
Responses from morningstaraudio

The Most Philosophical Song You Ever Heard
Highlands, off the Time Out Of Mind LP- Bob Dylan 
Best music in 2021
I just ordered 2 copies of this in LP form yesterday, I'll give one away as a Christmas present.mahughes & nonoise great recommendation. 
Tracy Chapman - Similar artists & their albums
If you haven't heard of Eva Cassidy I'd recommend her.SongbirdLive At Blues Alley 
Maggot Brain by Funkadelic 
Time to upgrade my turntable?
Fern & Roby  Montrose turntable 
What is the actual percentage of people exclusively listening to vinyl vs digital?
Best Bang for your Buck DAC ?
Find out how long before Soekris Dac's are in stock 
R to r dacs
With your budget I'd go with Soekris 2541 Dac 
$5k-$6K DACs w Roon?
Soekris 2541 Dac. 
New silversmith fidelium cable
jmbumgarner01,     Any problems hooking up to your Pass X250.8?Thanks, Bill 
Funny how streaming/digital still chases that analog benchmark.
A example of $15 a month put to good use.Someone recommended this album, Dominique Fils Aime', her "Three Little Words" album. I used Qobuz to give it a listen, enjoyed what I heard , so then purchased the album off of Amazon as a preorder due in ... 
Phono amplification bang for the buck
You can't go wrong with a Pass Labs XP-17 Phono preamp. 
Less-Loss anyone?
I use the Less-Loss C-Marc speaker cables and have two of their C-Mark Power cables in my system. Very revealing while also super low noise floor. Very happy with the way my system sounds. 
Audio Lessons Learned - post your best advice for the newer members!
Always be of sober mind when working in back of your rack. Wait till tomorrow to fix it if you can when you are high minded 
Some DACs I am Considering-Any thoughts?
Wish you would update your profile so we can see what other components you use, just saying for a friend