks to work out, er I mean pretentious air of mystery to cultivate, but don't worry I - we! - will get there!
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Thank you for the information. Did a Google search for high end shops in Louisville and came up with nothing. Also, asked a couple of buddies who know a couple audiophiles in Louisville and they confirmed there are none.  
The only place I know that puts on carts is Magnetic Tape in downtown Louisville.  However, they usually shy away from doing modern-expensive carts.  They mainly handle vintage tables and lessor expensive carts.  We no longer have any brick and mortar shops in this area as you know.  

It might be worth a drive to Nashville.
I have some setups coming up around the end of this month in the Atlanta area. If a handful of people between here (Chicago) and there are interested I could be convinced to drive instead of fly. Contact me through my website for info.

Brian Walsh
I spoke with Brian several weeks ago.  He said he won't be in this region as originally thought unfortunately.    
Try contacting Brian over at 

He travels and maybe with a little luck he will be in your area.
 Another gentleman posted he'd be interested also so maybe he could do both of you.
I recently purchased a Manley Chinook SE MK 2. It is quite good in my opinion.  Before that I had Musical Fidelity MX VINYL.  At the $1000 price point it is fantastic but felt the need to upgrade once and for all.  I do agree play the best LPs possible.  It's amazing how many pressings out that do not sound very well at all.  But when you find a good one its audio heaven  :). 

Thank you Tablejockey for the kind words and advice. 

based on your profile, no standalone phonstage? I "get" wanting to hear your cart in its best light.

 I just make sure all adjustable parameters are checked and play the BEST LP's I can find. It works.

Good luck with your search for the cartridge setup wizard.
No problem Tablejockey.  Never took it in a condescending way.  Fine tuning our investments going down this vinyl rabbit hole seems like a decent idea to squeeze out the best performance and piece of mind.  Especially considering the reviews I'm reading after a pro dials everything in. Just my 2 cents 😂
It's just encouragement stereo5.
Less caffeine may help your high blood pressure.

samzx12 if you're just not into DIY for this particular procedure, then disregard. Many here just like myself sometimes use the extra nudge to....DIY. The problem with reading text is sometimes it's construed as condescending, judgmental or whatever as stereo5 demonstrates.

Its ok stereo5.  Seems to be the norm around here anymore lol.  ;)

mijostyn there are not any high end dealers near. Colin in Nashville reached out from Gestalt Audio.  
Samzx12, There must be a few dealers near you. You might try calling them to see if they can help you out.
Give the guy a break for Gods sakes!  I am also one of those guys who doesn’t trust himself to mount and align a new cartridge and I have been doing this for 50+ years.  The OP doesn’t need a lecture about doing it himself and who are you guys to tell him otherwise?  Just answer the question he asked. 
"I purchased a VPI Classic"

I have a  Classic. What's the roadblock to you setting it up? There isn't much other than basic steps. The jig gets the cart positioned, a scale for tracking force, eyeball the cart level and use your ears for final touch.

I use the AT ART9 on mine. Easy install once you do it. Take your time, be mindful and don't  let audio nervosa take hold. 
Guys, There are some people that are all thumbs and they know better than to start doing this stuff themselves. Some even have a tremor that prevents then from even trying. You spend $5K on a cartridge that can be broken is a heartbeat. Risking it is just not an option. 
dweller I can understand why they don't.  I was terrified at first but once I watched a friend help set up mine I thought hell fire I can do this. Actually it was fun but time consuming.  Watched a Michael Fremer video but I don't have his tools and expertise of course plus now there are software packages that really dial everything in. For a few hundred dollars why not get the most out of your system.  
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Let me know if you find anyone near Kentucky. I'm interested as well.

Fyi, I have a 7.3 (do you still have yours?) and recently upgraded to an AT Art9. Really amazing sounding cart even if it's not a perfect match for my arm.

I sold the 7.3  several weeks ago after I purchased a VPI Classic. The 7.3 is a very nice sounding table and I bet the Art 9 sounds very good? The 7.3 can take a much better cart than the 2M Bronze.  

Miller and Stingreen I have set the TT myself but wanted to make sure it was fine tuned.  Maybe I'm being anal however, read that an experienced set up person with software and all the right tools really makes a turntable perform its best. People swear by them who have had this done. 

In addition, once I unhooked the anti-skate mechanism it is sounding much better. 
Hi @samzx12, (and @bajaed ) I’m in Nashville and we may be able to work something out. Feel free to message me.

Let me know if you find anyone near Kentucky. I'm interested as well.

Fyi, I have a 7.3 (do you still have yours?) and recently upgraded to an AT Art9. Really amazing sounding cart even if it's not a perfect match for my arm. 
I very much agree with should do it yourself....the only way to be sure it was done right.
Watch the Michael Fremer video on YouTube. DIY. Buy yourself a Hot Stamper with the money you saved. Then come back and tell everyone how nice it is knowing how to do this.