Looking for inexpensive preamp

So here is the current gear
Paradigm Premier 800F most of the time, sometimes KEF R100 for SpeakersArcam FMJ P35 AmplifiersRotel 1066 Pre-amp
I feel the Rotel is currently the weak link.  Does anyone have any thoughts on a good replacement.  Not afraid of used.
I am considering going to the KEF Q750s but that is still down the road.
I like a warmer sound, I like detail but too bright and I can get annoyed.
Music ranges are all over the board.  Disturbed to Stravinsky.  Although no Rap or Opera.  Prefer Folk and acoustic.

Trying to stay under 1k $$$$
Thank you all for the help. I am looking to find a Schitt I can listen to.  Unfortunately it's not in abundance around here.   Just Got a chance to look at a Parasound P3 and a Krell Showcase.  Has anyone listened to either.  Both are in my price range.  I believe the Krell was there low entry point.  I am only doing audio, and probably only 3 to 4 sources.  Streaming, Phono, CD as the primary.  Maybe open reel eventually
You have the advantage of waiting for a good price on a used item. Tube units give you the option of trying various tubes to tweak the brightness you are sensitive to.

I've owned a lot of equipment over the past 50 years, I could not be happier with my 'new to me' McIntosh mx110z tube tuner/preamp. (you don't get remote features, I get remote volume from my integrated amp when I want it).

manual for features/specs


This is double your budget, but fully restored. Perhaps you could sell more existing stuff, cameras, 1st born, ...


It's phono eq is excellent.

I have dedicated FM antenna, pointed at Newark for WBGO Jazz, the FM is as good as they say it is.

Try a used DeHavilland Ultravalve. Check out Kara Chaffee’s Dehavilland website. For years I had a greatly reviewed and very popular tube pre which met my needs. Bought a used Ultravalve and it truly took my system to a different level. Warm, detailed, more realistic sounding (cymbals sounded brassy) and acoustic guitar sounded great.

That's UltraVERVE. But it is a good sounding preamp for sure. Not as transparent as an LDR or TVC, but still pretty good for a tube preamp.


More robust and full sounding, and better even at low listening volume. It cost less than my other preamp also which was an added bonus. Then again, it is all about component synergy.
Try a used DeHavilland Ultravalve. Check out Kara Chaffee’s Dehavilland website. For years I had a greatly reviewed and very popular tube pre which met my needs. Bought a used Ultravalve and it truly took my system to a different level. Warm, detailed, more realistic sounding (cymbals sounded brassy) and acoustic guitar sounded great.
luxman or arcam preamps will be much warmer than rotel which
can sound overly lively and bright like there is oil in the sound,i still like it in certain setups it's very fast and sounds nice like grado headphones very open and sweet.
iv'e auditioned a nad c352 after owning  arcam and rotel integrated amps,the nad is too polite. iv'e ended up with ifi itube as a tube preamp, arcam delta 120 power amp. so id'e recommend the ifi itube 2 350$
The cheapest way is to purchase a nad amp or such with blown pa.
One with lots of inputs and control with the links to connect pre/power section.
Remove the links and use the preamp.
You will have a retro nad sound to blow your mind.
I love our disposable market!
there was nothing the Freya+ did sonically that the Saga+ didn't do equally well or better.
That maybe.
From a technical view point there is quite a difference in favor of the Freya in distortion, noise, output impedance, also the Freya has a 128 step volume control vs the Saga 64 and the Freya's power supply looks more sophisticated, and has two transformers.

Cheers George
I just A/B tested both the Freya+ and the Saga+ for a week in my system. I ended up sending the Freya+ back and keeping the Saga+. For my preferred music (female vocal, acoustic guitar, classical chamber, acoustic jazz/flamenco) there was nothing the Freya+ did sonically that the Saga+ didn't do equally well or better. I don't have long cable runs and my components are not fully balanced end-to-end. I also have just three sources: cd, streamer and line-in for room eq. so the Freya's versatility was overkill for me. Bottom line, I just kept selecting the Saga+ to stay on even when not actively testing and not the Freya+. Turns out that a little googling of blogs will tell you that some of the Schiit folks feel the same way. They built the Freya+ for those who require a fully balanced preamp but the Saga+ is the one they take home at night (so to speak). One theory is that the single tube results in a simpler circuit compared to four tubes and that sounds better because there is less going on. Who knows? I just like the Saga+ sound a little better.
Placette RVC, if you only need one input.  It’s a plain and simple volume control, nothing else. And if you want balanced control, just get two Placette RVCs.
Second Van Alstine but if out of your price range have a look at Y S Audio out of Hong Kong. I had their basic tube pre for a number of years and with a tube change to NOS RCAs it was great, almost as good as the Van Alstine I bought to replace it. And all for well under $1000.
Counterpoint SA-3000 and then when you are ready there are many upgrades available that will improve the sound to compete with preamps costing up to $10K

Happy Listening.
The Freya (I own the original version) is an amazingly musical balanced preamp with features that no other preamp I know of utilizes, and it's inexpensive relative to everything else out there. If you don't like tubes you can now shut 'em off completely, or just buy the cheaper tubeless version. They give you a couple of weeks to decide if you like it.
i also found rotel to be a little unnaturally bright--i switched to an arcam, which is warmer/smoother. i'd think an arcam fmj preamap would match well with your setup.
schwantner OP
I do want a phono section, but could also buy a phono pre-amp

Get the $129 Schiit Mani phono stage with any of the 4  Shiit preamps 


Cheers George
Third the Freya +, or save a few dollars and get the Saga + and tube roll the one tube to your heart's content.  
I should have been clearer about the Brightness.  I did not mean that detail was brightness.  Should have posted as separate statement.  I like a warmer sound.  I like detail.  I don't like really bright sounding.  Thank you for pointing that out.  And thank you all for the comments.  I had actually forgotten about the Freya. 
Tortuga Audio still sells an LDR preamp for 1200.00. If your system is passive friendly, you are not likely to duplicate it's performance for many times the asking price.


I second the Schiit Freya with upgraded tubes.
 It's a no-brainer for the money. 
Schiit Freya with some really good tubes? Amperex 6sn7 maybe?.  The Shuguang Black Treasure 6sn7 are big and require a raiser adapter, but they are warm sounding and very nice.



Conrad Johnson PV6?

FWIW detail can easily exist without brightness.

Do you need a phono section?