I could cry

That damn cat. It finally happened to me. The cat got locked in my storage room with my several hundred albums. Yep you guessed it. What a mess. Should I kill the cat ?

Showing 6 responses by scottht

Yeah, it's the cats fault! Little crap follows me around like a shadow. meowing and purring.... little bastard :)
Oh, and thaks for the advice, I will try to be a man.
Time to teach the feline some music appreciation. May I suggest for some heavy rotation, at 110 db SPL:
I thought of this idea. Think it's the best solution.
For those that took me serious about killing the cat. I did it. She's dead! I just couldn't stand it any longer. WOW, get a sense of humor
You know I think I am blaming the wrong creature. My wife is the one who locked her in there. She was putting my clothes away in that closet. Because of course she gets the closet in our room. I get the spare room closet. Typical. Think I'll have to take it out on her!
Humor is the best medicine :) Trust me PETA idiots, I wouldn't hurt a anything. In fact, I even catch and release my fish