Female Jazz Singers...new person/new releases...

I must admit my collection is dominated by Jazz and my Jazz collection is dominated by female vocals....and it's exactly the way I want it.

The question is...I have most of what the greats did, Dinah, Sarah, Ella....etc...and many current ones...esp. Krall...so, can anyone suggest some current releases...for a bit of the Classic/Standards type of female Jazz vocals? I do not mind big band type of backing...but lean twoards small groups with minimal electronic manipulation...esp. a lack of reverb on the vocals...


Showing 1 response by jax2

Melody Gardot, for sure. Norma Winstone on ECM (Distances). Jacintha. Casandra Wilson. Holly Cole. Nelly McKay's Normal as Blueberry Pie - A Tribute to Doris Day. Madeleine Peyroux. Sophie Millman.