Phono Amp for new Rega Planar 10 with Apheta 3

I am looking for a phono stage that let my Rega Planar 10 with Apheta 3 discover its full potential. What are your thoughts driven by experience? I tried new Chord Huey ($1495) but I have a feeling its an underperformer considering Rega's $7k price tag. Similar situation with Rega Aria - will it be enough? Any Aria users out there? 
The Rega's top of the line Aura is severely overpriced in US and honestly I am not sure I fully justify spending that much on a phono stage.
Any recommendations greatly appreciated! 
Since I made this post I made some major upgrades. I am currently using SME 12A deck with SME V arm,  Hana Umami Red cartridge and Simaudio 810LP phono stage in fully balanced combination.
All cables are Cardas Clear Beyond. 
I`m about 8 albums in on a Rega P10/Apheta 3 combo using a Herron VTPH-1 MC plus phono stage, the predecessor to the VTPH2`s
It`s sounding very nice running wide open. 
Nice left to right imaging, nice depth too, I could go on...but imo a Herron would be a nice choice.
Don`t see how you could go wrong with a Herron.
Go audition phono sections and buy what you like, not what a bunch of opinionated wannabe equipment reviewers recommend.

Most are here to validate what they purchased and justify the money they spent.

Let your ears be the judge, take some suggestions and seek out what works for you not what has worked for others.
I have the P10/Aph3 now with Cyrus Phono Signature and the PSXR2. Sounds great in my ears (I tested the Aria but didn’t like it at all, best for the P6)! 
The upgrade to PSXR2 was really a major step, so if you like the PhSig-sound, get the power supply as well! No regrets…Put then the Isotek Premiere (or Elite if you got the cash) power cables in and your even happier!
I also got intrigued by the Cyrus Phono Signature - any users here??? What HiFi uses it as cost no object reference phono...I particularly like small foot print, decent gain and separate power supply available as an option. 
I have been truly intrigued by the Herron phono stage and emailed Keith yesterday with some questions. I need to know his return policy as I would be buying phono stage completely blind (deaf, I should say) without a chance of hearing it. 

Do you guys think running longer single-ended connection (15') between the Herron and my amp, will not cause any issues?
As far as I know the Keith's phono is not balanced so I am a little nervous about possibility of noise being picked up by a longer cables.
Arthur I have the Sutherland 20/20 it’s excellent phono preamp, I would think the Dou is even better, I also own Icon ps3 phono pre, It’s excellent too , the ps3 is on my main system..,
So I am back to the game - P10 with Apheta 3 is arriving Tuesday and I need the phono that will fully show the deck and cart potential. Perhaps Aura or Luxman EQ500? What about Sutherland Duo or Little Loco?
Don't own the Planar10, however I believe MyMat would work great for you.
Also anyone with the new Planar 10 have an opinion replacing the felt mat??
I am perplexed with all the choices. I had good (I think) experience with the old ringmat but...
Hello all,
I just started using my new Planar 10 with the Aphelion cart. 
I have about 25-30 hrs. on it and LOVE it. It replaced a "supermodded" P-9 with ET air bearing arm that is currently 'kaput' due to clear audio cart broken and sitting on a shelf at Soundsmith (maybe someday he will fix it ???)   
Anyway I am using a Benz Lukaschek PP1 latest version with an expensive hot rodded power supply. So far so good, sounds great. 
If I make any change I think I would opt for the Rega Aura which should match up real well with the Aphelion. 
Does anyone have opinion on the Accuphase phono stand alone phono stages?? my dealer is offering a good deal on a C-27.. should offer a little more gain than the Lukaschek. 
"The problem is that I do not want to spend $20k just for my analog front experience to justify it as better"

Your assessment is neither right or wrong. What sounds "better" is up to your ears.

Subjective, like everything audio.

The P10/Apheta setup is a a great combo.
Put through appropriate level downstream gear, some  ears will find it superior to a digital rig. Others will think....meh.

I'll take your table setup with some great pre 1980 records anyday. If you're just playing those new 180 gram reissue "CD's", no surprise your digital setup gets your attention. Naturally, it's a YMMV thing.

I like the ultra/uber digital systems. Perfect sound, convenient. Music at your fingertips.

For me, the unexplained emotional reaction I get playing a near perfect, 1969 Led Zeppelin or a 1958 Ella Fitzgerald just isn't the same when selected from an Ipad.

Your listing for the gear is a great price. Perfect time for someone to acquire a nice piece of equipment, that otherwise may be out of reach$.


when I started it, I intended to further pursue the analog....Audiogon changed the way you edit your posts so I cannot delete it. Hence the discussion...
@mofimadness - all is good :-)

Sad, but it happens all the time
Too true - but then there are the people that return to vinyl after many years and the new adoptees from the younger generation.

