Need a Streamer

Have a BrystonDP3. Sometimes Tital comes thru Bright side. Running into a Bryston Bda3

I Only Stream Tital/Gobuz.

Looking at Aurender N10  yes??


Are you sure it isn’t a Tidal thing, if Qobuz sounds ok?  I would try to listen to the offending Tidal tracks on another streamer and compare the same tracks on Qobuz

I also have the BDP-3, which I think is a terrific streamer. I think it plays best with Qobuz.

+1 mahler123  

For occasional or intermittent sound quality problems, check the source of the recording first... it could be the streaming service or just a crappy recording/mix to start with.  

Garbage in... Garbage out. smiley

Brightness is more likely to come from speakers, bad room acoustics, or bad source material than from a streamer. I agree with others: try Qobuz to see if that may help. Also, tell us about the rest of your chain (especially speakers) and your room acoustics.

If looking for a very-good interface and a warmer perspective innuos is up there 

theZenith has 3 separate power supplies lots of built in isolation

And use premium  Mlytic capacitors for a warmer presentation well worth checking out.

What about inniuos phoenix Would that be a

good addition

More recordings I listen to thinking specific recordings

B&w 800 Matrix speakers Tubes Highs  Krell lows

Audible illusions pre


If you end up  with a new one be sure and compare head to head and give us your thoughts before you unload the loser.  

Poorly recorded source material, bad room acoustics, bright speakers. You can change a streamer but that’s not going to fix your problem. 

Place your speakers so the tweeters aren’t directly firing towards your ears.

+1 audphile....

and to the OP, just to clarify, you said "sometimes Tidal" comes through Bright.  Is this for just a few or occasional tracks or everything from Tidal during a time period?

lots of information to conciser,

Only way to really find out is to Borrow a great unit on loan from Hiend store out here.

Been researching archived posts and everything imaginable is covered.

The Zenith Id like to hear

Just an update, the Bdp3 is an excellent Sounding Streamer.

In Interface is H S&^T,

Sounds Great and really isnt bright, Just make sure shes fully warmed up Ect

These can Be had at about 1K Now, If you can Grin a Bear the interface..