Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?

Is there are anyone out there who has compared the Esoteric DV-50 to a number of dedicated red book only players (or other universal's) and found one that is SIGNIFICANTLY better?

I stress significantly because in my humble opinion the redbook playback (if comparison unit is just a cd cd player only )must be significantly better to justify losing DVD-A, SACD and DVD-Video capability.

I keep hearing there are better one box solutions and being a die hard 2 channel fan I would sell my DV-50 if I found a player in the same price range that sounds significantly better. But every time I do an AB comparision to other well respected units the DV-50 has slayed each and every one.

So far, it has eaten the lunch of the Classe CDP-10, Ayre CX-7, Linn Ikemi, Cairn Fog Vers. 2, Cary 306/300, Arcam DV 27A and CD 33T, Myryad CD 600, etc. It even betters a Sony SCD 777ES/MF Tri-Vista 21 transport/dac combo that I previously owned. I'm only comparing the DV-50 to single box cd or universal players, but I just wanted to mention the Sony/MF combo. I'm sure there are some dac/transport combo's that will handily beat the DV 50.

Some may say that the DV 50 should beat all the above because the of price point ($5,500 vs. average price of $3,000 for the above players). But I disagree since conventional wisdom says that stand alone players (especially with the pedigree of those mentioned above) should produce better redbook than a universal player trying to be a jack of all trades. Only the DV 27A does video plus audio. By the way, I was very impressed with the 27A as just a cd player. Of all the above I would say the Ayre was the best.

Next on my list is the Electrocompaniet EMC 1UP and the Resolution Audio Opus 21. However, I must tell you I am really impressed with the DV 50 and all the great reviews are absolutely true. I've noticed that many people who are using it or comparing to other players are using the RCA analog outs instead of the balanced outs. There is a significant improvement in sound if you use the balanced outs and I'm only interested in hearing comments from people who have compared it against other players using the balanced outs on the DV-50.

My system components are as follows:

B&W N803's speakers & HTM-1 center
Cary Cinema 5 (5 x 200) amp
Anthem D1 Statement pre/pro
Esoteric DV 50
Acoustic Zen Satori Shotgun speaker wire
Nirvana SX balanced interconnects from DV-50 to Anthem
Acoustic Zen Matrix reference II interconnects from D1 to Cary
No after market power cords or isolation equipment

My system sounds great! Those who comment please make sure to specify what specific improvements you heard over the DV 50 and what cdp were you comparing it against.

Avguru, I think you tainted yourself in assuming the moderator role. I think when magazines accepted advertising they also tainted themselves to charges, whether warranted or not.

I must admit that I would be paying little attention to APL's unit were it not for your shootout, but I would never use the shootout as a buying decision anymore than I would buy based on a Stereophile or TAS review. I see no further use for this thread and think it ending with this division was inevitable.
This is the longest 7th inning stretch ever. Let's get back to the game? Avguru, what's next?
Heck, I'm waiting for 711smilin to get his Modwright machine, break it in, and then provide some feedback.


I agree that the wait is much too long and I wish I could speed things up. Unfortunately, we are waiting on a bevy of players to arrive before we do the shoot-out.

Here is the anticipated line up of players and the personnel who will bring them:

AVGURU (ME)- Esoteric UX1, Classe CDP 100 (new series), Marantz SA 14, Exemplar 2900, Meridan G08. I either own or have access to all of these units whenever I need them. I sold my DV-50.

Jactoy- Modwright Sony 9000ES.

711 Smilin- Will soon have both the Modwright 3910 and the APL 3910.

1Markr- Will soon have the Modwright Sony 999ES. He also owns the Audio Aero Capitole DAC.

Additionally, there are a couple of people we know who own the Meitner but no committments yet on whether or not they'll participate.

I honestly believe it will be another 2-3 three weeks before 711 and 1Markr have their units in hand. Once they do, we will arrange the shoot-out (if everyone's schedules permits) for the following week...preferably a Saturday.

I think the group of players listed above represents a wide sampling of some of the best tube and stock players on the market today. Having the Meitner would be the icing on the cake.

Facing these units off in a system that is as neutral as possible would at least give everyone an idea of the strenghts/weaknesses of each player. That's all any shoot-out can realistically hope to accomplsih as the ultimate performance of any player is system dependent.

