Female Jazz Singers...new person/new releases...

I must admit my collection is dominated by Jazz and my Jazz collection is dominated by female vocals....and it's exactly the way I want it.

The question is...I have most of what the greats did, Dinah, Sarah, Ella....etc...and many current ones...esp. Krall...so, can anyone suggest some current releases...for a bit of the Classic/Standards type of female Jazz vocals? I do not mind big band type of backing...but lean twoards small groups with minimal electronic manipulation...esp. a lack of reverb on the vocals...

Nicole Henry,"The very thought of you"
Maysa,"A woman in love"
Jacintha, "Jacintha is her name"
Ana Caram"Hollywood Rio"
Youn Sun Nah! I thought some of you would enjoy this singer. With a very innovative and creative approach I find her to be refreshing as it's nice to hear someone do something a little different. Very wide range and makes use of different colors of voice. Here is one of many videos of her on You Tube. Please give it a chance to see how she builds on the tune. Hope you enjoy!


Hi, wow you've probably got enough to go on there but you might like my new album Sarah Brickel "Music Box".

Enjoy listening
Any online site I can listen to Cat Powers? I cannot do amazon as I do not like all of the tracking cookies Adobe puts on your p.c. I would like to use Windows Media Player. Any thoughts?

Jacintha, Holly Cole, and maybe not quite what you're looking for but check out Cat Power "Juke Box".
I second Connie Evingson: check out her covers of Peggie Lee standards.

I just ordered some Hilary Kole and from the samples, she sounds fantastic.
Can't wait to hear her CDs when they arrive.
Here are two strong recommendations that I haven't seen listed yet: Valerie Joyce "New York Blue" (a Chesky recording) and Nikki Yanofsky, "Nikki." Both beautiful young women with beautiful voices.
Lots of great talent !One of my favorites is Cheryl Bentyne,( Let me off Uptown) or (Talk of the Town)
I have not yet seen mention of Rene Marie in the thread. You should check out her CD "Vertigo." There are many YouTube clips to get a sense of her singing, which is quite passionate. An example of one of my favorite songs is:

(just audio)
Cyrille Aimee is getting a lot of airplay here in NYC thanks to Jonathan Schwartz. She is good, real good! Check her out!

I saw Tierney Sutton two weeks ago and her performance reconfirms my opinion that she is the best jazz/caberet singer working today.

Also, Stacey Kent is the most "50's sounding girl singer" around!
The Tierney Sutton Band Rings In the New Year with Two GRAMMY Nominations for American Road on BFM JAZZ.  “Soft as silk and smooth as fine bourbon” ~ Chicago Sun Times 

Take a listen to the full album here: http://bit.ly/AmericanRoadTSB
Thanks to all....now, anyone want to lend me some $ to buy everything/everyone suggested?....thought not.

I do have some of the ladies you have mentioned, but not enough.

Best, Jim
Kellylee Evans....Her latest cd Nina would be something you would be interested in. Small trio of guitar, acoustic bass and drums. After that, just get the other three disks.
I'll third Melody Gardot. Best concert performance I've ever seen. Remarkable song writer as well.
new persons/new releases -- old music ? Why 2 outa 3? Why look for new covers of songs that have been covered ad nauseum ? Try new vocalists with new music -- Alice Russell,
Lily Allen, Patricia Marx, Sabrina Malheiros, Clelia Felix,
for starters.
Whatjd ,,, sounds like your into the same great music I am . The above , sounds good to me , Melody , Eva , Pat , lets not forget Madeleine Peyroux .
Ordinarily I like my jazz vocalists well seasoned with lives tribulations, but Renee Olstead has a certain style that, I think, separates her from the typical newbie.

Like Nnenna Freelon, why Carmen Lundy remains under the radar for so many is beyond me. There are "jazz" singers, and then there are Jazz singers.



And then there is the only rendition of this greatest of songs that can stand next to Ray Charles' classic version, IMO:

While most of the vocalists mentioned are fantastic, only a few are new; Norah Jones is a vocalist that is both. Here are two selections by Norah.


All excellent recommendations, and I'll second Nnenna Freelon.
Don't forget to include Peggy Lee for the standards & big band!
I second the motion for Melody Gardot and Patricia Barber. Althought not "new releases", here are some others to consider:

- Dave's True Story (Kelly Flint)
- Ann Hampton Callaway (Check out "Blues in the Night"!)
- J Street Jumpers (Marianna Previti)

Not Jazz but you may also enjoy Rickie Lee Jones and Margo Timmons (Cowboy Junkies).
I really get tired of one of the best contemporary voices in jazz being overlooked (she's actually not new). So I'm going to capitalize her name for emphasis..NNENNA FREELON. If you choose, I can recommend starting with her recording "Listen" and go from there.

Here she is live via youtube:
Nnenna Freelon, "Better Than Anything"

On Audiogon I have almost been a voice in the wilderness every time I mention her. Maybe a few other members have ever given her props. What do you think?
Patricia Barber
Youn Sun Nah (esp her CD Shenandoah)
Eva Cassidy (personal preference is Live at Blues Alley)
Connie Evingson has some great recordings. Some have a European flavor and some songs are part French and part English. After listening to Connie it's hard to listen to Diana Krall.

Ruth Brown "Blues On Broadway" is an awesome naturally recorded album with some of the finest ever musicians.
Shirley Horn and Cleo Laine but my guess is you already have them in your collection if you are a jazz fan.
Roberta Gambarini-Of the many singers mentioned only Eva Cassidy is her equal, but I consider Eva a pop(not pure jazz)singer.
I can not imagine the OP not having Diane Schuur in his collection already. I hope he corrects me if I'm wrong.

Casandra Wilson is the most unique singer to come along in some time; she is what I call "authentic". She is so unmistakable, that when you hear her, you can see her face.
Melody Gardot, for sure. Norma Winstone on ECM (Distances). Jacintha. Casandra Wilson. Holly Cole. Nelly McKay's Normal as Blueberry Pie - A Tribute to Doris Day. Madeleine Peyroux. Sophie Millman.