if you're reading this then you already know...

Anybody else notice the laziness in ads lately? Seems to be getting worse especially in commercial ads. Every ad exclaims "if you're reading this then you already know" everything there is about how amazing product xyz is and all its technical features and have of course seen all the reviews. The ads in question then proceed to provide no links and no further information.

This is still a hobby forum. Please take the extra 2.5 minutes to provide YOUR perspective and maybe some information. If I "already knew" everything as the ads claim - I guess I'd be plugging my iPOD into my BOSE system for perfect sound 'cuz they claim the same thing
Sorry, I am so used to being flamed its hard to tell anymore from type what folks mean.
You cant win no matter what you post, somebody will always take issue with any comment. There is a wealth of knowledge at anyones finger tips who has a computer and a connection, why more dont take advantage of it is beyond me but you can still be lazy and research....it isnt exactly a workout to click and read.
You guys are already on a computer wich has the ability to search and learn about almost any product, service or idea in the Universe so take advantage of it, if the seller is lazy so be it and if you are not as lazy do some research for gods sake......problem solved?
so, to sum up - can we say that all Audiophiles are lazy? That certainly describes me. Anyone else in?

You guys are already on a computer wich has the ability to search and learn about almost any product, service or idea in the Universe so take advantage of it, if the seller is lazy so be it and if you are not as lazy do some research for gods sake......problem solved?
It maybe because one Is already on Audiogon that maybe one should know all there is to know about xyz. After all are we not a country of 'stats, facts, figures and performance'?

Joeylawn36111, this is MY carney...go find yourself another midway to "bark" on :-)
in between the sublime and the ridiculuous, a word to the wise is sufficient.

an ad should be designed to sell the product. if the wording is ambiguous, one of three things may happen:

the ad will be ignored, questions will be asked of the seller, or efforts to obtain information from another source will be implemented.

why such a fuss over trivia ? case closed.
Egad and gadzooks...ladies and gentlemen...children of all ages...this is the most colossal and stupendous...the most fantastic and amazing electronic device since Mister Edison invented the light bulb!!!! It will play the powerful and bombastic marches of John Philip Sousa, as well as the bird like fragility of a Jenny Lind Aria!

There is only one of these available for the most knowledgeable buyer...an aficionado of auditory delights, so act now...be the lucky and discriminating buyer and show that you are indeed a person of distinction and of the most ethereal taste. Questions need not be asked as this golden marvel of electronic circuitry will, indeed, answer any questions of its superiority all by itself!!!!
I thought I was the only one who used the rock, but I use it on Hitchhikers :)
I like your approach to lowballers especially the pun of low"ball"ers being castrated.
Following some of the opinions in this thread, an ideal ad (grammar/spelling errors intentional)
Component ABC

If your looking at this you alredy know what it is.

Sorry, no pix available, dno't have camara. Has a few nick on top and front and usual wear but not so bad

Lowballers will be castrated will a dull rock.
With the internet and the "copy/paste" feature no ad has to go wanting for informtion.

Who is to lazy to copy & paste?
I generally do not care to read about what a phenomenal product is being sold so the seller can then upgrade to an even more phenomenal product. Therefore, I don't really mind when there is not a lot of rhetoric in the ad, especially since I conduct my own research on items I purchase. I do however like to be provided with an honest description of the item and its condition, as well as any historical information such as whether it has been repaired, upgraded, or recently checked out at the factory, and whether it has any "quirks" or other issues I should be aware of. Of course pictures of the actual item are very helpful. A seller cannot possibly address every buyer's issues and questions in a for-sale ad, which makes it a plus when a seller takes the time to completely and truthfully answer specific questions from individual potential buyers. I would not buy from a non-responsive seller, or one who I thought was giving me a line of BS.
I buy only items that I already know about and am interested in buying. However, I will look at ads for items I'm not familiar with to learn something about a new (to me) product. Either way, what annoys me about the "if you're reading this" line is: (i) as bdgregory notes, it is presumptuous, (ii) often the line is offered up in lieu of any description of the condition of the item (except the opaque "9/10") and (iii) it sounds like the something a used car salesman, a carnival barker or some other type of high pressure sales person would use in lieu of real information (kind of insults your intelligence).
On - I know this. Exactly my point. You've potentially excluded me as a buyer because I failed to notice your item. I'm not saying you have to go out of your way for the "shopper". That's your choice and I don't fault you if you want to be terse in your ad. I prefer to spend an extra 2 min in case there's someone shopping who has money.

