New $24,000 inter-connect

I just saw a new Audiogon listing for a $24,000 inter-connect by Matthew Bond (Tara Labs). How many ya gonna order?
One wonders how many are in the $0 interconnect population. Not too many. Maybe just one.
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  • n80924 posts12-14-2018 8:53am" I believe the title of this post will be the title of the history book that chronicles the great societal uprising and revolution."

    I totally agree. Let’s start it now. There are a lot more of us in the $1000 interconnect population than in the $24,000 interconnect population. We have them outnumbered. It is time for us to rise up, find them, take their cables and their snooty audio gear and level the playing field. We have them outnumbered....all we need to do is find them? ...........nothing is over until I say its over, was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Who’s with me?

Most excellent point !
@n80 I am with you all the way.   It's never over until we say it is!  Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!...
" I believe the title of this post will be the title of the history book that chronicles the great societal uprising and revolution."

I totally agree. Let's start it now. There are a lot more of us in the $1000 interconnect population than in the $24,000 interconnect population. We have them outnumbered. It is time for us to rise up, find them, take their cables and their snooty audio gear and level the playing field. We have them outnumbered....all we need to do is find them? ...........nothing is over until I say its over, was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Who's with me?
Just the right IC to use with the $49,500 VAC STATEMENT phono stage now listed on this site!
What if...... the difference this cable makes is as subtile as the difference between let's say a $ 1k amp and a $ 24k amp. Would it be accepted? An amp costing $ 24k somehow seems to be less shocking to many. Yet, differences between amps are not linear, differences cannot be directly translated or converted into money value I believe. I find it kind of funny. 
Please note that I'm not advertising here that $ 24k for an amp is good value.
Depends on what you’re connecting. If you’re connecting a DartZeel preamp $45K to DartZeel amp $145K it might make very good sense.

1,609 posts
12-13-2018 11:35pm
"Maybe it's price is partially a result of the wire being non-directional."
What a waste of effort to put it in the XLR that you can install only one way.

>>>>>Sorry, glubson, the expiration date for that joke has long passed.
I have just voluntarily left the Forbes list. This kind of cables are for me low budget cables.  Trough high end and real music can’t be reached with cables under 10k. 
 The details I hear you will never hear. I takes me one week to listen to a peace of music to hear al the amazing stuf that is on the recording. I can even hear the seismic activity form the location where the recording took place. 
The separation is amazing when bought in prober length and in the right room.  I separate them at least 10 inch appart on my NASA cable lifters. 
In have to close the door. Some times band members separate from the rest. 

Bass is amazing to. I have put my 10 subwoofers 3 notch up. The top end of this cables will handle that with with ease. Speaking about top end and mid-range clearity it’s far more better that live music. 
My top end is so extended that I some times have to stand up to hear it. 

Great stuff. I have bougt the mine and company.  Buy now! Prices will rise soon start to rise! 
Forum members will get an 1% discount. 

How come nobody makes Uranium cables? It is only $95 per pound and I am not aware that marketing crowd has tapped that element yet. It seems like a good next frontier in audiophilia.
"Maybe it's price is partially a result of the wire being non-directional."
What a waste of effort to put it in the XLR that you can install only one way.
I believe the title of this post will be the title of the history book that chronicles the great societal uprising and revolution. 
I wonder if it is sold in various lengths like say for example 1 inch. Gotta be a good cost break. 
Maybe it's price is partially a result of the wire being non-directional. Drawn reeeaaal slowly through the die. Time is money, after all. ;-). I have trouble thinking of even a single pair being sold, but Bond has been at this a long time. I still have a set of his Time & Space Phase II speaker cables, which were a budget/bargain-priced cable back in the 90's.
But some of you have thousand dollar interconnects right? Is it legit for those with $50 RCA cables (using some right now) to make fun of you and call you foolish for wasting your money?

