Interconnects under floor?

I’ve moved house and now I have an issue that I’m sure isn’t uncommon: in order to have my rack out of firing range of (one of) my speakers, I need to move it to a location in the room that doesn’t allow for me to run interconnects discretely. I’m currently running 12’ balanced ICs to monoblocks that are near the speakers and those are connected with shorter speaker cables. From all I’ve read, longer IC and shorter speaker cables is great but to move my rack to a hood location I’d have to get even longer ICs and run them across the living room and across a major walkway. I thought about running up a wall and across and back down, concealing the cables with some sort of conduit that matches the wall colors, but... has anyone ever run cables in to the wall, under the house through conduit from rack to amps? Is that ridiculous? I’d obviously try to run them nowhere near other electrical wiring.
@lancelock Good plan! I'd do something similar if I wasn't on 100 year old hardwood floors.
I have my gear in my loft and the speakers in the living room below. I pulled up the carpet used a router and made a channel across the plywood floor. I ran speaker wire under the carpet, down the wall and behind the drywall. 45’ of Audioquest type 4 speaker wire for each channel, not the most expensive cable but the sound is great.
Thankfully, no snakes on Long Island, and though I have mice, they don't manage to climb the 8 feet to my cables.
I really hate seeing their little carcasses as they are so cute, but do know they can be a problem.
I do have mice. They are bastards. Been waking up to lots of poop pellets, they basically have a rodent scat party institute the middle of the night... but exterminator comes this week. I did sheath the cables with garden flex tubing (p[roper conduit was just too difficult in the right space) and for the receptacles I didn't use the typical open back boxes like for digital/coax but regular blue 2 gang boxes on which I drilled 1" entry hole. 
I meant that mice, when hungry chew wires, so keep after them down there, or feed them
Sorted. Works perfect. Used these both ends, ran the XLRs under the house along floor joists using this very manageable conduit zip tied every couple feet for extra closure. Total cost about $20, no new cables.
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I forgot I use those wall plates, too.
Yes, they work, but unfortunately let in some of the cold air from my basement. Adding some fiberglass insulation helped. And, no mice ever tried to climb up there-most were content to nibble on the bait I left on the basement floor.😉
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@tvad There we go, thank you! I knew I’d seen them somewhere, albeit not at my local store. This should do the trick and hopefully not allow any mice in. Was trying to accomplish without buying new cables, so I might need to remove my XLR and Fischer terminations temporarily to fish the cables through. Thanks for the tips! Happy holiday!
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@tvad What did you use for for wall plates? Did you use XLR connector plates or did you have some kind of opening that allows the cables to run directly in/out of your receptacles? I’ve used XLR plates in recording studios but curious if adding 2 more connections in the signal path will degrade things. Something like this: I’m using 5m OCC copper cables with braided copper shielded. I could run that under the house and get another 1m on both ends to run from wall plate to components, but I assume point to point would be best? Thx for your advice!
Perfect. That’s that then, costs me nothing but personal labor. Thanks all for the validation!
I run my XLR's down to the basement and back up to the monoblocks.
I see no reason why it should be an issue. 
Long speaker Wires.

Then, if still needed, down, thru crawl space without conduit.

Over the years, many locations, I've had very long speaker wires successfully. I've drilled holes against the walls down to my crawl space in many locations, for cable tv, coax, ethernet, signal, speakers, sub, rear surround, outdoor speakers, shop speakers. All without conduit, never an issue. Make sure you don't have mice.

Test: start with inexpensive heavy gauge lamp cord (1 strand marked). After that, you will be pleasantly surprised, then, if you must, upgrade those speaker wires in the future.

Once I made 50' long pairs out of solid core strands from electrical supply house, twisted them, they sounded as good as prior and later cables.

It's by trying stuff that you learn many 'inadvisable' solutions work well.
In large TV or movie studios, theaters and concert halls, for recordings and live events, 300 foot long XLR cables are common.  Look for cables that a rated for in-wall or plenum use.
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@erik_squires Right of course. This is a brutal crawlspace, my favorite! Under carpet does make sense, I’m just not in the market for new cables really - and it’s ICs not speaker cables - these were a pain to make with Fischer connectors etc. We’ll see how I go tho.
Is that ridiculous? I’d obviously try to run them nowhere near other electrical wiring.

No, not at all, a lot of stage wiring is done just this way.

But!! It may be super convenient to run under-carpet, flat speaker cables instead.
So adults, children and animals don’t trip over them upon entering the room. It’s the central room. Records already occupy most of it, I’m walking on thin ice domestically.
I need to move it to a location in the room that doesn’t allow for me to run interconnects discretely.

What is this word, "discretely"?