My point on what makes me crazy is simply that "If you're reading this . . ." is a stupid, illogical statement. I think you're better off leaving it out. Ok, so this may be nit picking, but every now and then I get to do that.
Bdg, you're shopping while I'm trying to buy and/or sell. There's a real difference.
So if you dont know what it is then do some damn research, like you are going to just go by what a sellers posts?
Every time we post there is always someone ready to call you out on it...people will argue about anything, pathetic.
Why are you even clicking on the ad if you don't already know what it is?
If you're shopping for a used DAC, or Pre, or Amp, or . . .; and you haven't decided on which you will buy, then why wouldn't you click on an ad for one you're not yet familiar with? Isn't that the way you shop for new stuff? Of course you can do research via other means (ie Fora, Mfg Brochure, etc), but at some point don't you go talk to sales people and ask them to tell you about what they have for sale?

Or do some of you people just buy stuff because the ad has lots of info, links and pretty pictures?
you're kidding, right?

if you are unaware of important information do your own research. don't blame it on another person.
Or maybe we click on the ad because we don't know what it is. Some small manufacturers don't spend much, if any, on advertising and can't get their equipment reviewed in Sterophile or The Absolute sound. The purpose of an ad is the grab the attention of the consumer. All it requires is a brief description and a picture. It doesn't have to go into detail, just enough to pique the interest of the reader.

How many times have you seen an ad on TV or in a magazine and you can't tell what product they are selling? Then you have to run to the computer and Google it to find out that it was really an ad for a famine hygiene product or a boner pill.
Why are you even clicking on the ad if you don't already know what it is? Or do some of you people just buy stuff because the ad has lots of info, links and pretty pictures? Part of the reason I've sold equipment on Audiogon is because I thought it would be found by knowledgeable potential buyers. After reading this thread I might reconsider my position and in the future address my ads towards uninformed people who know nothing about the product, but just might buy it anyway.

Lazy sellers, maybe? What about lazy buyers?
I also think in many cases if you are looking to buy a most likely high ticket item you should know what it is, its specs and how it performs because you should have already been doing extensive homework.
this is true, you should, and many/or most people do by the time they see an ad. But what about those who don't? Does a seller want to miss a potential sale because he/she couldn't say "this is a x widget and you can read up on it at this link to the mfg website".

Further (and this is the stupid part), why say "if you're reading this"? If I'm reading this, then OF COURSE, I'm reading this. And how does it follow that I know all about the item BECAUSE I'm reading this?

I have purchased Audio gear that I found through a used equip ad both here and ebay and I previously knew nothing about, but since the ad peeked my interest, I spent the time to learn more about it. I have also sold gear to individuals who were in the same situation prior to seeing my ad.
Most of the time, I DO already know because it's some weird thing that interests me or I would have skipped it to begin with. But the one time I DID NOT KNOW (and this was recent) it pissed me off because I wanted to know.

What if I don't know what it is? I picture or a brief description might pique my interest and cause me to do some research.
I see both sides of this, yes it is lazy and a bit stupid but it also is a selling point to convince you this is an awesome product, a very subtle technique of hype.
I also think in many cases if you are looking to buy a most likely high ticket item you should know what it is, its specs and how it performs because you should have already been doing extensive homework.
I only post a link as extra info that I can't include (ie owners manuals).
People would get more $$$ for their gear and sell it faster if they read all of these posts.

Yes, I also apply the same principle to ads without pictures. If I can't see it, I ain't buying.
Apply the same principle to any ads that don't have photos, and it becomes pretty easy to navigate through the 'New Today' section.

I agree, I see ads for $20K speakers and the dude doesn't even give us the benefit of photos! An ad is a sales brochure and if you want to sell something make an effort or....next! Just MHO.

Exactimundo. Apply the same principle to any ads that don't have photos, and it becomes pretty easy to navigate through the 'New Today' section.
"if you're reading this then you already know" = hit the "back" button and move on to the next ad.
This makes me crazy too. First, the fact the seller would presume I know and am not interested in any more, and second that they would waste the words telling me so, as opposed to leaving the point mute/implied.

You're right, it's laziness, but IMO it's also stupidity.

I prefer ads that are succinct, and complete. The more they tell you about the item (links are fine, or better than verbalizing it), its history/condition, and the sale terms while using as few words as possible the better.
I posted the same sort of comment on AA. I find that type os statement to be a pretty arrogant way of puttting things. Like I said, say something, anything, lie to me...