Onzow ZeroDust reportedly leaves a residue

Per Fremer, Onzow ZeroDust leaves a hard to remove residue:



I think the common emergent theme here is: don’t JUST use a gel pad dip (whether Onzow, DS Audio, etc

I’m not confident you can draw such a conclusion. The sticky formulas are different and the DS Audio ST-50 Stylus Cleaner is a much newer product. I’ll ask Wally Tools J.R. Boisclair when I send in my cartridge to get evaluated.

I’ve used Onzow’s cleaner fortunately on an Ortofon Cadenza Black. I’ve usually done this lightly, after playing each side of a record for the past 6 months. Yesterday I used a new Flux Hifi "Flux Sonic" cleaner just once, for the suggested 15 seconds with one drop of cleaning fluid, to see if it made any difference. They say their level of ultrasonic cleaning is set to not harm the stylus.


Luckily I recently bought a UK first press, solid blue triangle, A2/B2 copy of Pink Floyd’s "Dark Side of The Moon" and....well, before the stylus cleaning I wondered what was the fuss about this pressing. Yes, it sounded very good, but the 30th-anniversary pressing might even have just had the edge; however, after the stylus cleaning....WOW!

At the risk of going over the top, hey this is an emotional hobby too, the difference is just stunning to me on my system. There are so many sonic improvements - basically much more detailed, three dimensional sound from bass on up to the top, a slightly wider sound stage.

The record now sounds so different, so fresh, so natural and the band are "in the room"....it is clearly a much better listening experience indeed.

So looking back, the experience with Onzow on the stylus was perhaps akin to being a frog in water, with the water so slowly heating up you do not notice the change. Anyway, my two cents.

For those also using Flux Hifi’s "Sonic Cleaner" how often do you use it please? Thank you very much in advance.

Many yrs ago a dealer told me never to use those ultra-sonic brushes for they could vibrate the cantilever and possibly damage the suspension. I threw mine out many yrs back.

Vinyl grooves vibrate the cantilever...up to the suspension...also up into ultrasonic range. I guess the question is whether relatively high energy levels at ultrasonic frequencies are more damaging than even higher energy at low frequencies (which suspensions are quite normally subjected to). But it sounds like the dealer was simply speculating, as we all are a this time.

I reject the notion that seemingly "harsh" cleaning methods are dangerous (when applied properly). The stylus and cantilever have to be able to absorb relatively large forces in normal use. Cue up into the outer lead groove of a 45 RPM 12" and watch it "slam" into the 1st music groove. Any stylus that’s knocked out by a gel dip or a US cleaner or a vigorous brushing (etc) was on its way out very soon, anyways.

When Consuela rips off your Dynavector XV-1s stylus with her feather duster, that’s about 100 - 1,000x more force than the forces described above. These assemblies are delicate on that scale. They’re not so delicate on the former scale, except by manufacturing defect.

I love that my old dealer showed me how he brushed the stylus clean, all the way up the cantilever to the front plate. It was a lot less light-handed than I would've guessed. I would've been too skittish to properly clean if I hadn't seen that. 

Many yrs ago a dealer told me never to use those ultra-sonic brushes for they could vibrate the cantilever and possibly damage the suspension. I threw mine out many yrs back. 

I think the common emergent theme here is: don't JUST use a gel pad dip (whether Onzow, DS Audio, etc). You should also implement proper & frequent brushing.

Adding the occasional liquid cleaner might not be a bad idea for some. The ultrasonic cleaning devices look cool. Blutak is perhaps a good gel alternative. ME is also very effective, but its effectiveness varies GREATLY based on how you use it - I'm of the camp that a simple dry dip & lift isn't maximizing its utility; I do a lot more. People get skittish around this stuff, so there's certainly a lot of divergent opinions on how to use that ME.

Using my Carson 8X magnifier (from office max) and LED flashlight I was able so see a similar debris buildup on my cantilever. At this level of magnify I can't see the stylus very well. 

