Phono preamp for a Denon 103R cartridge.

Hi all. After picking up a new cartridge, and moving the upstairs stereo to a different room, I began to think about where to take the next step with that system. I'm not going to digitize my vinyl. I am just going to savor it, without collecting too many more LPs. Theoretically. But I'd like to best the ProJect DS2 Phono Box USB, if possible. For under $1500, with lower being favored rather "stretching" for an $1800 item. I just don't think my collection or systems warrant such a leap.

The table is a Denon DP 3000NE. The preamp is a Pass X2.5, and I'll use the low gain setting. I'm mildly interested in a phono pre that has XLR output, but it's not crucial. I'm most interested in what might go well with this cartridge primarily.

This morning I'm leaning toward a JC3 Jr, and on other days I have wondered about a Hagerman, but six tubes will mean spending a bit more. A Sutherland. perhaps? Or something with front panel adjustments?


Thanks for your consideration.


Schiit Mani 2 for $160. Why pay more? Go read Michael Fremer's review on The Tracking Angle. He likes it alot.

BTW, I have a new DL103R on my  new Pioneer PLX1000 TT. It's an excellent affordable mc cartridge! I use a Bellari SUT into the RGR 4 preamp.

+1 @jasonbourne71 

I have an older Schiit Mani that I bought as a backup 5 years ago. I had to swap it in place of my expensive main phono preamp that was tubed and modified with all new caps , etc. I threw my Benz Micro Glider, 1.1mv, via my Vpi Scoutmaster into a 4k tubed preamp, a Krell KAV 250 amp and a pair of Dunlavy SC 3's and couldn't believe my ears. Okay, not a real high end unit in terms of resolution, total punch and separation. But, my goodness, for the price I sure could live with it if I had to. I have had other good Schiit gear and their stuff punches way above their price point. You can't go wrong. Good luck.

Michael Fremer is a tough read for me. He's detailed about his combinations and has reviewed a good amount of gear. The inexpensive gear falls short of the mark of the hyper expensive gear, but it's closer than we think, seems to be a consistent theme.

There are several reviews of the JC3 Jr, one by Fremer in 2018. Another JC3 Jr review likened phono preamps to tennis players. Each one slightly better than the last, until you get to Roger Federer. Correlating somewhat with price, was my impression.

Fremer also reviewed my current ProJect model in 2019. Didn't dislike it actively, and used it to offer playable demo files of the DL103R as stock and with an aluminum cover.

I've ordered from Schiit in the past. The Skoll looks very interesting because of the adjustability. On the other hand, I've had to take advantage of their warranty with some of their pieces. I'm not sure that's the road I want to travel again.

You're right, it is an excellent affordable mc cartridge. I'm just curious what phono preamps folks here might have tried with it. Thanks for sharing your DL103R setup.

I have a Sutherland TZ Vibe that I use with a Hana ML moving coil cartridge and it's excellent.  I haven't heard it with your cartridge.  Ron Sutherland is a very nice man if you wanted to visit with him. He has a good return policy if you wanted to try one. Google it and you should find a number of favorable comments. 

I recommend you look at the Lounge Audio LCR series of phono preamplifiers.  There are three models, ranging in price from $420 (LCR III) basic model, to $610 (Silver), to $870 (Gold).  I am not familiar with your cartridge, but if it is a MC you will need a step-up transformer, which Lounge Audio has for $440 (standard model) or $595 (Silver Wire model).  I purchased the Gold model to use with my Thorens TD 126 MKII turntable and Audio-Technica MM cartridge, and I was simply stunned by the quality of reproduction, so much so that I am beginning to look at purchasing more vinyl discs.  TheLounge phono preamplifier does a wonderful job of reproducing music that sounds so much more .... .... "organic and alive" than many of my digital recordings.  Finally, they are hand-made right here in the US, in the Los Angeles area; I talked several times with Robert Morin, the founder of Lounge Audio and the man who, along with family members, crafts each unit.  Is it "the best thing out there?"  Probably not, but at the price it yields a superb performance.


I have used 103Rs (4 in all) for many years.

During that time I also upgraded to my Phono Preamp to a Zesto Andros 1.2.  It is a very flexible Pre (lots of Ohm settings, even separate L/R grounds) and sounded great with the 103Rs.  

It uses 4 12Ax7 tubes (2 per channel and inexpensive to replace) and to my ear, it out performs SS options. 

Because it is an older model, second-hand units are quite inexpensive on AG and elsewhere.

Lastly, the Owner/Designer, George, still answers the phone himself (I called him to chat about tube rolling).

Good luck,

P.S. I am an end-user and not affiliated with the audio industry

I got a good deal on a Sutherland KC Vibe, and I was blown away at the sound quality I heard for under $700.  I can say the same for the Schiit Mani 2.  I gave my son a Rega P3 I wasn't using to see if they would get into vinyl, and needed an inexpensive phono amp.  I bought the Mani based on my prior experience with Schiit Audio products. Incredible performance for the price.


There's no need to take out a second mortgage to achieve quality sound.  I just laugh when I see people on here debating on gear that cost as much as my pick up truck, bass boat and trailer.  Believe me, the truck, boat, and trailer will get used a lot more and will have much greater resell value.  I love my music and my 60+ year vinyl collection -- but my vintage system sounds fine.