New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.

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Besides the sonic benefits, does anyone know if the more mats you have at the circuit breaker the less electricity will be used? 
since installing The Gate and other PPT products, I'm getting the lowest electric bills since I move in here over 24 years ago.
When Tim told me that the electric bill would decrease after a couple of months, and that I would have to turn up the thermostat in the refrigerator I thought it was just sales hype. I was wrong.
Same here, lowest electric bills in years. No kidding, and I wouldn't believe it if I didn't experience it personally. Documented fact over last year's bills.
Just curious what you guys think...Since the mats lower electric bills, why do you think the makers of the PPT mats target the relatively small audiophile and videophile market and not the couple of billion people in the world that use electricity?

Cowboy Junkies, Trinity Session
Smooth. Depth. Sublime...

Yeh, for Omega+ Emat on the breaker box.

If you already has add copper to the shungite, add now an Herkimer diamond in contact with exposed shungite side....

I call that "golden" plate :
shungite(carbon based)+copper+ Herkimer Diamond(quartz)

The SHUNGITE IN GENERAL IS DELICATE TO USE with only audio positive effect and nothing else... That explain the reserve of Akiko cie. about shungite. The shungite can add some negative trade-off in some place and use but that it is easy to compensate keeping only the positive impact...

For this compensation the copper tape act like some polarization of the shungite action, and the Herkimer diamond added some balancing effect on all frequencies without erasing the impactful force of the shungite cleaning noise action....

A word of caution :These posts are only words to convey my experience and not science at all....
Yes - I've used the copper tape on the external direction and have some Faraday tape to try and have some more Shungite on order.  Great find - thanks.
For the shungite to had great results, you must add a copper thin tape on one of the side of the shungite plate, I add these plates on speakers and breaker central box with amazing results, probably less spectacular results than with the Mats for sure.... But the price is very low and I only can afford that.... I call this "golden" plate, one shungite plate big or thin+ one side with adhesive copper tape.... You use the copper side on the external direction on breaker box or interconnect, etc... I speak more about that in my thread....My best to all... and Happy new year...

In this Akiko report they are not enthusiast for shungite, but in my experiment we must add the copper, if not the results are not so positive... And the plate works best on central electrical panel, routers’computer, interconnect, behind speakers also unused wall plugs etc...
I have a Akiko Audio Triple AC Enhancer plugged into my power condition.  Got it a little bit before my eMat+.  Seems to do a similar thing.  Int the 6 Moons review -

They discuss Shungite in the above review.  I also have a Shungite tile I tried (a friend is borrowing it now and using it on his DAC) and it seems to have somewhat similar results, although probably not up to the level of something like Perfect Path products (but not as expensive either).  I have some other materials on order and also will probably order more of the Perfect Path products.
 I agree they work well together and probably have similar tech. 

Really? What do you think the tech is? 
Seems the active versions of these products (Corelli & Gate) work better than the passive versions which makes sense. Hopefully, there will be a plug-in version of the Gate soon.
@c_avila1 and @jerrybj  - I agree they work well together and probably have similar tech. In addition to the Corelli, I also have a Akiko E-Tuning Gold laying on a power conditioner that has a Tuning Stick plugged in to it. I've found the Akiko stuff works the best on power sources.
I have Akiko products.

Akiko Fuse Box Tuning Chip for my power switchboard.
Bass notes are so easy to follow.
Better instrument separation as well.

Akiko Tuning sticks.
Put them on my speaker cables, at the speaker end.
Another small step in EQ. Piano was a little more striking. Especially the base notes.
You can feel how powerful Andrew Strong's voice is in 'Try a Little Tenderness' (The Commitments)
All Green's 'How Can You Mend a Brocken Heart' - his voice is more immediate, strings more noticeable, and the backing singers easier to follow all notes.

Akiko Audio Triple AC Enhancer
Got this over three years ago. I can't remember the exact improvement, but know it was obvious, and it's still in my system.

They are staying in my system, as well as the Omega+ Emat/s. They seem to work well together.

@sbayne The reason that Akiko and PPT products work well together is because they make use of similar technology. Take, for example, the Akiko Tuning Stick mkIII. It is placed in close proximity of cables for it to have an effect similar to the PPT mats and cards.

I wonder how the Akiko Tuning Sticks would perform near electronic components. 
They are, and they aren't. Was just talking with Krissy and this came up. The cards are different in terms of material/construction but pretty much the same in terms of effect and use. All this stuff- mats, cards, Total Contact, Stop It, etc- is all the same in terms of it works best wherever there is the most or strongest fields. So panel, conditioner, speaker, and on down the line. 

Anywhere there's power. That would explain, sort of, why one of the least effective locations I've tried is right next to my tone arm. Not a lot of energetic electric fields six inches from the 0.4mV cartridge wires. Worked better, but not a lot, near the turntable motor. 

Worked fantastic, unbelievable, laying on the carbon fiber modules Ted Denney puts around his Atmosphere Level III Euphoria interconnects. Which you might think is inconsistently weird, inasmuch as the interconnect is line level, ie around a volt or so. But this same location, besides laying on the interconnect, is also right smack in between the great big transformers on the integrated amp, the power conditioner, and all the isolation transformers and Tesla MPC transformers, and not only right in between but within about a foot of all of that. So all kinds of stray fields. No wonder it works so good there.

