How many amps do you own?

i am wondering how many folks here own more than one amp. I own a couple of amps...a tube mono block ( Jadis) and a stereo ss Jeff Rowland model 8t ( modded). These two amps give me what I consider to be the best of ss and tubes. i do NOT use the amps in the system at the same time. As such, the system requires two sets of speaker cables and two sets of ic cables. I can run two amps off my preamp. Anyone else have the option of two amps..if so, what are they and why do you run multiples.
A pair of Monarchy Audio SM70mkII's.
First Watt F5
 10 watt tube amp. Hand made,just not by my hands.
LMAO... Nothing is easy in this hobby. The rewards are great though. 
Well, this had been very enlightening and happy to find out I am not as seriously ill as I had suspected...

Pass 260.8 mono
ML 23.5
Bedini 100/100
Perreaux 3150 (just in case) 
Two Primaluna HP integrateds. (For now) One using EL 34's and one with KT120's. Revels on one system and SonusFabers on the other.

After reading the above I feel it's ok to keep going 
Tri-amped ATC SCM 40 active speakers, that makes 6.  Manley Mahi Mahi mono blocks plus Sudgen A21SE, 3 D chip, Emotiva integrated.  I think that makes 13.  Oh, a Sugden Headmaster headphone amp.  14, final answer.
Since I build reference power amplifiers, I have about ten different ones.  Lafayette KT-550 kit amp is probably the best amp I have ever owned.  Luxkit Class A again pretty close the best amp I have heard and various hybrid and Class A amplifiers with various parts of the same amp so I can hear how the parts impact the sound.

Happy Listening.

For my main system - three.  A Bryston 4BST for the front channels, a second Bryston 4BST for the rear channels, and an Adcom 555 for the subwoofer. That about all my electrical system should be asked to handle.
I also have two more systems in the house (mostly for background music) with an Adcom 545 upstairs and a tiny little Technics amp, from the 80s, in my basement system.

"Well, this had been very enlightening and happy to find out I am not as seriously ill as I had suspected..."

Did you ever stop to think that maybe you're a seriously ill person standing in the middle of a large group of us seriously ill people?



Right now, five:

2 Pass Aleph III
2 Benchmark (Bridged)
1 Cambridge Bluetooth

Two, tube mono blocks and a Yamaha as-100 integrated I use as a pre amp. This way all my equipment is used all the time, plus I can isolate any issues by using the integrated amp to test outputs. I have been caught in the past with no way of verifying or isolating problems - one channel bias, noise etc. After 40 years of hi-fi I do value a balance control as well, after years of no tone or balance.
Lets not go there! I think I could come up with totals of most other components I still hold on to and use much quicker. When it comes to speakers, I have a lot. When it comes to amps, it gets embarrassing rather quickly. It reminds me of an old joke. "I like both kinds of music, country AND western"... reword and insert "tube and transistor".
I have 4 in use

(2) NuPrime STA9 running mono
Adcom 3-channel for the center and surrounds
Crwn XLS2500 for the subs
Currently, there are about 4 amps, but 2 of them are low dollar temporary amps while I am experimenting with a Forte' model 3. It won't be even close to the original amp when finished, due to having to replace output transistors, power capacitors, and few other parts. At the moment, a Carver A220 is in the system, and has surprised me quite a bit, sounding way better than I expected. Before that, a flurry of inexpensive amps were tried, and even a digital amp that I built. It has become the sub amp, and does very well.