(any) tubes will last longer in gentle usage conditions, lower dissipation power / current / voltage increases ~ 20% spec degradation time point. to figure out how long tubes will last need to check amp design and tubes aging related spec.
Mullard EL34 that sounds best
Will need a matched quad of EL34 for the VAC Avatar SE integrated at some point. Currently using Svetlana SEDs but I guess Mullard should be better.
What particular Mullard would you recommend and why ?
I use Mullard 12AX7 longplates in preamp and RCA blackplates as driver tubes.
It appears that the older Mullards you go with the better, generally speaking. The price from reliable sources, if they have them, and even from unreliable ones, is very close to prohibitive. $450 for XF1 each new or $300 for used, that's what I see. Some say, though, that NOS EL34 Mullards might last 5000 hours, which is great if true. |
I would recommend JJ power tubes https://www.jj-electronic.com/en/power-tubes pro: very stable over long run time Luxman Japan uses those for all noble tube amp designs |