How many people here generally buy used?

Just curious. Most of my equipment I purchased new. My Firstwatt J2 was a demo that I swear was new. Outside of a DAC where latest tech may be desired, buying used (if a fair price) seems to be a great way to purchase something you normally would not be able to afford. Of course, condition, care of component etc needs to be taken into consideration

Even though I try to buy used, I mostly buy new.  I would be more apt to buy used speakers and amplifiers as I don't think the technology has changed that much.  The problem is what I am interested in generally does not come up in the used market.  Patience is not one of my virtues.  
I rarely buy anything new. Phono cartridges. Can’t think of much else.  Oh, no used fuses.

I bought new until I realized that I was paying too much for equipment that I found out that I did not really like.

My current setup is all used at about 40% to 45% of new price.

Thanks for listening,

I will also say that I've broken down and bought new when a used item I'm coveting just never seems to appear on the used market.
I buy used.  Its hard to beat the bang for buck factor. I have bought new items but they are always heavily discounted or on clearance.
75% used or demo.  A couple of trades mixed in.  I'm a bit squeamish about buying used TT's but perhaps I shouldn't be - have bought all tables new except one vintage AR over the years.  
My a/v processors/receivers I’ve bought new, as discontinued items when the new versions came out. Speakers were new demos I bought at lower $$ then used were selling for at the time, my Oppo 205 I bought from the last run they did, when MSRP was the best deal to be had. Everything else til now has been used with zero regrets.
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All of my McIntosh was bought used from AC. Although used, every piece looked brand new. My Esoteric SACD player was bought as “exhibition stock” from Teac. My Sony Music Server was bought new but highly discounted. My GE speakers and Technics DD table were bought new as were the audio racks and speaker cable. My power conditioners and power cords and interconnects were all bought used. If I had bought all this equipment brand new, I would have paid more than double than what I did spend.
I like used, or NOS. Better yet "I bought it but never used it", I love that kinda deal...
A 55 year old valve amp, two days of use, the guy pass on. The wife cuts the end off the power cord so the kids won't get hurt. The wife passes on, The kids sell it. It's a Mcintosh MC225. 1000.00 Need I say more.

Speakers- used.  Pre amp - used.   Power amp -demo.  Turntable/Cart. - new.   Cables - mostly used.   CD player - Demo.   Rack- Used.   What I have purchased used has been in mint condition.
I look to buy the best I can find, at the best price I can find it. New or used does not matter.
Virtually every piece I have  I bought used - can't afford to pay full price...
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Why would this matter its Audiogon which is all used stuff.Buy new only as its fun to pay full list!!
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I agree with your thought process stated above, although the majority of my purchases have been new audio gear.