So all is not lost :-)

@arturgorniak - I’m not an agressive proponent of vinyl and have spent many years fine tuning the various aspects of both the digital sides and more recently the analogue sides of my system.

For me, the real eye opener for both sides was
the introduction of some excellent cables.

I found the cables actually made a significant contribution to the effectiveness of the various components on both sides - to the point where I am unable to tell the difference between them anymore.

However - I do tend to agree somewhat with your statement regarding
it is very difficult for analog to match or outperform digital without spending major $$$$$.
In my case the analogue rig has cost approximately 3 times the amount I spent on the digital rig.

The other factor that works against vinyl is the quality of the actual pressing, as it seems there is no sure fire way of guaranteeing a great product. e.g. Scratches, debris in the grooves, poor cutting techniques etc... Then there is the maintenance aspect of vinyl, which is time consuming.

Whereas with digital, you can ensure that each track is "digitally complete" before playing.

But there is still "something" about vinyl that people are unable to quantify.

That "something" seems to be responsible for the resurgence of vinyl after many years of digital production.

And with todays entry level turntables, cartridges and phono stages it makes vinyl affordable to those wishing to dip their toes into the "analogue pool" if only to appear "COOL".

For me, the vinyl recordings I have (even the older albums) convey a sense of realism. In that they transport me into the venue, regardless of it being a either a live recording or a well engineered studio recording.

I do have a few digital albums that also meets that benchmark, but alas, they are few and far between. But I believe that will be rectified over time.

But - I have to wonder why you initiated this thread to begin with, when you now seemed resigned to abandon further analogue pursuits?

Just curious :-)

Regards - Steve

At least you know what you want/don’t-want now.  I’m a vinyl addict and feel exactly the same toward digital.  

Thank you all for good recommendation. Owned several high end turntables with expensive cartridges and some quite good phono stages. The conclusion I have reached is that if you have so-so system, average record player will make you very happy. On the other hand if the rest of your system is top-notch (including high end digital source), it is very difficult for analog to match or outperform digital without spending major $$$$$.

I tried several phono stages in $2-3k category and they all sound so so….the game changes once high-end phono is used. The problem is that I do not want to spend $20k just for my analog front experience to justify it as better than my digital front.

Sorry, I didn't mean anything against your post.  I just happened to post mine after you posted yours.
Welllll - he did say -
"At least for now!"

Oh well - my post might be of help other readers.

Nothing on this forum is ever a waste of time - except the obvious :-)
There are some great products listed here - so I’ll just add another to the pot...

Take a look at Simaudio MOON phono stages

I have an older LP5.3 RS and have not even bothered to look for anything else.

But I did originally try an LFD phono stage, which was a disappointing match to my system/cartridge. Fortunately the store owner is a friend, so we just swapped to the LP 5.3

It is basically identical to the current LP310 model, which can be improved with the purchase of a separate power supply.

It is also very configurable to almost any cartridge out there except the very low output models.

I chose to use a very good power cable in place of the power supply and it works extremely well.

There are higher priced model in their lineup if you feel you need it

My phono stage is extremely quiet - even if you turn it to full volume - i.e. without playing of course.

But also take a look at Bryston - another great Canadian product with an excellent 20 year warranty

Hope that helps - Steve

Full potential will be with the Aura- it was designed for the purpose.
Imo, one of ( if not the most ) important component in LP playback is the phono stage . Matching the phono pre to your cartridge and having a quality interconnect to your preamp is the key to maximizing your sound quality. Rega has produced the perfect partner to your cartridge and turntable- I would not underestimate what their R&D has brought to fruition...
At least give it a listen....
I have the Rega rp-10 and Apheta 2 with the Herron for a year.  The combination is rock solid.  So glad I didn’t cheap out and settle for less. Still grinning after 300 plays.  Ask for a discount.  
I have no experience with neither phono stages - PH10 and VTPH2A. I did some reading about the Heron phono and could not really find a negative review. 
($3.7k sounds pretty steep thou. Knowing that the dealer mark up is usually 40%...I could consider one let's say 20%.....)

How about Manley Chinook? or Chord Symphonic? Does anybody have any experience with those? 

If you can't afford the Herron, the Gold Note PH-10 or the Parasound JC3 Junior are excellent.  I opted for the Junior over the PH-10, having owned both.
If you can swing it its worth the stretch to around $3k or so, because that will get you into the Herron VTPH2A which is right up there among the very best yet cheaper and more reliable than any of them.

+1 on this recommendation. I have the Apheta 3 paired with the VTPH2A using the 'infinite load' and I think it sounds fantastic.
If you can swing it its worth the stretch to around $3k or so, because that will get you into the Herron VTPH2A which is right up there among the very best yet cheaper and more reliable than any of them.