Need a Streamer

Have a BrystonDP3. Sometimes Tital comes thru Bright side. Running into a Bryston Bda3

I Only Stream Tital/Gobuz.

Looking at Aurender N10  yes??


lots of information to conciser,

Only way to really find out is to Borrow a great unit on loan from Hiend store out here.

Been researching archived posts and everything imaginable is covered.

The Zenith Id like to hear

+1 audphile....

and to the OP, just to clarify, you said "sometimes Tidal" comes through Bright.  Is this for just a few or occasional tracks or everything from Tidal during a time period?

Place your speakers so the tweeters aren’t directly firing towards your ears.

Poorly recorded source material, bad room acoustics, bright speakers. You can change a streamer but that’s not going to fix your problem. 

If you end up  with a new one be sure and compare head to head and give us your thoughts before you unload the loser.  

What about inniuos phoenix Would that be a

good addition

More recordings I listen to thinking specific recordings

B&w 800 Matrix speakers Tubes Highs  Krell lows

Audible illusions pre


If looking for a very-good interface and a warmer perspective innuos is up there 

theZenith has 3 separate power supplies lots of built in isolation

And use premium  Mlytic capacitors for a warmer presentation well worth checking out.

Brightness is more likely to come from speakers, bad room acoustics, or bad source material than from a streamer. I agree with others: try Qobuz to see if that may help. Also, tell us about the rest of your chain (especially speakers) and your room acoustics.

+1 mahler123  

For occasional or intermittent sound quality problems, check the source of the recording first... it could be the streaming service or just a crappy recording/mix to start with.  

Garbage in... Garbage out. smiley

I also have the BDP-3, which I think is a terrific streamer. I think it plays best with Qobuz.

Are you sure it isn’t a Tidal thing, if Qobuz sounds ok?  I would try to listen to the offending Tidal tracks on another streamer and compare the same tracks on Qobuz