Luxman 509 or McIntosh 8900

Hello all!

Been doing a great amount of research on getting a new "buy once, cry once" integrated amp..  Ive narrowed this down to the Luxman 509x and McIntosh 8900..  Ill be running this into a pair of Polk 707's which I am very happy with and prob won't be upgrading for 5-10 years.  

This would be streaming mostly and USB HiRes..  The McIntosh has the old DA1 module and I would get a separate streaming DAC for the Luxman.  Moderate listening levels.  The Polk's are 87db efficient and 250-300 watts recommended I believe.

Any feed back, suggestions would be great!!

Oh, and I have heard the McIntosh with Cornwalls and LOVED it..  I can not find a dealer to hear the Luxman..  So the Luxman would be a purchase off of suggestion only.  

- Brian
agree with eziggy

Mcintosh is very smooth, lush, powerful, warm. I have a mc452 and used to have ma6600. Both had the same signature, though mc452 is much more refined. I'm pairing it with sonus Faber speakers, which are also warm sounding with rolling off highs. Piano and other instruments do not sound as real with SF. I've heard Luxman, more neutral presentation and not as warm as mc. So it depends what sound you're looking for. If you want a beautiful non fatiguing warm sound go for Mcintosh. For a more real presentation go with Luxman. Also depends on your speakers. Mcintosh is great for brighter speakers. Comparing both, Luxman looks much more refined aesthetically, seems higher quality material and craftsmanship. 
I had the Macintosh MA6900 integrated amp several years ago and, based on my retailers advice and demo, I finally purchased the Luxman L-590ax II. The Luxman amp was more detailed, more musical, clearer, warmer and I enjoyed it very much.

My next upgrade was to the SimAudio 700i V2 integrated amplifier and it took my musical listening to another level. I auditioned the 700i V2 amp and liked what I heard using my PMC Twenty5.26 speakers. My new SimAudio 700i V2 amp sounds excellent with clearer sounds and more musical detail.

If possible, audition different amplifiers at slightly different price ranges to narrow down the range you can afford and sounds the best (to you). Take your time and listen. When posting on Audiogon, you are getting opinions from others and that is useful. However, I suggest you audition the McIntosh amp and the Luxman amps and decide based on what YOU hear.

As posted above, I agree the Luxman L-L-509X is a great sounding amplifier and, as I noted, suggest you audition it so you can make the correct decision. Please do NOT rush this process.
Deadhead1000, were using direct coupled McIntosh amps?  As Stereo5 mentioned fatiguing would be the last thing I would categorize McIntosh ampa.  If anything warm and at times lacking crisp details would be my experience.  
I have never heard anyone who owns McIntosh say they were fatiguing sounding. If anything, they are warm sounding. 

That's my experience too, but my time with Mc is so short I hesitate to say anything.  What speakers were you listening to with each though? 
Probably too late to add but I lived with a Macintosh amp and preamp for many years, decided to finally upgrade and for various reasons went with the Luxman 590AXII and now wish I had replaced the Mac’s years ago. The Luxman is more detailed, warmer and much less fatiguing. 
McIntosh generally sounds lush and powerful, though clarity in the highs really depends on speaker combination.

I had the Mc452 and now have the 509X and they feel they are completely opposites.  Paired with my Martin Logan 11As (which have a slight roll off in the highs) the MC452 was too warm and lost the crispness to make some instruments sounds realistic.  The 509X loses a bit of the lush body but you get a very revealing and neutral sound character with very crisp and smooth highs.  Never fatiguing (at least to me).

it all depends on the what sound you are looking for.  I haven’t heard the Polks myself, but if they tend to be on the brighter side the McIntosh may work for you.  Either way I think the 509X is probably a bit more versatile in general.
Hi Brian,

If you’re interested, I have a L-509X I’d be happy to send your way for an audition. Where are you located?

- Colin

Luxman dealer in Nashville, TN

You can use the Mac for 5 years and get 75% of your money back if you sell. 
I used to own Mac gear a long time ago and can’t really comment on current offerings.  I would be a little concerned on ownership changes with Mac, not like the good old days.  Luxman still seems to be actively moving forward with their gear.  Of course listening to both would be best but as you mentioned, may not work with the Luxman.  I would lean toward Luxman based on me personal research and possible resale value.
The 509 adds an output stage compared to the 507, I'm sure it will be fine.


Thank you erik_squires,

Do you feel it would have enough power to to drive the "hard to drive" Polk's effectively?  
Haven't heard Mc's in a very long time so should not comment.

Love the Luxman integrateds. Extended in bass and treble, dead quiet, and sweet in the midrange to treble. Also, excellent tone controls you won't be afraid to use when necessary.