I eagerly await WallyTools lab analysis of what this stuff is.

Used my supplied AudioTechnica cartridge brush to gently swipe from back to front and after several minutes managed to remove 75% of it. 

When your supposed US stylus cleaner is in operation, do you hear a hum or buzz? If so, it’s probably operating within the audible range of frequencies, not really US. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. IMO, it’s actually safer. Most operate below 1000 Hz.

There is a follow up article from Mike Fremer. An independent source has reported the same exact problem. Wally Tools is off the hook.

Well crap, has anyone tried Easy-off oven cleaner? I bet that will get everything off the stylus.


But really, I would be careful, but not afraid of, a liquid and US device. Seems that it would take a bit of 3D action to remove deposits from the very tip to begin with. As in many cases, it is upon the user to be able to use common sense with whatever cleaning device is being used.

These ’gel type’ cleaners simply don’t walk up the cantilever unless there is some urging to do so. No doubt there are those who may not be using these cleaners in the right manner, whatever that is. I do see how gel would get onto the stylus tip itself and is more to do with the viscosity of the gel itself and necessarily the user’s fault.


I use a more rubbery form of cleaner that has no way that I can see of getting stuck on the stylus.

Have you used Blue-Tak on a glass surface before to hold something to it? Maybe then it would be apparent why not to be using it. It leaves a slight film on the glass, no surprise then it would likely be doing the same to a tip of a record needle, um stylus, sorry.

In the same way, I would also be hesitant to use an abrasive cleaner, such as Mr. Clean erasers to do something they really weren’t designed for. Why not use Scotch-Brite folks? Maybe a steel wool or brass wool pad if it makes no difference.


This discussion makes me want to buy a good microscope to see what is what with my stylus. Afraid to look though.

I have a US cleaner, used it for years before one of the analog gurus decided it was no good due to the possibility of it destroying a coil...guess what, i still use it! Only problem is it has never really been able to get off all of the 'baked' on deposits. These are what i think are the biggest issue and I have yet to find a strong enough cleaner that truly gets this stuff off--although the LAST stylus cleaner was the best of the lot, albeit 'supposedly' migrating up the cantilever and being able to damage the glue that holds them together ( or some such thing).

The Amazon ad doesn’t miss a trick. It’s a liquid cleaner with a brush. It also includes an”ultrasonic” cleaner with a UV light, What could go wrong?

Actually, PL warned a friend of mine who regularly posts on VA that ME leaves tangled fibriles on the stylus and cantilever. PL observed this on a cartridge my friend sent to him for evaluation. I use it nevertheless because I don't see the problem when I examine my cartridges under a microscope.

If you're old enough to have seen the Woody Allen movie "Sleeper", these shattering tidbits are reminiscent of the first scene of the movie, when Woody wakes up in a hospital (I think) after 200 years of suspended animation, to find that steak and eggs are health foods.  Actually, since that movie was filmed, eggs have been rehabilitated.

The next thing you know someone will report that the Magic Eraser, which I have used without issue, is responsible for removing Transparency, Attack, Soundstage and Musicality!🙄

I have been using my Onbow for sveral years with no problem.  I do clean it once in a while.

I clean my Onxbow with a brush after every few cartridge smushes. Wonder if those close ups are re-deposited Lp detritus from a stockpile of stylus cleanings?

@lewm , If Wally Tools is making this up they are in serious legal trouble. I do not think any plaintiff attorney would have a problem proving malice in a case like this.

@tom6897 , why should this surprise you? There are people who think cable elevators make there system sound better.

You do have to wonder when a warning comes from one company about using the products of another company in the same field of endeavor.  Albeit, Wally tools do not market a competing stylus cleaner, so far as I know.  If, in fact, they do, then all bets are off.

Coincidentally, the issue was brought to light just in time for Wally tools to alert us that they are going to be bringing out a stylus microscope…specifically to check for exactly these type of issues………..

Seems kinda funny it only took 10 years to discover an issue with this fine product. Plenty of happy users in that time with no complaints.