Help/advice, upgrading my vintage amplifier!

Hi there!

I'm still new on this stereo world so I'm looking some advice!
My current set up is;

Turntable; Schiit Sol.
Cartridge; Sumiko Moonstone.
Phono Preamp; Schiit Many.
Amplifier; Sansui G6000 (recapped).
Speakers; Klipsch Lascala (Bob Crites upgraded).

I love how everything sounds but I was thinking, am I going to get more out of my speakers is If I use a newer amplifier? (I have a vintage amplifier) and a different phone preamp? I was thinking in the Cambridge duo Alva preamp and the Cambridge axr100 amplifier? If someone out there want to share your experience I will appreciate it! I don't want to spend a considered amount of money and get the same results or maybe slightly better.

Thank you in advance!

there is a good active thread this subject right now, budget on that thread is around $500, but lots of suggestions up to $1k. 
@erivera1990  - Congrats on the new amp. Enjoy!

Now that you have your system sorted out, go over and post some of your vinyl music selections on the "What's on Your Turntable Tonight?" thread. Everybody's doing it!!!
Thank you y'all for your recommendations! Surprisedly near where I live a gentleman was selling a Rogue Tempest II Super Magnum upgraded, he gave me a price that it was hard to pass, I love how it sounds! Next step sell my Sansui lol. 
I have a Schiit Freya+ and a Aegir amp it sounds great driving my
JBL 4435 monitors. The Aegir is 10 watts class A. It should drive your Klipsch La scala just fine.
Yeah, Only go Class D if you want to contribute to the global electronics waste problem and the planned obsolesce of the manufacturers to keep the cash flow rolling.... Find a sweet used Class A. Or find a rebuilt AB adcom or musical concepts hafler on ebay. There is a reason that dead adcom and hafler amps go for close to retail when they were new compared to dead class  D amps, which go for well, nothing. They just sit there. Who really wants to mess with repairing Hypex power supplies and surface mount micro components. No one. Hey just my rant as a DIY guy but maybe some of who you have positive experience(s) repairing class D crap can chime in.  Buy the best F** the rest. Quality pays it doesn't cost.  Class D is car amp tech do to space constraint. don't let any marketing convince you otherwise.  I don't care if I haven't heard it beyond the quite impressive volvo amps I've heard, the pcbs will all be in the landfill. Peace
@jperry  my budget as it right now is roughly 1K. 
I was looking at a Rogue Sphinx V1, I couldn't find a bad review about it. 
A solid state consideration would be the Lejonklou Boazu at about $4,000. Super quiet and sounds fantastic

If you haven't you should indicate at least an approximate budget.

Vinyl is my first main source, sometimes bluetooth, I will get information about class D amps, and yes as it right now I have approx 1k. There's great options out there, but a little bit out of my budget ( I have being searching in ebay).
In addition to Rogue and Jolida, I'll add Willsenton to the recommendation list.  They have a couple of excellent value tube integrated amps.  
The Rogue Sphinx integrated amp would be a considerable upgrade over the Sansui! It has a tube front end/preamp and a 100wpc Class D output stage. Plenty of power and excellent damping factor for bass! Herb Reichert liked it a lot in his review for Stereophile. Plus it is USA-made - unlike Jolida/Black Ice!
You have some nice speakers, everything else is kind of entry level. 

What's your budget?  Based on your setup, it looks like vinyl is your main source?

I would avoid Jolida, I have owned one of their preamps (Fusion) and a couple of the JD9 phono stages.  They aren't built that well and are noisy compared to other components.  

I wouldn't limit yourself to tubes (although I love tubes).  While the La Scalas don't need much power, they can benefit from a more powerful amplifier.  Class D is worth considering.  Lots of power and damping for the La Scala's big woofers and the slightly rolled off top end of many Class D amps may be a blessing with the La Scala's, especially if you like to listen loud.

With the current vinyl setup you have, you're not going to experience the full benefits of a better amp/preamp.  The pieces you mentioned are probably a sideways move at best.

If you're happy with how things sound and only have a few hundred dollars in your budget, don't spend anything.  Be happy with what you have and don't waste your money making a sideways move.
The Jolida amps are well-made and very good value. They're not considered state-of-the-art but they are an excellent place to get an introduction to tube gear. Underwood Hi-Fi carries Jolida under their new brand name, Black Ice Audio, and is a highly recommended source for both information and gear.
I have not heard Jolida, I recommend looking at Luxman or Line Magnetic integrated amps.

You need a quiet tube amp because of your high sensitivity speakers. Rogue makes good equipment, but I don't think it would be a good match with the K-Horns due to a higher noise floor
I have been looking into tube integrated amps, what you guys think about jolida brand? What about solid state amps? Any recommendations?
@reubent not really! As long as you have a basic knowledge on how to set up a turntable, cartridge alignment, VTA, VTF and anti skate, it's pretty much straight forward. It's sad that Schiit cancel the Sol. Not quite sure why, but I think it's a really good turntable.
@erivera1990  - How do you like the Schiit Sol? Did you find it difficult to set up? Looks like an interesting TT and a great value.
That's a big YES. Sell the Sansui and buy a used tube amp. Rogue?
The SQ will double.