The destruction of human concentrated attention is the first goal of control technology...
By control technology i means the primitive methods used by corporations to impose with the methods of Bernays ANYTHING they want: breakfeast must be bacon egg taost coffee, to sell pork and smoking makes you healthier, freer, and more happy...Bernays succeeeded...
This was prehistory...
Now with the technological boom and the destruction of classical education for the masses , which began in the British Empire with the transformation about what is science itself and was completed in America for the masses, the attention span is not only short but shallow... Keeping a deep question in his mind become impossible not only for long but deeply inside us...
We live at the surface of phenomena which are only "things"....
In the last years any astute observers could see for himself the annihilation of democracy and freedom...
But the life span is so short and shallow, there is almost no universal protests... There is Truckers in Canada and some in other countries for sure...
Corporations are the enemy of humankind...
they need us with a short and shallow attention span and with an education SPECIALIZED as with slaves workers...
For example i am astounded by the numbers of people who need new stimulus all over the time in music experience...
This indicate the absence of deep links with music.... Because when a work of music struck us we come back to it....
In the reverse some are obsessed by a few set of songs and are closed mind about anytghing out the usual in musical experience...
The future is very simple and easy to predict now... Anyone can be a cheap prophet as i am...
We must choose between nature and humnan nature , an obsolete set of words by now, and between transhumanism enslavement...
The speed at which we lost our humanity is staggering...
The good news is spirit will win over matter...
To ask the OP about musical exposure, musical experience must be taught and learned...It is the same with acoustic experience...
It is not about taste it is about consciousness and self knowledge and history knowledge too ...