
Discussions ponnie has started

Need help with Apogee Centaur Major31274
Praise for excellent service from Oppodigital34467
iFi Micro Phono opinions33522
Best imaging and sounding bookshelf speaker1954531
Will a Rogue 88 tube power amp drive15251
Looking at a Rogue 88 power amp for my Apogees20561
IMF Studio 3A's Looking for Spec Sheet14390
Got any information on IMF Studio 3A's help14430
Need Remote Code or type for Marsh P200025852
Is Marsh Sound Design still around?40811
Anthem Amp 2 Hybrid Stereo amp ???41364
What Amp to drive Apogee Centaur Majors?1013113
Circle and Audiophile Labels from ATL16551
What amp do use to drive your Klipsch Cornwall I,149499
Eminent Tech. LFT-16 vs Spica TC6039266