Michael Nesmith

Sorry to say this but Michael Nesmith of The Monkeys died today at age 78 years old.



Aw man…when did we get old?

Some years ago, Mickey Dolenz came and played at a rib fest our town throws. I believe his sister was also a singer in the band.  Not profound, but still pretty cool to see a childhood icon.

My condolences to Michael’s family, friends, and fans. 

R.I.P.   I remember listening to and watching them back in the late 60’s. 

Always my favorite Monkee, and really originator of country rock. I'll be listening to Magnetic South tonight.


Interesting tidbit. His mother, Bette, invented typing correction fluid, White Out.

As a teen (around 1967), I worked at a gas station in Burbank, California. After putting gas in a car, the driver gave me his credit card and it said Mike Nesmith. I recognized him but didn’t want to seem star-struck. I was way too cool for that (LOL).

Never enjoyed their TV show....

But I have Michael''s LP with 'Joanne' on it.


@thecarpathian - from Wiki, here's the story of Mike's involvement with the origins of MTV...

This concept seemed intriguing and had the potential to be taken in a more advanced direction. Robert W. Pittman would be the guy who would be at the forefront of creating MTV. He had this idea in the back of his head when he used to host a 15-minute show called “Album Tracks” in New York on WNB-TV in the late ‘70s. With this idea, and the new interactive format being used by Warner Cable, it would set the stage for MTV.

Pittman had a boss that was instrumental in the history of MTV who was named John Lack. Lack had tried out a show called Pop Clips” that was the creation of former Monkee Mike Nesmith. Nesmith was inspired by seeing this format work in New Zealand from a show called “Radio In Pictures”. Radio In Pictures had come out in 1976 and was a concept that had been around since the mid-‘60s.

Just reading online that The Monkees played at the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967. Then mounted a tour from July the 8th to July the16th with Jimi Hendrix as the opener.


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