I better get a silk protective bag when I order mine, because these cables will be installed with white gloves and hooked to the finest components, promise.
You never know what super deals will come along. 24K.....must be a gem. I was in a McDonalds for breakfast the other day. A diner next to me had the same sandwich.....a bacon/egg/cheese biscuit. His looked and smelled so much better than the one I had. So, I offered him $50 for an even switch which he accepted. His loss. He must still regret giving up such a fine sandwich for a mediocre one.
Far beyond stupid.

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I paid $27,000.00 for a pair and I have to say they were 3x better than my $9.49 pair.
I've said this before but I'll say it again because it is telling. 

When I hear that someone paid $1000 for a pair of interconnect cables I think it is nuts. (Although the ones I have may have been close to that.) They, the buyer, thinks it is great and made a huge difference. And I can't say he's wrong.

So when $24,000 interconnects come up we both think its nuts. But why? Where does the reality stop and the insanity begin? We all tend to think the insanity starts just a few miles north of what we're willing to spend.

I suspect there are audiophiles out there who aren't members of this site and would never condescend to even have a discussion with someone who does not understand the real, tangible, music and life altering value of $24,000 cables. If we can't hear it, well, you know...........
Proof (in case anyone needed it) that some audiophiles are complete fools. Even if you have the money hundreds or thousands or millions of times over, why would you even want to incentivize or reward makers of such a ludicrous product.
Those interconnects are built in gravity free space so that all the molecules are arranged perfectly.  It includes the cost of the space shuttle launch and all the labor costs of manufacturing in earth's orbit.  Very cheap in my opinion :-)
I had trouble justifying the interconnects I have now. 
A pair of 0.5m Audience AU24SX (ended up costing US$850).

That was difficult enough convincing my wife how good of a bargain it was.
Granted, no one is forcing the buyer to pay this amount but I'm just saying, just for charging this price they should go to prison.
Cables...... The biggest racket in audio.
Manufacturers such as this should go to prison.
$24,000 for an interconnect is just nuts....gonna wait until they start hitting the used market and not pay one penny over $12K! 
I like your style bigkidz! But I will add to it. That's right folks step right up hurry hurry hurry !
I own a pair and they are the cat's meow!!!  It has transformed every system I have tried it in.  My Bose Wave Radio now sounds awesome.  It now has highs, lows and mids like you cannot believe.  Since having this cable my old Techniques receiver from the 70s has replaced all of my separates, the cable is that good.  You owe it to yourself based on my recommendation alone to just buy one, you won't need any return policy.  No need for reviews by others, just buck up and buy one.  I will even help you get a Home Equity Loan to pay for the cable.  Don't even think about doubting me, I am serious.  I know the sound you like and this is it.  Don't wait, just do it!  It is a wallet opening experience.  I mean it!  And if you act now, I'll throw in a used zip lock plastic bag for you to store it in.  I will even place my signature on it for authentication!  Can't get much easier than this.  Operators are standing by.  What, what are you waiting for.  Come on already.  DO It today!  You a be a so a happy!

Pure Insanity !! I remember being a dealer years ago and even maybe                 15 +years ago, Kimber had a 6ft pr of speaker cables the black pearl $15k
but they sold at  least 10 pair to the ultra rich .Even if I had money to burn I would never consider that ,especially knowing the markup on cables can be 6x to 60 x the markup some companies think their time is worth $300 an hour.  
Personally I build my own using the best UP-OCC -0 Crystal Copper ultra light Teflon dielectric , useonly pure Copper or Silver Connectors and top grade solder 
you can then  Compete with cables at least 6x as expensive ,they can keep the fancy covering its the sound that counts !!
At some point doesn’t make sense to just hire the band to play in your living room? 🤣
I was going to get one before the price goes up, but it will takes 6 months to make and they probably will raise the price $10-$15. I can't afford that.
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No return No return!

This is my favorite song.

If he had offered 2 weeks return, I may want to order just one to find out how good it is compared with Audio Note cable that I paid mere 2K$ 18 years ago.
I  just ordered 10 of them.  Eight 1 meter cord and two 1.5 meter cords.  Do you think it is worth a cool $240,000.00?   Cant wait to use it on my $300.00 stereo!

I've only been into hi-fi for a few months now and even with this short exposure I don't think anything would surprise me anymore.