For a few dollars more

You could take your speakers, hang em high, and feel the sudden impact. Granted you may have to turn your amp every which way but loose, but then you could play misty for me any which way you can and not feel like we had to run the gauntlet. In a perfect world the beguiled listener would be the rookie, and to spend more would be a true crime. In other words, you don't need to spend a million dollar, baby.
@griff69-      A Smith & Wesson, Model 29, .44 Magnum, to be exact, in most of the Dirty Harry stuff.     YEP: the Automag only appeared in Sudden Impact.  
Quentin's movies are brilliant and I am a big fan except that many of his movies are ruined with usually one completely unnecessary and distasteful sequence/scene. 
@oldhvymec- " They are so loud because nothing escapes around a wheel,..."                           You’ll never see a sound suppressor on a revolver (wheel gun), unless it’s in a movie with a screenplay writer that knows nothing about weaponry (common).     There’s no way to silence the blast/noise that’s emitted from the gap, between the cylinder front and barrel’s forcing cone.     An automatic/semiauto/select fire can be suppressed, because by the time the breech is unlocked and casing has left the chamber, the pressure in the barrel has dissipated (projectile’s gone), even in full auto.     The only thing escaping from the ejection port, should be the cartridge casing.
That's nothing compared to William Holden firing the pre-WW1 Browning .30 water-cooled belt-fed mg at the Mexicans during the ending of The Wild Bunch (1969). A masterpiece of brutality by director Sam Peckinpah!
  Dirty Harry used S&W .44 mag in all movies. .44Auto Mag was Harry's "Back up" in Sudden Impact after losing the M29. The original Pasadena made Auto Mag's are in no way related to the .22mag Auto Mag's made by AMT except Harry Sanford helped in the design. The originals offered in .44AMP, .41AMP and .357AMP are marvelous feats of engineering. The round is not a .44 Rem Mag, it is a proprietary cartridge made from .308 Winchester brass. Firing pins didn't break or fall out. Harry Sanford later sold the rights to someone who sold it to OMC/AMT which rode the name into the ground. Offering "1911ish" pistols in many unique cals. The name was again sold to a manufacturer in South Carolina. I had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Sanford in the early 80s, amazing man, kind of the Nelson Pass of pistols. I've also had the opportunity to shoot all of the AMP cartridges including the extremely rare .41(only 2 rounds tho) they were all very manageable.
   Enjoy the music
I'll never forget the time on live TV Barbara Walters got on a Clint Eastwood rant about what a hot guy he was. Ran on for a minute or so.
I swear there was puddle on the floor between her feet when she finished.

"Don't try to understand'ed. 
Just ride'em, rope'em, brand'em"

Words to live by. 
MC, love the old Clint Eastwood references 😜😂😂

Are you feeling lucky?
I remember this, it was a loud weapon, mercy it was loud.. And not reliable either.. Every time I saw that or a Thompson Contender, there was gonna be a lot of noise, and somebody taking something apart.. Not my idea of having fun..

I'm glad I don't have to mess with ANY of them any more.. Everything I have was decommissioned. Everything my wife has was updated.. LOL

I'm a sling shot guy.... 

Who are you? Major Pain ... oh shi$, what are you blind boy? Well yes I am sir.. Next seen. Both dog and the blind kid SHAVED.. Perfect..
No,no. Those guns hurt my wrist. I'll take a Sig 9mm any day. Cheaper to shoot also.
Oldhvymec, you have to try a crossbow. They have auto loaders now so you don't have to break your back getting a bolt in. We shoot Turkeys with them. The bolt has a cross shaped knife at the tip. Accurate to 50 yards. People dear hunt with them also but you have to be ready to run a bit unless you get a perfect shot off. The bolt usually goes right through them. Venison tenderloin is the best:-)
Post removed 
It's not me. I don't mind. But my mule you see, he gets the funny idea you're talking about him. So if you will just apologize, like I know you're going to....
One of my favorite, maybe THE favorite, firearms I own is a Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Magnum six-shot, single-action revolver, with a 7 1/2 inch barrel -- a beast and cannon in your hands.  Absolutely turns heads at the shooting range, folks wondering if a stick of dynamite went off.  Got it for my 14th birthday in my East Tennessee home...back in the days when that wasn't weird. 
Allen, pins or screws on your SBH. The real early Black Hawk (not SBH) were screws the later ones went to pins.. They were always backing out a screw or two.. I have one of earliest ones, all screws.. Decommissioned of course, good for pig in the delta.. I always used 44 special rounds.. Easier to recover from for a second shot and plenty of knock down..
Damn pigs, tear up a field in no time.. Dead pigs are good pigs.
Bacon is a good pig.. 6 weeks they start to go feral. Nasty..
Tear up a dog too. Heavy Pitts and Rotts. I've stitched up a lot of dogs, behind pig hunts.

I'm not a gunner at all anymore.. To many thing have happened, I like peace and music.. No killin' for me.  My wife on the other hand.. LOL Granny Clampett no animals though..

I like Odd Ball in Kelly's Hero's, "That was a paint round", splat on the back of the Tiger Tank.. Ohh Crap..  Poor mechanic always gets the blame..

Hat on the floor, as I slowly walk around to the beat of the music and my faithful K9 close behind.. 

No reference to Clint's late-Cold War classic "Firefox."


Can't speak Russian, Da! German a little.. Then don't we all.. :-)

Voice command, now it's as common as peas and carrots.
That's nothing compared to William Holden firing the pre-WW1 Browning .30 water-cooled belt-fed mg at the Mexicans during the ending of The Wild Bunch (1969). A masterpiece of brutality by director Sam Peckinpah!

All the best,

Old fanboys never die...
...they just rap and wrap themselves in movie posts....*LOL*

"Yuh feelin' Lucky, punk?"


No, I'd rather feel Sweet Lorraine, perv...


"...dam' smart asz...."
St. Patricks' Day has these effects....all the amateur imbibers turn green and greet the dawn with elbows up....;)

But I'm happy to see MC in an unusual state of face....Cheers! *G*
oldhvymec - I think the film you were thinking about where Clint took an unscheduled trip was Coogan's Bluff. It doesn't hold up as well as most of his other films, but it was pretty gritty.

This is off topic but in "For a Few Dollars More", Clint Eastwood goes in a saloon and gets the guy named, "Red".  Then three of Red's friends come in. I'm trying to find out the real names of those three men.