New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.

If you recall the TC thread in the early stages, I was a nay saying jerk. I too found that impossible to believe, as well as electric bill reduction, better tv picture, etc. I demanded scientific explanation, lab work data, proof! Because, by God without it, there was no way it worked as claimed.
Until I actually tried it and found that it does indeed work. Refrigerator not withstanding as I did not experience this. But better sound from my system-check. Decreased electric bill-check. Not earth shattering, but I’ll take any savings. Better tv picture-check. Better sound from my truck stereo from the Alpha cards-check. Going to TC my battery connections next. Can’t hurt!
It’s all about energy and energy conversion. The thermostat is set too high in many cases because the energy into 🔜 the fridge is not being efficiently converted to a cold enough temperature. There are many reasons for this inefficiently, but one of them is how efficiently the power system is operating. When the power system is made to work more efficiently - like a traffic cop at a busy interaction - the whole operation works better, and the cars in the intersection aren’t log jammed any more and can move freely. The thermal cycling ups 🔝 and downs would therefore not occur as frequently. Without all the unnecessary cycling, energy USE would be less, no? I would not be surprised if customers reported they were able to turn their thermostats down after installing the mats or the Graphene contact enhancers, or the Gate.
Good posts folks.   I need to try the new plus mats.  I have 2 of the originals thus far. I like what they did for my system and music.  
I know how electrical products in your house work, virtually all the ones that will contribute significantly to your electrical bills, and no, not this nor any other similar or different product is going to break basic laws of conservation of energy that would be required to magically reduce electrical bills 30%.   

If you are upset about negativity then consider the claims you make. 
I am sorry that the workings of thermostats escape the understanding of those using these products.
I honestly thought it was a bit over the top when I read reports of freezing from other members and sort of dismissed it as over enthusiasm.

But with the plus mat I was shocked to actually have it happen.

If ANYONE here thinks I would waste my time making stuff up, well they do not know me one jot!.

Contrary to popular belief I do have a life.
Well, that was just a matter of time. See that, uber? atdavid knows better than you about what your own refrigerator is doing.......and, he knows better than us what are electric bills are doing! Same tired schtick, different thread. I believe his main problem is he talks in absolutes while having zero experience about what he talks about. Some people would call that ignorance.
It is hard to avoid negative comments when claims are so specious as to be ridiculous. A mat, no matter what or a power device is not going to make things in your fridge suddenly freeze. There is a little thing called a thermostat that prevents that, and motor efficiency already fairly high is not going to go faster so no there will be no more cooling.

Ditto something attached to your electrical panel is not going to reduce your power bills 30%, not 10%, and at best maybe a few percent.

When you make claims that are far outside the realm of believable, it is hard to accept the other claims and that can generate skepticism and ridicule.
As Frank said, Tim had huge plans and ambition. World game changer I believe.
Sadly curtailed.
I sincerely hope Krissy and crew can realize at least some of his dreams.
Although it has to be very hard on a personal level.
Cannot even imagine......
Now that is a compliment indeed and from a member with an open mind who was prepared to try out something new.

Thx Slaw.
Great words indeed.

Thank you so much for the enjoyment I'm experiencing from the Omega+ Mats! I appreciate, what must have been, the early/trying times, research that went into your products. May your company continue to prosper!
Sorry degrade was the wrong word should have been change in SQ. But no changes heard either good or bad. Just reporting what I heard.
I think he means that if he heard the SQ degradation then he would know for sure they had been working as hoped for.

I have no problem with anybody reporting what they have actually experienced, unlike others who just want to keep flogging the same dead horse without having ridden it.
Damage control! Damage control! DEFCON 1 Alert! 🚨 Everybody must get from street! 
So have had 2 original e mats in system for close to 7 weeks both on my main electrical panel, borrowed from a friend. Was thinking on buying used ones then a few days ago took them out of system. I was hoping to hear the SQ degrade but after 50 hrs of them being out I can't tell any difference. Really wanted to hear something.
glupson ...

You hit on a good point with your last post.

Like most visionaries, Tim had plans that were much more far-reaching than just mere audio. I used to listen to him totally rapt by his enthusiasm and dreams for the future of his designs. Audio was Tim's hobby and he used it as a vehicle to advance his designs. We, the audio enthusiasts, were the lucky recipients of items dropped off on a journey being taken by a genius as he passed by us as he pursued his dreams.

I remember one night, he discussed with me how he was going to turn the electric auto industry on its ear performance-wise. He was telling me how much more of a performance car he could turn Teslas’ into. He increased the performance of his own vehicle tremendously. Even Tim was amazed at the improvement.

