Michael Fremer's record cleaning process....

Many years ago (say 15??) Michael Fremer recommend his way of cleaning vinyl records. It was a process that started with the VPI cleaner and solutions and finishing with some dry pads (don’t remember the name) and another run on the VPI (I think). Does anyone remember the process??
P.S. I checked his site and don't see it there?


RWD (Rick)
There are some silly posts here in need of correction/clarification:

First of all, I never wrote that the KLAUDIO machine "pits" records. You can read the review here for yourself:


The inference that anything I do write is ad driven is offensive and just plain idiotic. Right: I'll sell my credibility for an ad. If you believe that...well fine, enjoy...

Had the KLAUDIO arrived first I'd have bought that. It is better built and had some better features. However I continue to prefer the roller fluid applicators and the mild surfactant that the KLAUDIO warns against using BUT both are great.

Let's see what else I've "learned" thanks to this thread:

I use a Keith Monks machine (not true).
I use an elaborate cleaning regimen that takes forever and described it in a story I wrote (not true).

The great part of this thread is that others first corrected these errors.

But one last thing: someone wrote that I have done a "...great job marketing myelf."

Nothing could be further from the truth. I have NEVER "marketed" myself. Ever. Wherever I am in this business (and that place is for others to judge) is simply the result of how people have responded to what I've written for all of these many (I started at TAS in 1986) years and nothing more. I had no "game plan", "20 year plan", or any kind of ambition in this business.

I did, however, believe when I started that vinyl is the most musically satisfying format to sit down and listen to and I still do. So I advocated that, even though I was advised by all that I would be heading towards a dead end....

So all i can say is that the best part of wherever it is that I am (and from what I can see it's a pretty good place!) is the result of how others read me and not because of anything willful on my part...
You're kidding right Jeff? That's proof of him cavorting with the dark side? (In fact, I think you are the first to ever accuse Mikey of that egregious crime!) That was a show report. Talk about taking things totally out of context and cherry picking. Let's simply ignore 40 years worth of what Mikey wrote for TAS, Stereophile, Music Angle, etc. about analog. Read one of one of his latest columns where he snidely commented about switching from his analog to his digital front-end and suddenly wanting to clean the house. Sheshhhhhhhhh.....
He's been been an advocate of analog but only up to a point. As long ago as 2001 - fourteen years ago! - he declared that at CES that five really big systems that were located in the brand new Tuscany Hotel that year of them were the best sounding systems at the show. Of those five systems four were digital. There was a huge Wilson room, a huge Walker Audio (analog) and Kharma room, a Pipe Dreams room, and the room with Tenors driving the monster Rockport Hyperion speakers. I forget the fifth room Those were really big expensive rooms on the order of 50 by 50 feet.
Fremer has been a good advocate for the analog cause
He is one of us

At one point he was too much a cheerleader for whatever came out on
vinyl. Now with many comments from listeners and the Steve Hoffman
forum, he has become more objective - comparing current "highly
toted" releases with original pressings etc. this has helped me decide
whether to spring for that touted remaster, realize my great sounding
version is ideal, upgrade to a new pressing, or seek out an original.

I also have an Ultrasonic cleaner but went with the KL Audio for many
reasons. Fremer tried to downgrade that machine and scare people into
thinking it could pit their records when it utilizes the same principles but is
better executed. He owns an audiodesk - which was the first US
commercially available and he is supported by their advertising.

I kept a Loricraft for rare heavy duty cleaning. The ultrasonic is such a
revolution in noise floor, lack of pops and static, low level resolution,
imaging, body around the instruments and separation.

Unfortunately it is $4k. I wish more could experience it.
Here is the link for the first page. It's a long read, but if you are into this, then it's a fun read. I agree about one method isn't best for all, however like I said, once you get things clean, THEN it's easy to keep them that way.

If you read my post, I mentioned IF you have a VC, then use it with the US. Before or after??? Try each way as you won't hurt your records if you are using a cleaner that is 80hz, 60hz, 40hz or a combo of any of them.

Why? ... do you seem to give MF "slack"??

He is, suppose to be the "guy" that should bring us the latest and greatest? He's been wrong, SO many times.

I thank him for his passion, his dedication and his ongoing motivation in bringing us all things analog!!!

He is stretched too thin , however.

Why is it not time to discover things for ourselves???

Wow! His latest review of Dave & Phil's "Common Ground"!

He was wrong, so wrong! (again)
Still managed to get things muddled...try this link (and that should have been MARKup tags)

I give Fremer credit for keeping the vinyl torch burning (sorry for the mixed metaphor) during the nadir of the medium. And he does seem to have endless energy, running to shows, writing for Stereophile, keeping up the Analog Planet site, and doing presentations, etc.
As to cleaning, agree there are countless methods. I found the US doesn't completely do the job on old, grotty vinyl. So I use it in combination with the Monks.
Hey CT...does this link go to the DIY site you had in mind?

Tried makeup tags to make it clickable but got "page not found". Copy and
paste with the below works.

He has really done a great job marketing himself. It's funny as there are so many ways to clean your vinyl now days. I've heard the difference between any ultrasonic cleaner and most of the vacuum methods up to the Monks machines. I'd take the US cleaner any day of the week. I made my own I liked it so much. Most I know will say the same thing. IF you have a vacuum cleaner and your US doesn't, then you can run the record on the vacuum after you run it through the US bath. There is a great DIY site on making you own machine easily as well as on making your own fluids. A simple DIY distilled water with prof grade alcohol and an Ilford agent is working as well as any other fluid I've used or seen used. Once clean it doesn't take forever to keep them clean to play. It's usually just the initial cleaning and then you can just keep up with it and use a carbon brush in between baths. I've noticed a large difference in sound stage, deep bass and a MUCH lower noise floor (hence the sound stage being larger etc..). JMHO
The problem with his method/s is really not the equipment but the (time factor) involved in doing it right. He seems to be stretched so thin, I don't think he really has the time to clean records accurately & effectively. Also, the time factor really interferes with his reviewing IMO.

I've found my best way and that's all that matters to me.
We know a lot of what Michael Fremer does and how, but do we actually know it all?
How Michael Fremer starts date?
It was an old piece that Fremer had republished from another
writer, as I recall, using Orbitrac(k) pads, and perhaps
even a fluid that is no longer made. I can try to find you a
link because it was on his AnalogPlanet site. I believe
Fremer mainly uses the Audiodesk ultrasonic these days, but
may be wrong. PS: I'd give you the link but am in the midst
of some Internet issues here. It is called "The most
comprehensive record cleaning article ever! and the author
was michael wayne. it is on the analog planet site, but a
search of Fremer's site under 'cleaning' should pull it up
if it doesn't show up in an open search on the intraweb.