Need an integrated amp that sounds engaging at lower volume

May I please have any recommendations for an integrated streaming amp to match with Sonus Faber bookshelf speakers? My best friend wants help picking out a stereo, he's no audiophile, but he loves and collects music and he can afford a decent stereo. He wants the Sonus Fabers, so the speakers are fairly settled.

I don't stream music much but that's all he does. I have a Hegel H200 which I love but my concern is that this amp seems kind of laid back at low volume, and this guy listens to music at fairly low volume, otherwise I'd recommend a Hegel H360/390.

So I'm thinking something with a little kick and nice midrange at lower volumes would be perfect, but I would appreciate suggestions very much b/c I never had bookshelves and I like music fairly loud. If there's an amp that fits the bill under $4,000 all the better.







doubtful a new amp will help much. i suggest more efficient speakers, e.g. 89 db min. or add a small subwoofer.

check the PSB imagine XB speakers.  sound great at low volume and do not cost a fortune.

I have an heard an H360 and own an H390. They both are fairly neutral sounding and have plenty of power for your friends SF speakers. I happily listen to mostly Jazz and classic rock @40-65 dbs. Occasionally, I’ll crank it up and the amp handles it easily.

All the best.



good call on the naim uniti atom... terrific one box do it all unit, works great and sounds great on speakers that aren't too demanding

Thank you everyone for your input, I do appreciate it! 


@audioman58 I appreciate your input thank you, I mentioned the speakers were settled and I mentioned a budget, preferably under $4,000.

In any event I told him to get a Naim Uniti Atom (he wanted something now). It has high marks on reviews (here and elsewhere), he doesn't need much power, and it seems to be a great pick for someone that only streams. Lest I forget, it has a picture of the album cover of the song it's playing on it, which I couldn't care that much for if I tried (it may be better than not having it, I can't say), but my buddy loves that and truly to each their own.

Thanks all!

I would look at Linn. I can vouch for their high end streamer. While I have technically heard their all in one solution, I wasn’t really paying attention. But worth checking it out. Over the last decade or so, they really put some engineering effort into their DACs and streamers and have an all-in one solution.

Don’t get me wrong. For most of the last five decades I would only have thought of Linn as a turntable manufacturer. My dealer had me sit down with a top of the line Linn streamer / DAC feeding a Audio Research VSi 75 integrated amp about five years ago or so and I was blown away. Not something I would have thought in the realm of possibilities. Honestly… it really shocked me. 

Having said that… unless you are willing top spend top dollar. I am not an advocate of all in one boxes… they can’t compete with top notch single function boxes (see my system… you’ll get the idea.)

Listen! I've 2 way, sealed enclosure bookshelf speakers with sensitive 83dB (!) with a classic A amplifier. I have never been better satisfied about dynamic. I don't know why, but that's the way it is 😊

Try EQ in your player first or turn on the sub (if you have it) when listening at low volume.  That will help mitigate the rolled off bottom end.  The eq in foobar2000 I am using now is quite effective.

The Schiit Loki is a Gamechanger,,,I bought one and it is so good I bought a second one for my 2nd. room system.....It's better than any tone control on an integrated amp....Just buy one and you know what I mean....

Don't waste your money on a Loki. They sound like, well. Get an RME ADI2 FS DAC. it has the low level loudness feature.  Put in as much bass as you want. 

Most electronics work fine at low volumes.  Its your ears that don't. Its called the fletcher-munson curve and is why stuff used to have "loudness" buttons or knobs to compensate.  Mechanical things like speakers have a larger variation at low volume, but its still small. So its likely irrelevant.  I know of very few good quality amps with loudness.  with the advent of DSP (for example in ROON) it may be possible to replicate though, with some research and programming.

Every good amp sounds weak at low volume, and if it doesn't it's gonna sound awful at higher levels...boosted bass and no no (like classic 70's JBL speakers with a response curve like a smile). If you gotta have that "smile" at low levels maybe get a Schiit Loki EQ and you can deal with ol' Fletcher Munson readily. 

I don’t think any of those I listed above have ‘loudness’ button. I was looking at Luxman’s website and it seems their current integrated do not have ‘loudness’ button too. Seems like this feature has gone the way of dinosaur?

If you still can find one, I think Sony TA-A1ES would be perfect. I am using one now and first 15 watts as Class A is enough for most bookshelves. 

while i heartily also endorse the ta1 1es - what a spectacular amp and wonderful value it is, i think what will suit the op best is a unit with a loudness feature - i think the yamaha's still have them right?

If you still can find one, I think Sony TA-A1ES would be perfect. I am using one now and first 15 watts as Class A is enough for most bookshelves. 

I think Denon PMA-A110 is also a highly biased design so should be good too. I’ve heard this once paired to Q Concept 300 and it sounded pretty good. 

Yamaha AS-1200 or AS-2200 is a safe bet as well.


  1. Your question usually has more to do with the Loudspeaker then the integrated amplifier.
  2. you didnot mention your budget  Coda makes a Great U.S.A made integrated with 3 power choices when ordering up to almost 20 first watts  at lowest power setting 150,300,600.
  3. retail around $6500 If interested Mike at Audio Archon is a great dealer of Coda which btw is over 35 years in business,

>> Have a look at the Schiit Ragnarok integrated amp.

Same problem as with the LSA tube amp -- only $1,500.... 😁  (And I say that as a happy owner of the Schiit Lyr 3/Aegir combo.) 

Kinki studios, compared favorably to high end swiss amps. I own one and agree with the reviews.

I have sounus faber paired with pass labs INT-25. They sound fabulous, full body even below 60dBs SPL.  

Haven't heard one myself, but the LSA VT-70 tube amp has been getting very nice reviews. At 35 watts/channel, it should have more than enough power for low volume listening.  The only drawback I see is that it is way under your allotted budget. 😀

Usually, the issue at low volumes is that the bass gets rolled off.  This is made worse be speakers with smaller drivers.  Look for an integrated with a “loudness” button.  This will engage a DSP that makes things sound better at low volumes.  I believe Luxman had this standard in their integrated amps. Some DACs (Weiss) have this as an option.  


I’ve heard the Enleum 23R sounds very good at low volume levels.  Can’t verify, never had the opportunity.