Is SACD dead?

Is SACD as a format dead?
Not if you listen to classical music. I still cannot keep up with all the new issues.

I would suggest you peruse the archives on this subject as it has been discussed to the point of exhaustion.

This SACD dead post pops up about every other week. Check the archives. It's not dead because I can still buy SACDs at several different stores (not on the discontinued rack either) and we are still talking about it. So, it's very much alive. The future? Well who can predict that?
Yes, absolutely.
It is as dead as vinyl.
Who listens to vinyl anymore either?
MP3 and ipods are all that matters, right?!


(Sarcasm guys, I'm not being serious!)
Did Audio Asylum already meet its quota for "SACD is dead" threads this week? As long as you listen to classical music and jazz and you are willing to purchase a SACD player ... no, it's not dead. As Kal said, it is tough keeping up with the number of new releases.

Regards, Rich
Don't forget jazz, either...there are a decent number of both new releases and older re-releases that I find worthwhile. I probably have 20 such SACDs as well as the significant volume of classical music available on the format.
if you live for art pepper and yo yo ma its alive and well(for the time being)
Probably a stupid question but what cables is everyone using for SACD? I can't use the digital connection on my Sony ES changer for SACD playback so I guess I'm going to need multiple RCA's? My receiver is an Arcam AVR300.

Thanks for any help.
Gmardinly - good morning/afternoon/evening....whatever when u woke up. How was the hibernation?

Kurt_tank - I like your post.

Aida_w - subscribe to newsletters from,,, etc.
Asahitoro wrote: "Probably a stupid question but what cables is everyone using for SACD? I can't use the digital connection on my Sony ES changer for SACD playback so I guess I'm going to need multiple RCA's? My receiver is an Arcam AVR300."

Yes, you must use the analog interconnects unless you have a system with iLink or D-Link.

Post removed 
An interesting juxtaposition to this thread...

It seems to one or two breaths left in it. I have noticed that Mobile Fidelity has either cut down or discontinued new releases.
I,m glad this issue is somewhat provocative. The flow of new scad releases seems to be ever drying up to a deafening nullity. The cutout bin seems the next port of call-ok by me-sacd shure sounds good!
Ben I will never balme you,Its only music, why blame.
Only if you shoot my cow.