Money no object,,,,which speakers would you own???

Ok,,,,,,,,,,,,,,here's the survey.

Some of you may in the position to afford your dream speakers so obviously this doesn't apply to you.

This survey applies to the remainder of us dreamers!

I need you to list 2 speakers. 1 for your favorite visually. The 2nd speaker just for appeal factor.

I'll start.

Looks: Sonus Faber Amati Homage
Appeal: Eggleston Andras
I've got to agree with Krelldog and Bingaman. ML Statement E2 all the way, hands down.
Stunning good looks - Martin Logan CLS

Jus' plain fun to listen to: Classic Audio Reproducions Hartsfield

Omigod holographic soundstaging: Intuitive Design Denali

Is that a band behind that wall of speaker?: Sound Lab U-1/UB-1 combo
Loth-X Bard. Single driver speaker system with back horn, giving 24Hz-20kHz at 108db with 1 watt input. No front horn. The only single driver speaker system I have ever heard of with these capabilites.
I'm thrifty: I'll go for Detlof's PRESENT system when he gets his NEW one (see above).

On a more modest scale, I could settle for two pairs of Genesis 1.1 (one front, one for the sides) suitably modded for triamplification. With the Genesis product I would also want customer service at the top level (we're dreaming, right?).
Avalon Sentinel or the Sound Lab Ultimate-1. Either one
for me. Aesthetix Io preamp and the AtmaSphere MA-3 OTL
amps. Purist cables/interconnects. For playback the high
end Metronome CD setup. If ss: Spectral DMA360 with DMC30sl
and the new SDR4000s cd player. MIT Oracle V1.1 interconnects/cables.

Real nice dream for me.
Looks: Sonus Faber Amati Homage. Have to admit the Kharma Exquisites can also attact one's attention favorably.

Sonics: We own the Acapella Campanile Highs, but money no object? Then: ACAPELLA SPHÄRON (which also look pretty darn cool themselves!).

Looks--Sonus Faber Amati Homage; I'm sure these must sound great too, but I've never heard them sound good, due to poor dealer setup.
Sound--Like Meech 33, Nearfield Acoustics Pipedreams; when properly set up they have the soundstaging, bass extension and dynamic capability to make me feel as if I'm at the recording venue, and they are sensitive enough for me to use my favored lower-powered tube amps (Jadis JA80s, Lamm ML1.1s or Siltech amps) to drive the main towers.
Amati Homage? O'Heocha? Kharma Exquisite? You guys have weird taste in aesthetics. They all kind of look ugly to me...

No takers on the Kharma Enigma Reference system? Only $1M, and, if I do my zero's right, weighs a mere 11 tons and produces 100 db/1W/5m. Now *that* is a speaker.
1. Avalon Eidolon (I adore the simple crystal-like shape)
2. Avalon Sentinel (monumental and maybe even better than the Eidolon)
I have to admit,,,,,,,,,,,,,I also have sweet spot in my heart for the Nearfield Pipedreams. I saw/heard them at the Home Entertainment show in NYC. Absolutely remarkable!

As good as they looked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,there's just looking prettier than a pair of Amati's.

I'm one of "those" who have managed to own my dream speakers-- Vandersteen 5s and if I had to keep my present listening room, I would stay with them for both looks and sound quality. OTOH, the Vandersteen 5As look the same but are supposed to be sonically improved 5s (haven't heard them), so I'd probably go w/ them in my present room. If I had a mansion though I'd have to look around;>). Cheers. Craig

If money were no object, which "super" high-end speakers would I own????

Well, that is both, an easy and hard choice at the same time, if there is such a thing.

Well, you are REALLY making this hard for me (LOL). But if there is any speakers that I would love to own someday if I should EVER strike it rich, then it would have to be these.

(01). B&W 805 Nautilus (either in lacquered rosewood or cherry) -- looks (and the sound quality isn't all that bad either).

(02). Vandersteen 3A Signatures (again.... with lacquered rosewood or cherry endcaps on the top and bottom) -- sound quality (at a real world "high-end" price).

(03). Sonus Faber Amati Homage (in maple......... what else) -- sex appeal.

Looks: SF Amati Homage. All the copycats don't come even close to SF Guarneri or Amati.
Appeal: Dynaudio Evidence. I will have to merge my living room and bedroom to own giant speakers like Evidence.

So the final verdict, I bought the Amati.
I own the Kharma Exquisite 1A Extended Reference speakers, but for money no objectwould be the Grand Exquisite's. Second choice would be the smaller Midi Exquisite's for a smaller room.
Looks: SF Amati Homage - Ferrari of the speakers world. Appeal: B&W Prestige Nautilus.
Gillar, "o'heocha" ????? Do they sneeze? Don't you need a stator, do get those sharp transients properly rendered? Just asking....
Looks - check out O'Heocha D2-ISO-5CT on

From another planet?

Appeal - SF Amati Homage

Timeless classic and a level of craftsmanship rarely found in today's mass produced equipment.
I'll stick with what I have.....but if you twist my arm, well, two pairs of Sound Labs Ulimate firing from the front, one pair firing from the sides and a pair of plasma tweeters with each pair of Soundlabs thrown in.
Kharma exquisite 1a reference- or if I was being really foolish the Grande Exquisite :)
Oris 150 with BD 3 Why listen to crossovers just because u can afford it..Real dumb! 3 Watts enough. Thats music...
looks Kahrma Exquisite [Spelling]?
and Genesis 201's for sound quality never heard speakers above though I am sure they are excellent also.
Those giant Rockports (90k) or the Kahrma super reference (65k) ...the stuff dreams are made of...
Only one choice... Verity Audio Lohengrin.

Too me, I would sell my house to afford them... Too bad my wife does not agree ;-)

Every audiophile should audition those babies at least once in a lifetime...