High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


Showing 3 responses by ianb52

My god. How is this possible?! Put some Q45T on my power cables and fuses, and wow.

Someone may have mentioned it, but are there any potential health hazards from the ingredients, having residue around/in outlets etc.?


That's a good suggestion. I've got one coated plug in each zone of my Denali v2 distributor and I could try coating the other outlets in there. I was just a little concerned about the AC outlet and residue because I rent currently, and was just imaging a family with small children moving in after me. If it was my own place I would do the main AC connected to the Denali and use a couple coated PS Audio Noise Harvesters in other outlets.

It's wild how wide and spacious my system is all of a sudden. Despite all my Shunyata cabling and power filter, fancy fuses, optical isolation etc there must still have been enough noise in my system that was increasing L-R channel crosstalk. It sounds about 2-3 ft wider now.




Thinking of the question whether Q45T adds clarity or tonal density: IMO it doesn't add anything, it takes away gunk, noise, glare, crosstalk etc. so the natural stereo imaging, detail, and tone color come through. Similar to using SR fuses or Shunyata power filtering, but taken to the next level.