Michael Fremer's record cleaning process....

Many years ago (say 15??) Michael Fremer recommend his way of cleaning vinyl records. It was a process that started with the VPI cleaner and solutions and finishing with some dry pads (don’t remember the name) and another run on the VPI (I think). Does anyone remember the process??
P.S. I checked his site and don't see it there?


RWD (Rick)

Showing 6 responses by czarivey

We know a lot of what Michael Fremer does and how, but do we actually know it all?
How Michael Fremer starts date?
07-05-15: Slaw
I tried to make a difference, no one wants to listen. Good luck to all of you!

I'm becoming tired of trying.

If you stop by Raleigh NC, be my guest when I'll share the different kinds of best cannabis on planet. It will calm you down. Weed makes warrior peaceful(that's why illegal and criminalized in most of nation). That's what I do if nobody wants to listen to me. I don't give a fluke and have a quality smoke.

I would not apply past perfect tense in this case.

It's still officially nationwide and federally illegal to even walk with pouch of weed in your pocket.
The efforts of mass to step forward and speak against foolish arrests making DEcriminalization so far as work in progress...
Rick, Just because Adolph Hitler loved Wagner, my grandpa, former concentration camp inmate, was refusing to listen to him. I could not explain to him that Wagner had nothing to do with German Nazis and indeed a wonderful composer.

Musicians, composers, musical instruments is human's greatest blessing and gift for all times hard and easy.

P.S. Off the topic comments are right on, but in fact why not for a change