I could cry

That damn cat. It finally happened to me. The cat got locked in my storage room with my several hundred albums. Yep you guessed it. What a mess. Should I kill the cat ?

Showing 7 responses by mapman

Cats will be cats.

My cats did that once in my apartment. Stored records make grreat scratching posts! I still have the shredded label edge sides to remind me. Gotta give them credit, they didn't pee either. At least the records went "unscratched".

Try dogs.
THis is the funniest thread ever!

Ironically, it has little to do with high end audio though.

Scot, if it's any consolation, the same thing happened to me years ago and I have the record sleeves to prove it, and I am able to laugh about it now!

Keep an eye on the cat! She's plotting her next moves to agitate you as we speak!
Is this the little bugger?
[url=http://www.funpicsfree.com/photogallery/funny_Pics_041208/funny%20crazy%20cat.gif]Bad Kitty[/url]
My dog is partial to classical guitar and certain forms of progressive rock.

His favorite tune is "Seamus" by Pink Floyd.