I could cry

That damn cat. It finally happened to me. The cat got locked in my storage room with my several hundred albums. Yep you guessed it. What a mess. Should I kill the cat ?
Very sorry to hear of this blow. Not the cat's fault, but still a real bummer. Chin up though, somethng will come along to make you feel better sooner or later. Meanwhile it's good to hear Schipo saying covers can sometimes be found... just in case it happens to me.
Many times record jackets can be found, unless we are talking rare? As long as the lps are fine just be on the look out for the covers, even if the lp in the jacket is a throw away. Oh and please keep the cat away from this area,like spraying some pet product that will keep mister Jinx away.
confetti city huh?

Wait for a parade then.

Just about always, we can either "Lower our expectations, or assume responsibility".

it happend to me too in a different scenario, though the same result. Lots of confetti was saved for some special event. that was in 1980.

In 2002 my football team won the Super Bowl... the parade received the now defunk cats 'contribution'... or something similar.
Not the cat's fault. Sometimes owners have to take responsibily for their pet's behavior. We take on ownership of animals knowing full well their instincts and behavior, animals following their instincts should not be made to suffer a death sentence or abuse of any kind. Be thankful your vinyl was not damaged!
As the line in "Young Franknstein" goes;
"Could be worse"
"Could be raining"
We had a leak in our home while away for a week 1/2. 600 albums were stacked against the wall,on edge waiting to be placed in their new spot. All the album covers were fused together with mold. And I mean fused. Took me hours & days to clean them all. Now I have 600 albums with no covers. They all have new sleeves of course. I tear up every time I go to play one. Good side? They have never been so clean....
Cats will be cats.

My cats did that once in my apartment. Stored records make grreat scratching posts! I still have the shredded label edge sides to remind me. Gotta give them credit, they didn't pee either. At least the records went "unscratched".

Try dogs.
gotta agree with tvad and dc...... not the cats fault.... do no harm to the cat.....
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Well at least you can still play the LPs.

Not the cat's fault and you lucked out on the peeing scenario.
Shouldn't kill the cat. It was in a locked area and had to pee somewhere.

Maybe you should consider placing litter boxes in all the places you plan on locking your cat in. ;-)
If my cat ruined any portion of my LP collection there would be a dead cat and probably a divorce (unless I could talk my way out of that one).

"Sorry honey, but it was just too much to bear"
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Great time to get out of vinyl. This is no doubt some manifestation of INNER ANALOG RAGE!!!

P.S. - Reward the cat.