My Gray Experience

Late November of last year I wanted to upgrade from good REL T9X's that I had previously to highly regarded S510s.  I looked around on the used market, especially TMR, but wasn't finding any that were discounted enough to buy used.  Being in NW Vermont without a local dealership I looked at new on the internet and came across a company called New Age Electronics that was selling these subs at a discount, about $400 cheaper than other on-line dealers that I'd heard of before.  Their website says: "Every single item is brand new, A-Stock merchandise.That means factory-sealed - not refurbished, not a demo and not a return. We purchase all our items through the authorized dealer network for each brand, so you get a full warranty at no additional cost". I placed the order and received them in perfect condition about 2 weeks later. I pulled them out out of their cartons and hooked them up.  One worked and the other didn't.  I swapped them around and still the one sub did not have any amplification--the back panel did light up but nothing else.  I emailed New Age and the next day received a phone call  from Joshua Bennett who seems to be the main person there.  He emphasized that he would take care of me and that a prepaid label request would be sent to REL for return of the sub for repair and return to me.  I waited a week, heard nothing, and reached out again to New Age for an update. Joshua replied that they were still waiting for a reply from REL's "top executive" for the prepaid label and "unfortunately we can't force them so we want to give them an opportunity to respond on this".  I waited another 2 weeks and in my frustration directed my ire at REL's customer support email address, explaining my situation, and where was my prepaid shipping label?  Paul Magee, Western Regional Sales Manager for REL Acoustics responded the next day, expressed his sympathy for my issue but revealed that New Age Electronics is not an authorized dealer for REL as stated on their web page, and that the subs I ordered from New Age were not covered by a warranty.  I turned my attention back to New Age and confronted them via email that I learned of their deception and I wanted THEM to send a prepaid label to have this defective sub replaced.  Joshua/ New Age admitted nothing but if I sent them the sub, at my cost, they would determine that it indeed was defective, have REL repair it, and send it back.  By this time I've decided to be and done with them. The cost to send back this large 85 lb. box to them would  have been $150-300, the hassle of packing it, and when or would I  see it again?  Instead, I'm buying a replacement plate amp from REL for $625.  Paul Magee has been great and the S510 that works is sounding terrific! I'm really looking forward to hearing both!

Lesson: don't be like me and just because a website says they are an "authorized dealer" doesn't mean it's so. With regards to REL, they are not.  Check with the manufacturer directly to confirm. I ended up not saving any money, no warranty except for the replacement amp, and a big headache out of the experience.  This was a case of a "gray market" sale that might work perfectly for you unless you need warranty work


Sorry to hear such a frustrating story and the end result is that they will get away with it ! 

Did you pay on a credit card? Refuse payment, that will get their attention. 

These shipping fees are out of control. Online shopping is a whole new avenue for fraud. Ignore and postpone is a tactic, People eventually give up and they know it. 


Yes, I paid with a credit card but the card's automated dispute program said that it couldn't do anything until I sent the product back to the sellerfrown

Mines over 300 miles away yet the only way I make any purchase is through a dealer. Having a relationship with one of these great gentlemen, will guarantee you savings. Just looked at an invoice for a pair of rel t/7x And for a pair of them, they were $850 each. Today they’re selling for $1099. 
still would like to say, how horrible is that you had to learn such a crappy lesson From such crappy people.

@sophiemia - reading the verbiage, "We purchase all our items through the authorized dealer network for each brand, so you get a full warranty at no additional cost..." suggests to me that they aren't an authorized dealer but framed it as "purchasing through the authorized dealer network." That's a tell-tale to me- it suggests that they are getting "transshipments" from dealers who are authorized (if your seller is to be believed at all). (I'm a retired lawyer, so I'm pretty good at what is called "pettifogging" or parsing words). Of course that doesn't excuse your seller or his representation that you'd have a full warranty. 

I had a similar situation years ago, when I bought a piece of video electronics. There was an issue and the dealer blew me off. I called the manufacturer and complained- they said, "sorry, they aren't authorized dealers." I then asked them why they tolerated the dealer's advertisements, including the manufacturer logo, claiming they were authorized. The manufacturer sent two techs and a replacement unit to my house. I took the techs to dinner afterwards. 

Sounds like you've got the situation well in hand at this point. No moral to my story other than some folks don't have morals. 


Another good practice is to always go to the company's website and see who they list as their authorised dealers.

Weve seen this time and time again, and we dont want to hear these stories, sub woofers are a nightmare once you want to send them back, and all this post shows is how clueless you are! why would you post this? its not like this is ever gonna stop....Note to everyone! Dont buy stuff from nefarious audio websites, i would have always been dealing directly with REL...always looking for a deal!

Just last week I was looking at an Esoteric E-02 phono preamp.  Brand new as advertised on HiFi Shark.  The vendor ships direct from Japan.  All equipment is brand new and sealed in the original box from the manufacturer.  30% less than anywhere else I've seen.  I emailed the seller and asked if they were an authorised Esoteric retailer.  Crickets.  I question why manufacturers are allowing new equipment to be sold by secondary vendors.  The serial numbers will tell them exactly which retailer is selling to someone other than the end user.     

Another old lawyer here. Sorry you’ve had this trouble, I’m sure it’s very frustrating. It might be worth contacting the Attorney General‘s office in the state where this business is located and inquire about making a consumer protection complaint. Most attorneys general offices will have a division for that sort of thing and depending on state law, and they are all different, they may be able to help you and it won’t cost you anything but a little time 

Post removed 

I also ordered S510 from a small dealer in my area. I did some research and Shipping took a few days longer than expected. In a panic I called Rel and Paul Magee returned my call assuring me the speakers had been ordered new, the dealer was an authorized dealer and should arrive the next day. He offered to reach out to the dealer but I felt a little embarrassed for calling Rel and asked Paul not to call him that I just got paranoid. Sure enough they came in as promised. I also bought a pair of ATC from another dealer a little more known but the dealer gave me funny vibes so I call the US authorized dealer that orders them from over seas they also assured me the guy was very legit. So yea I have definitely learned just to ease your mind try to call the manufacturer. Also if you call them first they will contact that dealer and tell them to reach out to you then you know you will be treated right since the actual company is making the referral.  

Sorry to hear but thanks for sharing your experience.  Reinforces taking the time to research online dealers.  I’ve purchased a lot of equipment online and some sites I avoid after checking them out.  If you’re not completely comfortable I suggest avoiding them.  It’s tough when you don’t have local dealers around.  The good news is more and more manufacturers are selling direct to consumers for those in more rural areas.  

Thanks to everyone for posting their replies.  I will look into contacting the Attorney General's office where New Age Electronics is located.  I'll have to do it in AZ and CA.  Here's another twist:  New Age's website shows a non-descript warehouse and address in west Phoenix but the shipments from and back to are  from Joshua Bennett in Valley Village, CA. Paul Magee told me that he has shut down some authorized dealers in the past for selling to secondary sellers

Thanks for the heads up. I think I've seen ads from New Age. I'll know to stay away. 

I think you'll like the pair of REL.  I have the same pair. 

@sophiemia  Thank you for sharing your experience. I, for one, do appreciate hearing of scammers, in addition to legitimate companies with poor customer service to avoid.  

Years ago I bought gray market camera gear. Luckily never had a problem. Later I bought gray market car stereo stuff. Again, all good. But always knew there could be an issue. 

Doing your due diligence before making any substantial purchase is just a good use of your time. Too many shysters around these days. Back in the good old days they were just easier to spot because they drove white vans ;)