High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


Showing 7 responses by mglik

I was concerned until I texted Rick and was answered right away.

Have no doubt that I will receive my Q45T this week. 
Sent a screen shot of my PayPal invoice and he responded “Perfect, will ship in 1-2 days.”.

I have the NPS 1260 and hesitate to apply it. So far, I have it on one speaker cables. Don’t hear any difference but should probably do the other speaker.

And thinking of doing my amp fuses. Any ideas?

I am so impressed with NPS 1260 that I felt it needed its own thread!

If there is going to be an upgraded model do I have to order some and reapply?

I had mentioned that 1260 applied to one speaker cable did not do anything.

Now Rick told me two things. 1. Some contacts are too polished to hold 1260 well.

2. Speaker spades and bananas need to be completely covered. I did notice that my spade when “painted” with 1260 had lots of clear spots. And that I only applied it to the tips of the spade. So, that explains why I heard no improvement.

I expect to receive my NPS Q45T this coming week.

Communications have been good and normal.

Have been quite anxious to try the Q45T since the results with just my fuses and phono cable treated with the original NPS 1260 has been nothing short of stunning!

Overall, the SQ became a major leap more “real”.

I will certainly check in after the new stuff gets applied.

Rich did tell me that it is not necessary to remove the 1260 before applying Q45T.

I do expect it to be easier to apply.

No Q45T yet. But Rick has been communicating by text a lot this week and he was clear that he has made a new, more potent batch of Q45T and mine was now shipped. I am confident that I will receive it within a few days. Will certainly report when it comes and how it works. Rick was clear that it takes 40 hours to break in and 70 hours to fully take effect. He also suggested that it is best to remove any 1260 with alcohol and cotton swab.

And it will soon be available at contactenhancer dot com.

An update.

Got my NPS Q45T 4-14 and applied it to all connections but AC 4-16.

WOW, WOW, WOW! The change in SQ is equal to or greater than moving from a $3K cartridge to a $13K cartridge. Now music is unlike anything I have ever heard.

The sound is enveloping. Bass lines are brand new. Reality is through the roof. Cymbals are newly full and “complete”. Reed instruments clearly contain the sound of the reed. I could go on but a very noticeable thing is that before when listening to a Pop vocal, I discounted the instruments and enjoyed the nice midrange sound of the voice. Now, the instruments are as clear and important as the voice. Transformative. At night, for 2 channel HT, I hear so much more. Like the sound of a car’s engine. The sound of birds, etc. 

I was thrilled with the original NPS 1260 and had high expectations for the new Q45T. My expectations were exceeded. Incredibly so. Even my wife came into the room and said that it sounded very different and very good. High praise indeed.
Rick said that it takes 40-60 hours to fully take effect.

As far as availability, Rick is no longer selling it. Has licensed it. The Cable Company will have it and a new site called contactenhancer dot com.

The current batch is sold out but it should appear at those two sites soon.