Thanks all for the replies. So, what is the difference between the cards and the mats?  I thought the cards were just a smaller version of the mats?

ozzy ...

I have mats under my CD player and cards stuck to the sides of the unit (magnetic). 

Also, I've placed three small stacks of cards up against three sides of my outboard turntable motor, and another small stack under the RCA jacks that enter the junction box for the turntable. As a result, the analog is dead quiet. 

That’s weird. As I understand it the Audio Magic Pulse Gen ZX thingamabib is an RFI eliminator. So, wouldn’t the Cards and the Audio Magic Pulse Gen ZX be compatible?
Hi  ozzy: I have an Omega E mat underneath my universal player and two E cards mounted internally (using Velcro) in the power supply section. These two E cards replaced an Audio magic Pulse Gen ZX that was in there. 
Do you guys use the Alpha cards in addition to the Omega mats on the same component?

^^^ LMAO! 
  • Trick question, what do you think the mats are doing when placed on back of speakers in line with the drivers?

I think the mats are causing the musicians inside the speakers to be wide awake and play music like they mean it. 
My Walkman 🚶🏻will beat whatever piece of junk you have. I’m not hot doggin ya! 🌭
Trick question, what do you think the mats are doing when placed on back of speakers in line with the drivers? 
lwin ...

I figured that most of the music occurs in the midrange. So, I put the first two Omega + E Mats on the back of the speakers right in line with the midrange drivers. 

What are the dimensions of the emat and emat+?  The website doesn't provide product dimensions.  (or, I couldn't find them...)

And, do the emats resemble the product pictures on their website?
I've placed E-Cards on the speaker connectors and cables. I put E-Mats on top of my speakers. I suppose I could use Blu-Tak to put them directly on the back of the cabinets. Haven't tried that yet but it would probably work. Don't think where on the speaker cabinet you put them is as important as actually putting them on there.
Interesting idea of putting the mats on speakers but mine are 7 feet tall. Would the best place for a couple of mats be on the bottom of the speakers, above the connectors or elsewhere?
I recently added more E-Mats and a couple of E-Mats+ to my system as well as E-Cards to my speakers and speaker cables. Wow! Everything is more natural sounding which is the highest compliment I can give. 
Evening fellas,

Custom sizes are available for the current Emat+ and original Emat. 
Call me :)
Interesting developments and new products in  2020. <3 

Thank you all for your kind words. His legacy will live on. <3 

I can understand not cutting it during the trial period if you’re thinking of returning the mat but I trimmed mine to fit inside the door to the breaker panel  and noticed big gains to the overall sound after a couple of weeks.
I may be totally wrong here but I was pretty sure it has been stated to NEVER cut up a mat for any reason, certainly not to make fit.
Hopefully Mrs.PPT can chime in and confirm.

Since your speakers have a rectangular port, I think it is well worth trying an E - mat there, even if it means trimming off a small piece of the mat. You can always add the scraps to the TV, the panel box or even in the car.

My speakers have a round port; and, I don't like they way that they sound with the foam port plugs in. So, my only option (when it comes to putting a mat inside the speaker port) is to line the bottom of the port with small scraps. While I doubt that I'll go down that road, I'd be curious to know what results that you get.. 
No ports in my speakers.

There’s a single bottom-firing woofer under each of the speakers. The speakers are on spikes sitting on maple platforms, so there’s room under the speakers for a mat or two.

Hee, hee ...


My Ushers slot is slightly smaller than the stock Omega+Emat. I'd have to trim close to an inch off of the smaller stock dimension. Otherwise, it's be a great chance to review!

Well, I had previously asked if there is a saturation point? Now, (TAT) has introduced another qwerk, recharge? This presumption has many questions running around in my head................

I was thinking the same thing re putting an E -mat inside the speaker port. If you try this, please report your results.


I have a method and reasoning to be able to precharge the mats. I have another new batch of mats now and will apply the same previous methods to these test subjects for further confirmation. Let you know soon. Tom
Glad I removed the MC-0.5s. The iQSEs will be at a later date.


It was "Abraxsas" MFSL. Listening to "S/T" MFSL/45rpm now, at more fidelity than ever before.

Was wondering if your Legacy speakers are sealed/ported? With the recent talk regarding the mats on speaker cabinets, I had thought of a better solution may be to set a mat inside a port? My Usher Mini 2s have a front slotted port. It seems like a prime placement opportunity for a mat?
I feel like my CD collection was just converted to SACD, and my player doesn't even play them.  Yeah, Santana's I, II and III are sweet.  Here's something I ran into while searching the archives.
I've slowly been working my way thru my music collection since installing the PPT products. Just finished listening to a custom best of Santana CD that I burned. I was looking forward to listening to all the intricate percussion work and I was not disappointed.

But, the highlight was "Hope You're Feeling Better" from Abraxas. I got immediate goose bumps from Greg Rolie's Hammond B-3 riff and it just got better from there. Looks like that one will be a go to track to show off my system or to demo any future components. 
Yes, Frank exactly! 

Fleschler and Uberwaltz - agreed. It’s about the music!  Have a good one.  
Last night must have been Abraxas night!
I was cranking it out on R2R as well.
Crazy world!