If anyone has any other players they would like to see included (assuming we have access to them)please let us know. Just keep in mind that we will only have so much time.

AVGURU, the new AIR CX-5 would be an interesting player to add to the mix.
A friend of mine heard it at CES and found it to be marvellous. If you could replace UX-1 with X-01 it may be a good idea, because X-01 has twice the DACs on its two channel outputs.
Wish I could be there.

My request is that before you render your individual and/or consensus evaluation, would each of you please answer the following questions:

1) What kind of music do you predominantly listen to?
2) What do you listen for while evaluating a component? In other words, are you listening primarily with an ear for critical analysis? Is the best player the one that is the most accurate? Or do you listen perhaps for an overall immersion into the music? I find this is key in knowing what sonic pyramid that person is climbing.
3) How long have you been into high end audio?
4) How long do you expect to have your next player before scouting for another?

Thanks for considering these (and other) pieces of background information, all which is helpful in knowing more about the person who is evaluating the product.

Have fun listening, guys!

I meant to say the X01 instead of the UX1. Regarding the Ayre, someone also at the show told me it sounded very "clinical" but I love Ayre prodcuts and will certainly try to get it. My local dealer still doesn't have one yet but is expecting one any day.

Has anyone here ever heard the Bel Canto PL-1 or PL-1A?

I am curious and pose this question here since there is a wealth of knowledge in this thread. This player has gotten some favorable reviews as a cdp even though it too is a universal, and is priced in the same ballpark as the DV-50.


I had it in my system for a week and Guido also had an extended listening session with it. I will let Guido respond since he writes so eloquently and can also wax philisophical about the pro's and con's of this fine multi-faceted player.


I will answer your questions in regards to my listening style (what I look for) as we get closer to the shootout. We will probably set up some type of written evaluation form with parameters that everyone can agree to. Then we will compare the results as notated on each person's form. That's probably the best way to do it.


Sorry you feel that way. You are always welcome as a contributor to this thread. All I ask is that if you have personal issues with me or any other poster that you direct your comments to them outside of this thread.

I'd like to add a question: How long have these been warmed up before listening? As we know, some gear changes dramatically with warm up. If I'm willing to wait, say 1 hour, for gear to reach it's maximum, then I'm not too interested in players that take longer, nor would I know the full potential of those that have not had a sufficient warm up. I realize this isn't easy to do when you are listening to so many players.

I appreciate the effort being made for the shootouts (and know how much fun they can be), but it would be really great if a few modders would designate units that would be sent to different groups such as yours, so more people could hear them for themselves. I'm not mentioning this for myself, I have an APLhifi denon 3910 on order, but I do think it would be beneficial to both potential customers and the modders.

Here's another mod question, has anyone has experience with the VSE level 4 mod?

Boy, I am just full of questions lately...sorry.

DBLD, as AVGURU mentioned I did listen to the Bel Canto PL1-A in New York, together with the Burmester 001 and the Esoteric X-01. My detailed findings are posted at the following URL:
In a nutshell, the Bel Canto produced a huge but somewhat unstable soundstage with floating images in the three dimensions. Bass was extremely tight, transient coherence was excellent, and microdynamics was good, bbut not quite as good as in Esoteric X-01. Here appear to be a residual thinness in the midrange. You will find more detail at the URL listed above.
Hello everyone! Well for the most part, the hook is set and I want to get my name on the APL waiting list, but I can't seem to reach Alex. Phone messages and E-mails over the last two days have so far been unanswered. I know I'm being a little impatient, but you know when the bug bites, ya gotta scratch!

Tomorrow I'm thinking I'll try Smoke Signals, Telepathy or Channelling #;)>.

Does anyone know if Alex is away or otherwise indisposed?



Alex has not been feeling well these past few days so bear with the delay. I was in touch with him earlier today.
Alex was in the ER last week with a kidney stone, which apparently measured 5mm. He wrote me the next morning. Honestly, I don't know how he did that!
yeah, that's the word i got from alex, too.

although, it would be greatly appreciated if all of you would refrain from ordering anything from alex until he's shipped my (hopefully repaired) meitner sacd1000 back to me. i'd hate for him to be too distracted.

