Michael Fremer's record cleaning process....

Many years ago (say 15??) Michael Fremer recommend his way of cleaning vinyl records. It was a process that started with the VPI cleaner and solutions and finishing with some dry pads (don’t remember the name) and another run on the VPI (I think). Does anyone remember the process??
P.S. I checked his site and don't see it there?


RWD (Rick)
I think for me the real question is what solution to use in my US cleaner (60hz tank)? Do I use just distilled water or water with the Ilford agent or also add the alcohol with it. How often to change it out as it's not too expensive when you make it yourself. would putting a 1micron filter in the tank help keep the suspended particles at bay? So many questions, lol....time to head over to the DIY thread and figure things out and just stick with it.
Slaw, if you're still out there please take a deep breath and don't take these
exchanges so to heart. Right or wrong, heavy handed or not, this site can
use more talk about the music and you certainly provide that. I would
encourage you to consider Grooves' comments. Here we have a respected
professional reviewer with a very long history and who has probably done
more for keeping the analog flame alive than anyone else, and he stresses
that his comments should not be considered dogma but simply his
opinions. Opinions which, when considered in context, can (or not) help
someone make a good buying decision based on how an item is described;
not because he thinks it's the best.

****I am a proponent of discovering, all things analog for one's-self.**** -

****I tried to make a difference, no one wants to listen. Good luck to all of
you! I'm becoming tired of trying.**** - Slaw

Which is it?
07-05-15: Slaw
I tried to make a difference, no one wants to listen. Good luck to all of you!

I'm becoming tired of trying.

If you stop by Raleigh NC, be my guest when I'll share the different kinds of best cannabis on planet. It will calm you down. Weed makes warrior peaceful(that's why illegal and criminalized in most of nation). That's what I do if nobody wants to listen to me. I don't give a fluke and have a quality smoke.
****Weed makes warrior peaceful(that's why illegal and criminalized in most of nation).****

Actually, I think you have it backwards; that is why it's being DEcriminalized.
Maybe its Art Dudley that uses the Keith Monks machine. I get them mixed up sometimes. Sorry 'bout that.

I would not apply past perfect tense in this case.

It's still officially nationwide and federally illegal to even walk with pouch of weed in your pocket.
The efforts of mass to step forward and speak against foolish arrests making DEcriminalization so far as work in progress...
I could probably go through all my old gatefolds
from way back when and scrape out a nice bone's worth:)
Honestly, if you are using a good RCM (vacuum or US), you will be much better off than not using anything or using just a brush. Everyone has opinions and that's all they are. At least do something to keep the vinyl clean and you'll be happy.
Ctsooner and all thanks for the comments (and comments). I do have a VPI record cleaning machine and it works well.Good advice. I am looking into the post suggested above by Whart and Mofi. I also asked Grooves if his was different in any way (I believe it was). He has not responded yet. But thank you all!!!

RWD (Rick)
The Record Doctor V (a Nitty Gritty-style machine) is on sale at Audio Advisor right now for $199. For anyone not yet owning a vacuum machine, that's a no-brainer.
No my friend. The r stands for Rick (Short for Richard). Now, my dad was a GREAT lover of classical music and choose my middle name from the last name of the great German composer. Boy, in 1945, did hear it from the doctors and nurses!!! How could he name his son after THAT German!! He just responded...That, that German made GREAT music, period and .

Just some info.

RWD (Rick)
Rick, Just because Adolph Hitler loved Wagner, my grandpa, former concentration camp inmate, was refusing to listen to him. I could not explain to him that Wagner had nothing to do with German Nazis and indeed a wonderful composer.

Musicians, composers, musical instruments is human's greatest blessing and gift for all times hard and easy.

P.S. Off the topic comments are right on, but in fact why not for a change
If the world would not listen to composers/musicians/singers from countries that had done regrettable things, there wouldn't be much to listen to.
Wagner was a vile anti-Semite who did a LOT to energize and
make respectable hatred of Jews in all levels of German Society. He wrote and verbally spew his hate on any and all occasions .
I studied History for years in a German university.
I doubt there is a historian in Germany who would not agree with Gramps.
Hitler sure did, and said so many times.
I'd invoke Godwin's Law here, but you guys are being literal. What an interesting thread....
Wagner and Hitler have exactly WHAT to do with MF's record cleaning process?
I was about to bid on a slightly used clearaudio matrix to dry my records off or clean the deeply dirty ones before my US bath, but for 199 I wonder if that Record Dr one will be good. Have any of you used it before? I'm sure it's fine to vacuum my US records dry, but is it easy enough and powerful enough to use to deep clean grimy records before the US bath? I just don't want to get too complicated or I won't use it. Thanks.