Parasound A21+ vs Adcom GFA-585se

I want to change my amps from Wyred4sound SX-1000 mono blocks to a good class A/B amp.  I was thinking of the A21+, but i looked at the 585se and the Adcom compares, on paper, to the Parasound JC5.   Both have plenty of power to drive my speakers and cost the same.  Anyone with experience with both?  


Well it's been almost 2 years since I asked about the Parasound A21+ vs The  Adcom GFA-585se.  I'm still curious about the Adcom. It seams so close to the JC5 in parts and specs.  From getting reviews and talking with people with the JC5, and the lack of feedback and reviews of the Adcom, I've pulled the trigger on a JC5, to arrive this Tuesday.  Thanks for all the opinions and information,


@prebs and @jdub39 I would be very interested in hearing your impressions of the JC5 coming from the A21? I have an A21 and am thinking of upgrading to the JC5 to coincide with an upgrade to the Paradigm persona speakers. I’ve heard conflicting reports with most saying that it would be difficult to hear any difference in the JC5 from the A21 but some saying that the JC5 is in a whole different league and it is noticeable. What to believe :)

@prebs Speaking strictly on the A21 and Jc5 and not the A21+ The Jc5 will give you everything the A21 has but couple that with things exclusive to the Jc5 , the Jc5 has an uncanny ability to play at low volumes with greater ease , I can listen 3-4db lower compared to the A21 , another standout for me is good luck trying to distinguish when it leaves Class A to A/B. The JC5 doesn’t loose coherence, tonality, grip or sound staging when having spirited listening sessions. Lastly is the Jc5’s apparent 3d sound stage pushing well beyond speaker boundaries effortlessly while this is something the A21 only hinted at.
That’s my humble opinion of course!
Parasound. Couple things to consider which I don’t think anyone mentioned is if amp ever needs serviced, my guess is Parasound will be the better and likely stay in business and next I suspect demand and resale will also favor the Parasound. 
Not heard the current Adcom’s but have the Parasound and for they money they are very good. Parasound for the win.
@prebs and @jdub39   I would be very interested in hearing your impressions of the JC5 coming from the A21? I have an A21 and am thinking of upgrading to the JC5 to coincide with an upgrade to the Paradigm persona speakers. I've heard conflicting reports with most saying that it would be difficult to hear any difference in the JC5 from the A21 but some saying that the JC5 is in a whole different league and it is noticeable. What to believe :) 
I would submit that an old Adcom found on Craigslist may be no longer what they once were, parts having drifted out of spec and all.

I suppose one could say that of most amps built in the 90’s or earlier, but more so with Adcom as they used budget parts to meet their price points.

I bought a 5400 built in ‘98 a few years back and it had obviously been abused at some point, there was significant heat stress among other signs.

Notwithstanding other’s comments, I still hold the view that Parasound Halo amps have a somewhat warm house sound or presentation.  With the wrong speakers this will be a detriment.  YMMV.
I found a little Adom amp on craigslist.  When I put it in my main system, I was appalled, but it works very well as a television system driving B&W's It is the replacement for the Bryston that has now joined my main system.  It too is a bit of a disappointment, but barely.  I destroyed my main system with a shorted test meter that touched the preamp A/C line to its transformer, sending 110 volts through every output.  I got one amp and the preamp repaired, but am playing around for a needed second amp.
I had the Adcom 585"LE" back in 92 powering my Klipschorns with the Adcom GTP/GCD 750 combo. I bought them at the American PX in Frankfurt with the optional fan kit(120$ then). In short, I loved that beast and I mean beast, bonus, made in the US. All Adcom from back then was top quality. But in all honesty I’d take the Parasound A21 over newer Adcom today. The older Adcom are good amps, 555, 545, 535. The 565 mono blocks were brutes! 
Being a happy owner of Parasound A23 and NC 2125, I second Parasound.  Their solid and agil bass in particular attracts me to move from Cambridge Azur 851A to Parasound.  However, I do agree with one of the comments that why do you limit yourself to these two brands while you have up to $4k to spend.  I value Parasound gives the most bang for my buck but that is primarily because I have limited budget.  For you, I won't say the sky is the limit but you do have plenty of room to work with.

I've always craved for "the best of both worlds" solution with SS amp paired with tube pre. I would have kept JC5 if it hadn't bin for the lower input impedance the JC5 has compared to JC1+. Special ARC gear har high output imp. I've learned that golen rule is 200x amp to pre regarding impedance. No matter what the JC5 is a truly astonishing amplifier I've had the pleasure to own in 2 years time. Not heard the new Rotel Michi with similar specs and price but the sweetness JC5 gives in class A for first 12watts was addictive for me and pushed me against JC1+.
Had my A21 for 12ys before getting my JC5 last year, the original plan was to go from A21 to JC1's but then the JC5 happened and I'm set for now!
Yeah! Parasound with John Curl design is really that good!!
I've bin climbing the Parasound ladder with first A21, JC5 and final the JC1+. It all started with the A21 witch in my humble opinion is the best hifi purchase I've done due to getting the most out of least money. I'm very, very satisfied with my JC1+, it's a totally different league then A21 but so is the the price tag!! You will never go wrong with the A21, but you might end up with the JC5 with a year or two after having the A21 in your house. Parasound with John Curl design is really that good!!
I had the A21 for 3 years, and currently own the Adcom GFA 565SE, 555MS, and had the 555SE.  The Adcoms are all current production models.

