Michael Fremer's record cleaning process....

Many years ago (say 15??) Michael Fremer recommend his way of cleaning vinyl records. It was a process that started with the VPI cleaner and solutions and finishing with some dry pads (don’t remember the name) and another run on the VPI (I think). Does anyone remember the process??
P.S. I checked his site and don't see it there?


RWD (Rick)

Showing 1 response by myles_b_astor

You're kidding right Jeff? That's proof of him cavorting with the dark side? (In fact, I think you are the first to ever accuse Mikey of that egregious crime!) That was a show report. Talk about taking things totally out of context and cherry picking. Let's simply ignore 40 years worth of what Mikey wrote for TAS, Stereophile, Music Angle, etc. about analog. Read one of one of his latest columns where he snidely commented about switching from his analog to his digital front-end and suddenly wanting to clean the house. Sheshhhhhhhhh.....