Phono Amp for new Rega Planar 10 with Apheta 3

I am looking for a phono stage that let my Rega Planar 10 with Apheta 3 discover its full potential. What are your thoughts driven by experience? I tried new Chord Huey ($1495) but I have a feeling its an underperformer considering Rega's $7k price tag. Similar situation with Rega Aria - will it be enough? Any Aria users out there? 
The Rega's top of the line Aura is severely overpriced in US and honestly I am not sure I fully justify spending that much on a phono stage.
Any recommendations greatly appreciated! 

Showing 1 response by tablejockey

"The problem is that I do not want to spend $20k just for my analog front experience to justify it as better"

Your assessment is neither right or wrong. What sounds "better" is up to your ears.

Subjective, like everything audio.

The P10/Apheta setup is a a great combo.
Put through appropriate level downstream gear, some  ears will find it superior to a digital rig. Others will think....meh.

I'll take your table setup with some great pre 1980 records anyday. If you're just playing those new 180 gram reissue "CD's", no surprise your digital setup gets your attention. Naturally, it's a YMMV thing.

I like the ultra/uber digital systems. Perfect sound, convenient. Music at your fingertips.

For me, the unexplained emotional reaction I get playing a near perfect, 1969 Led Zeppelin or a 1958 Ella Fitzgerald just isn't the same when selected from an Ipad.

Your listing for the gear is a great price. Perfect time for someone to acquire a nice piece of equipment, that otherwise may be out of reach$.