I didn't have the Parasound at the same time as the Adcoms, but sold it because I grew dissatisfied with the way the top end is lightly rolled off.  Unfortunately I never tried different cables then because I believed the "cables are snake oil" nonsense.  With my speakers and pre, I also couldn't get plentiful bass, so that was strike three.  I think the gain structure had something to do with that.

I believe the A21+ would be fine, any amp just needs good synergy with the rest of the system.  The gain pots, signal sensing turn on and good looks don't come cheap.   But the Adcoms are a lot of fun at half the price.  Made in Taiwan as mentioned above, same as Parasound.

The 585SE is the only one that has the 12 volt trigger if thats a priority. 
Thanks for all the opinions.  I see that the overwhelming response was for Parasound.   I'm still leaning that way  too.  Has anyone had any experience with the new Adcom  GFA-585se?  I think the lack of interest for Adcom doesn't bode well for the company.  That's another plus for Parasound.   I would love to hear the Adcom, but there are no local sellers.  A21+ here I come!!!!

I've been very happy with a Parasound A21 driving Ohm speakers rated at 89 dB. The sound is effortless, lush and beautiful. I've had a number of other amps including digital and tube, but I keep coming back to SS. If money weren't an issue, I might have a Pass amp, but Parasound fulfills my needs and desires in this expensive hobby. 
The parasound amps will outperform the adcom amps but you need the best preamp you can get the parasound for it to truly strut its stuff.
585se was still the Nelson Pass era afaik. Taiwan is excellent manufacturing. That’s what I’d go with, but I’m biased, my amp and preamp are Pass designs. 
First of all where an amplifier is made is not important, manufacturing is portable.  What is important is the design, engineering, testing, and parts specificstion and quality.  
The a21+ is a recently designed and tested amplifier by a legendary amp designer.  
The Adcom looks impressive and has impressive specs but who designed it?  How and where was it engineered and tested?  What is the quality level of the electronic components?  
The a21+ essentially puts out the same power per the stereophile test, stays class A for a useable amount of power and sounds excellent as witnessed by the stereophile class A rating.  
A no brainer for me.  
JC 5
Lots of designers round. engineers. JC is one of the few physicists in the system. Not that this means much if it is not used at the most base level and up through to the build, and what it all means to the ear. With Parasound and JC, this is the case.

The good side with the Adcom, is that it was, if the original Adcom pedigree is still there.. likely it was originally designed by Nelson Pass. (EG, the Rotel 10XX a/b type power amplifiers are essentially all the same circuit for the past 30+ years, no matter the chassis or face-plate. Slight evolutions of those original circuits. Eg, as a tech oriented dude..if I wanted a Rotel, I'd buy a 1080 and fix it up)

So we’re left with how much of the pedigree (of the original designers and thinking) remains in either and makes it intelligently to the point of being a finished object... when it comes to delivering the sonic goods. As well as any subtle to gross evolutions within the most modern product examples that buyers may contemplate.

How much each can reveal ’high quality sound’ to you as you go through the motions and time of learning the sonic qualities of a new amplifier circuit via your ears? (you’ll grow but the amplifier will remain the same)

How long can it satisfy you as your hearing skills grow? what pace does it (your hearing skills, etc) grow at, and in which direction..and can you trust the opinions of others we are all different in these things?

The consensus seems to be the JC 5, if everyone, or at least most... are thinking along the same lines of ’being on a learning and enjoyment journey’.

Nothing wrong with the Adcom, it’s just a different branch, a different path up and around the mountain.
I own the A21+ and am extremely pleased with it. I don’t have any experience with Adcom. 
+1 @audiotroy .
Nothing wrong with Taiwan manufacturing. Even the Japanese use Taiwan.

I am leaning to the Parasound,  but the Adcom is intriguing.  When I read about  the components I was surprised  it's was very similar to the  Parasound JC5.  I know it biasing may be very different.  I will probably be using mail order .  It may be worth ordering both, but I'm not looking forward to returning one of these beast.  I want to stay under $4000 US.  I'm using Pioneer S1EX speakers.  I want an amp change.

Parasound + 1 always been  fan..

I use to really like certain Adcoms too. The 5800 was a wolf in sheep's clothing. Serious amp. I had all the Adcoms Except the 585. LOL The new SE I'm sure it has to run cooler...

The old Adcom would heat a small condo in NY dead of winter.. :-)

Parasound amps are excellent. The JC-1 Mono Blocks were rated Class A for 15 consecutive years.
That is not bad Taiwan is very high end manufacturing  far better then china
The jc5 is a far better amp adcom used to be good years ago when it was an American company now they are owned by the Chinese and the quality is not the same