That’s just one example he gave me over time. Some of the other ideas were bigger than that, and were about huge industrial applications for his inventions.

The main reason I don't spend much time here is the negativity on posts. Guys who haven't tried products, stating as fact that it couldn't/shouldn't/won't make a blind bit of difference.

Enough. I want to know from experience what people think on a range of products.
From experience.
From similar models/additions/tweaks, both positive and negative.
From what they have heard others mention.

I won't comment on tube gear, because I've never owned any. However, I don't like them because they won't fit where my system is. Do any of you care? I hope not. So why the heck would I then criticise any of you (who share the same passion as I) or your gear? Ridiculous.

The fuse debate goes round in circles. I'm sold, and have bought and enriched my listening experience a few times now.

It gets personal. There is too much that is not right in this world, and I don't want to add these discussions as proof on the human condition.
I'm not a 'glass half full' guy. The glass is brimming, imho.

Note: I'm relatively new here, and have only been an audio enthusiast for 40 years. 

And mostly operate because of the shear wave frequencies determined by the alloy casting  its shape and proximity to other shapes the worse being at 90 degrees..Tom
"Just a little tidbit for Gulpson and Geoff to chew on. :-)"
Today is a good day. Every geoffkait’s post makes sense.

At the same time, if you guys want to help a lady, why not switch to the more promising forum? Why are you pushing it here?

You have a product protected by, still not located, patent with potential use for decreasing energy consumption on a large scale. You are pushing it between each other, maybe ten of you with another 100 or whatever low number of potential customers, augmented by indulgence of blasting those who see it from the side.

For example, European Union has many laws of which some are regarding decreasing energy expenditure. Some of the countries are even more interested in that than others.

Why don’t you focus your intentions to help on a potentially huge market? Why not approach the government of France and present the energy savings and positive environmental impact, let’s say from refrigerator use, with application of Omega E-Mat+? You could help the lady and then some. Maybe even the whole human kind.

If you think it is better to stay in strictly audio world, have you tried to help except on this thread? Have you contacted potential distributors in Singapore, Malaysia, Japan? Have you asked them how many listening sessions with local audiophiles they could organize to present this mat?

Instead of that, you spend your time making fun of geoffkait, me, and whoever has not bought the mat yet. Not that efficient of an approach and far from helpful.
"It’s a lose lose situation. The Chinese or the Russkies will copy it and produce it. Your patent does no good over there." GK

Could there be a tech scout sniffing around here, intending to pirate some ideas to sell, patents be damned? Regarding EMI, perhaps I have simply offered up a red herring to throw you off.

Frank and I started this thread to announce good news---clear sailing, smooth roads and better sound ahead. Many have jumped on to enjoy the PPT ride, a few are just trying to shoot the tires out. That’s the way these threads go. All in all, I’m not too displeased, though. How about a George Carlin skit for perspective? Just for fun, really.

Most of all, enjoy your music!

It certainly wouldn’t be the first time audiophile devices made the refrigerator or freezer run better. To whit, PWB Electronics devices like White SpiraTube, no it’s not named after Spiro Agnew!, and Cream Electret, Red X Pen, etc. Also those tiny little bowl resonators, you know, the ones that operate at acoustic frequencies AND RF frequencies, contact enhancer for the power plug, and Flying Saucers for unused outlets, to name a few.
One can’t help wondering whether or not the US Patent Office tests these weird audiophile devices. Or do they just rake in the cash no matter what kind of quantum mumbo jumbo the applicant writes down? Do they have audiophiles on staff? I seems unlikely the US Patent Office would approve a patent for something that doesn’t work. But maybe they do, how the hell would I know? I guess you just don’t want to say it’s a perpetual motion machine. 😛
theaudiotweak ...

  • "Tim knew..a copycat can spend much time and many $ and still come up short."
I talked with Tim about this over a year ago. He had the formula down pat. He said: "Just let the copycats have their sway. They will never figure out my formula for the emulsifier, and that is the key."

Just a little tidbit for Gulpson and Geoff to chew on. :-)

A patent can add  marketing value to a product as a small company is approached by a larger in a possible buyout or merger. Clearly a patent can spell out the contents of a product but not always how those materials blend together or fit and finish together. What size particle out of a stated particle size range? What ratio of what material? When to add when to blend?  What cryo gas and or temperature exposure range and how many times.  Tim knew..a copycat can spend much time and many $ and still come up short. Some inneractions within materials cannot be seen in minutes or hours nor can they be heard or recognized in that same time frame. Tom

" a supercharged mat!"

It seems that fridge became supercharged. Nobody knows about mat.

