Power cord supplied with Luxman L-509X Integrated Amp

The power cord looks really cheap for such a quality amp. A polarized 2 prong male end to plug into the wall and only 2 prongs on the amp. What can I replace this with and not be unsafe? Seems all aftermarket power cables have 3 prongs.

Go to my virtual system for pictures.
The sound of an electronic component starts with the power transformer, diode bridge and filter caps. NOT with the wire from the wall AC outlet! Fancy expensive power cords are just jewelry to impress the unenlightened! Let the stone throwing begin!
I'm with you JB52. Why would a manufacturer of high end audio components provide anyone with a power cord which would degrade the sound of their product? It makes no sense. Much like other crazy expensive accessories, I question their true value.
I found the power cord choice for my 509 to be very influential, and critical, to get the most out of it.  
I agree with everyone saying that power cables are hocus pocus, but then I changed my jug cord amp cable to one I made out of 60A wire for shits and giggles... and it sounded better. So now what do I do?
My guess is that dynamics and note transient attack are dependant on responsive current supply and maybe crappy cords are a bottleneck hindrance to that... I don't know. As for those claiming it improves the sound of source components, who knows.
You can have a qualified technician wire a normal iec cord in the slot to get better sound but i would use it as is until you mesh it with the rest of your system.
You have to buy a quality power cord to extract further from your 
audio system. The companies just give you a cable period .
pits up to you to decide which cable sounds good for you .
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Ryder ---- "I guess you are not in the US since the power cord as shown in the photo of your System page is a 2 prong instead of 3 prong."

I am in the US.   The amp came form an authorized US dealer.

Ryder------" It is unfortunate that the forum does not provide the facility or feature to post pictures or links to videos. Otherwise it will be useful and a whole lot of fun."  

I agree 100%
Luxman makes some pretty nice after-market PCs.  Check out the JPR-10000, 15000 etc.
You have a pretty standard 2 prong cord. That means the amp is internally grounded and a ground wire is not needed. Nothing wrong with that. 
Heres a chart for ID...


If your wall outlet accepts a 3 prong cord (2 flat/1 round) then a typical (here in the USA on newer gear, anyway) C14 cord will work.

The ground will not be connected @ the amp end as there is no 3rd/round prong.

The stock cord looks like a C18.

What to do.    
Start with the on board socket.   
 Is it a standard IEC?
It is unfortunate that the forum does not provide the facility or feature to post pictures or links to videos. Otherwise it will be useful and a whole lot of fun.
The Luxman will benefit from a high quality power cord. However, my experience is with power cords which are terminated in US plugs. I guess you are not in the US since the power cord as shown in the photo of your System page is a 2 prong instead of 3 prong. Since I do not have experience with 2 prong cords, I’m not sure if sound quality will be improved with a higher quality cord.

If I’m not mistaken, the connection of 2 prong cords is not exactly a tight fit and rather loose in comparison to 3 prong cords?

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The sound starts with your audio system’s home wiring, grounding, circuit, outlet and conditioning. You also forgot the fuse! 
The sound of an electronic component starts with the power transformer, diode bridge and filter caps. NOT with the wire from the wall AC outlet! Fancy expensive power cords are just jewelry to impress the unenlightened! Let the stone throwing begin!
Most eu equipment is double insulated and they rarely run a separate ground. Most equipment which is to be sold there would be two pronged.
A different cable may look nicer, but it is hard to not get the power into the gear with copper wires even if they are not pretty.