OMG CAT has a web page!!

Posting this for the many fans of CAT gear ( Convergent Audio Technology) who have wondered if the company and the companies’ owner would ever get around to a "web page"...well OMG-- here it is:

It's a nice design...and I think worthy of the brand....Congrats to Ken and his designer son, Jake Stevens.
Post removed 
Very nice! :)

I've only heard them at the Magico demo room and I really liked them.
I am not sure why this is such big news the web has been around for a long time now!
@clearthink  If you understood how 'old school' Ken Stevens is when it comes to these matters, you would understand how much of a big deal it is. The company has been making what myself and many others consider SOTA gear for years now..but they have never deemed it necessary to have any web presence whatsoever. That has now changed ( a little!) 
@imhififan  Wow, you shelled your preamp..that must have taken some doing as I think the shell is pretty thick..what did you use, garden shears, pliers??

Sorry, just couldn't resist...;0)
Jake Stevens here,

@daveyf Thanks for the free PR. I figured it was time to put my software engineering degree to use for my dad since he paid for college. Glad that people seem to enjoy it and we appreciate your business!
@jakestevens  You are very welcome. Here's hoping that you and your dad will get a lot more recognition and business from the new web page. 
Happy New Year.
@imhififan  Wow, you shelled your preamp..that must have taken some doing as I think the shell is pretty thick..what did you use, garden shears, pliers??

Sorry, just couldn't resist...;0)
Excuse me for deleting my post, just can't think clearly after a few drinks at midnight, my bad!
@imhififan   Ok, I liked your prior post, it was just what we needed on a slow night, LOL.
Excellent products but the latest price increases didnt seem to me to be commensurate with the upgrades. 
@jsautter  Presumably ( hopefully) the price increases are in line with the demand! Otherwise, I would totally agree with you.
So how long do you think it will be before Jake tells his dad, "See I told you so"! ;-)
Very basic website.  Owned a SL Signature a few years back, very nice preamp and was a stretch purchase for an average consumer, but attainable.  The new Black Path series of preamp are no longer affordable for most consumers....too bad.  
I think that Ken's new business partner (not his son) has had a strong influence on some of the marketing decisions as of late. Probably for good and for bad. 
@jsautter You bring up a very good point. Here’s hoping that the long term viability of the company is secure, because the new business partner is certainly making some decisions appearing to be sensible...and not!
@robert53, if you upgrade your current Signature to the Black Path (or as close as possible), the upgrade will cost more than you originally paid for the SL1 Signature. 
CAT makes SOTA tube gears.   I hope new website will generate more interest and sales.  Latest lineup is fantastic amd top 1 or 2 in market according to my ear.