Professional Turntable Set Up in Kentucky?

Does anyone know of a professional set up person in driving distance of the Lexington KY area? Spoke with Brian Walsh not long ago but he's not going to be in this region anytime soon.  
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Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

Fascinating. For so long now I have been dreaming of driving around seeing the whole country, but never could figure out how to afford all that travel. Turns out all I had to do was quit telling people how anyone can set up a turntable. Its all fake by the way. Its now clear to me, I was totally kidding. Only the most highly experienced audiophiles with decades of experience are able to turn a screw, er I mean perform precision cartridge alignment. Not everyone can tell by a bubble level, er I mean professionally position and laser-sight precision level your rig, er I mean turntable.  

Okay maybe some kinks to work out, er I mean pretentious air of mystery to cultivate, but don't worry I - we! - will get there!
Watch the Michael Fremer video on YouTube. DIY. Buy yourself a Hot Stamper with the money you saved. Then come back and tell everyone how nice it is knowing how to do this.