Huh, that brings another set of questions.

If it is that efficient, will light bulbs last shorter?

Just throwing this out there which I know will have the skeptics amongst you attempting their best impression of the lead singer of Bad Manners!

I read a few posts by members back for the original mat that claimed that it made the fridge so efficient they had frozen items in the normal section.
I sort of scoffed at this claim as I never encountered that at all.

Well strike me down!
After replacing original mat with the plus mat at the breaker box what did I find?
Thursday day I had ready made ice cubes in my OJ, Thursday evening I had ice in my full fat milk!

Maybe my fridge was not as efficient as other members to start with and needed a kick in the pants by a supercharged mat!

So there is that......

What a thread it is, when geoffkait seems to have a sound view of the problem.

Except the Bob Dylan part, that one is questionable.

The trouble with patents for audiophile tweaks is that one must reveal the mechanism for operation of the device if not even more uh, delicate information. Not to mention the high cost of obtaining and maintaining a patent. Most audiophile tweaks saturate the ever-diminishing market for tweaks pretty quickly. It’s a lose lose situation. The Chinese or the Russkies will copy it and produce it. Your patent does no good over there. Even without a patent no good can come from trying to explain a mysterious audiophile device. As Bob Dylan says at the end of his records, good luck to everybody! 🤗
Frankly, I’m not so sure I want to reach out and touch Donny Hathaway. Different strokes for different folks.😛
"PPT lacks the resources for large production and legal protection. A large company could copy the product, flood the market, bury a single proprietor in legal costs, drain resources and kill the business."

Isn’t that what patents are for? Making it clear could, in fact, help the company rather than not. Even large companies sometimes use smaller companies’ patents. It is not perfect, but it is the best that there is at this moment. A big company can easily disassemble and analyze the product. Being tight-lipped will not help too much.

After this unfortunate time of losing the charismatic and talented leader, PPT may need to clear some things in the market approach. This thread shows how it is possible to ruin even the best product by energetic good-intentioned amateur approach with no strategy. It may be too early to focus on that, but it is desperately needed if the company is to succeed.

I have been, gently, trying to sway all of this into that direction. Including the reference to patent number on Matchbox cars and explaining that language used for descriptions is simply too enthusiastic. Word of mouth is one thing, structured approach another. Well, I did some free consulting work to be paid in attacks.

Good luck with current approach.

Found the thread interesting....I will likely try the mats and other items - and report back...

Can we at least acknowledge that there is a lot going on we still don't fully understand?

"The material is called tantalum arsenide. The newfound particles’ behavior gives this material metal-like features. Called a “semimetal,” it shares features with materials such as graphene, which is a sheet of carbon that’s just one atom thick. Its novel structure gives graphene unusual superstrong characteristics that have excited researchers over the last decade or so. “There are a lot of reasons to be interested in these materials,” notes Balents, who was not involved with the new fermion discovery.

Some scientists think that like graphene, tantalum arsenide could change the future of electronics. It could let devices use a fast-moving electrical current that easily evades any bumps or valleys in its path. Physicists can also use tantalum arsenide to learn more about Weyl fermions. These particles are stuck inside the material. But some physicists suspect free-floating Weyl fermions might also exist."

Had a very good listening session with my friend Robert last night. I dug deep into the record vault and pulled this one out:

I haven't played this CD since before installing the "Stop-Its" and the new Omega "Plus" E-mats. To say the sound of this CD has improved as a result of these additions doesn't do it justice. Donny Hathaway's solos put him right there in the room. I felt as though we could have reached out and touched him.

Highly recommended.

Uh, oh. Somebody woke up a little grouchy bear this morning. 🐻 
Give me a break thecarpathian, almost none of you had the first clue how EMI absorption products work, it is rather evident in the posts being made.

Geoff you sell magic pet pebbles, and promote things that don't exist. I don't take anything you say seriously and rarely read past the first line or two anymore. There is no point.
That makes sense! 🙄

Question: Does anyone other than your humble scribe have experience with WA QUANTUM CHIPS? Any of this sound familiar, no pun intended?

WA-QuantumJanuary 30, 2013 ·

WA-Quantum "Chip" descriptions

WA Power Chip

Installation on fuse/distribution box (installation point freely selectable).

Systematically influences the material structure of all fuse/distribution box components, connected cables, the current flow and the cables connected to wall outlets.


- homogenous, sound-improving current flow
- clear, high-definition, dynamic sound of your HiFi-System

We recommend installing the WA Power Chip only on the fuse/distribution box and only using one unit.

WA Loudspeaker Chip

Installation in or on speaker box (installation point freely selectable).

Systematically influences the material structure of all speaker components, the current flow and the enclosed air.


- powerful, high-definition, natural sound

We recommend installing the WA Loudspeaker Chip only on speakers and not using more than one unit per speaker box.

WA Cable Chip

Suitable for all types of cables (power, NF, speaker, etc.).

Installation on cable (installation point freely selectable).

Systematically influences the material cable structure and the current flow.


- homogenous sound of your hi-fi system with optimized detail reproduction

We recommend installing the WA Cable Chip only on cables and not using more than one unit per cable.

WA Capacitor Chip

Suitable for all types of capacitors.

Installation on capacitor.

Systematically influences the material structure of all capacitor components and the current flow.

Advantages of use in hi-fi systems:

- clear, dynamic, high-definition sound

We recommend installing the Capacitor Chip only on capacitors and not using more than one unit per capacitor.

Actually geoff the Star Trek deflector shields work by creating an active shield of magneto-plasma. It’s an electromagnetic shield that forms a plasma shell that when hit by a photonic weapon, curves the particles away either up or down, depending on the charge. I believe that is called the Lorentz Force. Ha! I knew those mail order physics classes would come in handy one day....
One things for sure, I can always get a chuckle from a geoffkait post and for that I’m appreciative.
Post removed 
Looking on the bright side for a second I don’t think anyone ever figured out how the deflector shields in Star Trek worked, either. 

Metaphors be with you.
Hi viber6. Yes, my point is the mats do something other than shield/absorb emi. What specifically, I don't know, but I am enjoying the heck out of it!
Funny story. Back in the halcyon days of the Intelligent Chip one enterprising and very skeptical customer took one of the Intelligent Chips to a metallurgist to examine the surface of the chip, which is a silvery metal disc, with a scanning electron microscope to figure out what the damn thing was made of and if it could possibly be a photon generator or contain artificial atoms as the chip was suspected to be (by your humble narrorator).

The scanning electron microscope determined that the top and bottom surfaces were specific metals but did not find artificial atoms. It did identify Niobium (Nb) and Nickel (Ni) in the top surfaces of the metal discs and Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn) and Aluminum (Al) in the bottom surfaces. So the skeptical customer declared the Intelligent Chip a hoax. What he didn’t realize is that the disc was actually a sandwich of two discs and in between the discs was the active ingredient - artificial atoms! Hidden from view of the scanning electron microscope. The best laid plans of mice and skeptics oft go awry.
There are more threads than this one on the mats and ecards and prior to Tims very untimely passing it has been stated that RFI shielding is NOT the action of these items. Neither is any form of magnetic effect.
I would have to dig through many previous posts on other threads which I cannot be bothered to do but this is old news people.
I thought atdavid's explanation informative.  But if you found no difference with RFI shielding products, then these PPT products are doing something other than reducing RFI.  I still say that technical measurements on these PPT products can be released by Krissy without revealing proprietary secrets, just as amp manufacturers do with relevant user info such as power, THD, bandwidth and such, without revealing the actual circuit.

I have my doubts about the patent but doesn’t matter. Slaw go back a page or so and I explain how products like this work. They have been around a long time and regularly used in many situations in electronics. They are regularly stocked at electronic distributors.

>>>>An excellent example of forgone conclusions and Strawman arguments, both of which are logical fallacies. But thanks for the explanation anyway. 🤗

Hint: If the method of operation is RF why does it take a week or two to break in? Answer at 11.

“Knowledge is what’s left after you forget the things you learned in school.” - audiophile axiom
All of the PPT products work well--that’s why there has been so much interest and talk. As a recent startup, PPT lacks the resources for large production and legal protection.  A large company could copy the product, flood the market, bury a single proprietor in legal costs, drain resources and kill the business. Even if a person could eventually win in court, what a drag it would all have become--an end to a dream....all that hard work for naught. Why not show some respect for the small entrepreneur and for the American Dream?   

@atdavid, I doubt there is a person posting on here that doesn’t know about rfi/emi shielding and absorption products and how they work. Once again the Audio Savior arrives to enlighten the ignorant masses! What pompous, presumptuous nerve. I have personally purchased and used rfi/emi shielding sheets, covering the spectrum of frequencies and placed them both inside and outside my gear. I heard zero appreciable difference. The Omega Mats and now Omega + Mats are in an entirely different league. They do indeed work as stated. But of course, you wouldn’t know that would you? You have neither heard nor tried them, yet you’re spending your time doing your best to disparage a product with which you have zero experience. Can’t wait for you to start telling everyone we’re all fooling ourselves about what we hear. That is next, isn’t it??