Sorry folks, a general reminder to keep comments pure audiophilic in nature and to avoid postings concerning commercial transactions with manufacturers, or personal requeststs for transaction prioritazation. Thank you for your understanding.

Because I have received many personal e-mails suggesting that this thread is biased towards Alex and APL (please view the total history of this thread and in particular Richard Kern of AudioMod's complaints earlier in the thread) we have asked posters to direct any technical or personal questions about Alex's products, whereabouts, services etc to Alex directly. I'm sorry that Alex did not return your phone calls for two days but that is really no concern of this thread.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

Update: Steve (711smilin) called, and it looks as though the listening and comparison session is on for next Saturday, the 29th. Probably from 1pm till ?

For planning please email me with your preferred time, afternoon or evening, in case there are more people than space available, and I'll send you directions. Preference will be given to those bringing a player mentioned previously in this thread, but all are welcome. BYOB if you like, I'll provide all the munchies, soft drinks and water. For an idea at the back end of the system, click the "click here" link near the top of the products page on my website (my username, .com). Please let me know whether your player has single ended, balanced, or both kinds of outputs.

--Some comments on my analog vs. CD playback
I thought I would gratuitously post some observations I've made on my Modwright Sony 999, now that it is broken in, compared against my analog rig. This is unscientific in every way and includes only one recording that I did a direct synchronized A/B test upon.
The comments I've made on the Modwright player earlier in the thread are still valid.
My analog setup is a Linn LP12 with all the known current mods. It additionally sports a Goldmund platter rather than the standard Linn platter. The arm is a Linn Ittok and the cartridge is a relatively recent Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood MK II. The preamp is an Audio Research SP16 with phono stage. It has about 400 hours on a new set of Electroharmonics "Elite" 12AX7 type tubes.
Interconnects are Audioquest Jaguar for the CD player and Cardas arm wires. Between amp and preamp I'm using Kimber Hero and the speakers, Nautilus 803s are connected to the Musical Fidelity A3CR amp via Nordost Solar Wind cables.
Regarding phono playback, I would identify the built-in phono section of the SP16 as the weakest link in the chain. I think it is generally pretty good, but compared with a true high-end phono stage it may lack some of the dynamics and openness of the best.
Throughout my critical listening to compare, I was constantly surprised at how close the two sources were. I mean, really close. The Linn, with a properly cleaned LP has a very black noise floor. The album I was able to A/B test was Linda Ronstadt's Lush Life on Elektra. I have an original standard LP pressing from circa the time of its release in 1984. My Redbook CD copy is relatively new, but it was apparently produced for CD in 1986. So, not only is it a Redbook CD, but it's apparently produced on first generation equipment for that medium. My comparisons were all with Redbook, not SACD.
Both front ends produced marvelous detail, dynamics and soundstage. There was a consistent difference across almost every type of music having to do with soundstage depth. With the LP12, the lead vocals were focused solidly between the speakers at about the plane of the speaker fronts. All vocals and instruments had plenty of air and bloom. The Ronstadt album was produced with the use of an Aphex Aural Exciter so that room acoustics could apparently be synthesized where acceptable ones did not otherwise exist during the recording. Actually, I know next to nothing about the Aphex unit, but I'm assuming this is the purpose. With the LP, insttruments remained tightly organized around the leads and extended back in space nicely. Microdynamics were good and did not lend themselves to any subjective critisism. Notes in the upper midrange had a slight tendency to sound a bit blunted on their leading edges as though not able to fully open up as they attacked. The upside of this is that the effect was one of mellow richness. Overall, the impression of listening through the LP12 was one of intamacy: As though I were hearing the music in a smaller venue such as a nightclub.
I was able to play both sources separately and synchronized within a second or two and could switch back and forth relatively quickly between the Linn and the Modwright. As I said, the two sources had many more similarities than differences. The most noteable difference was in the perspective. The Modwright gave me the sense of listening in a much larger theater with the lead singer out in front and spotlighted. The vocals had uncanny clarity. The soundstage extended a bit further back with each instrument existing in its own space. The roundness of attacks, especially with piano and brass instruments was replaced by a laserlike clarity. This is not to say it was clinical. To the contrary, each note carried warmth and bloom but still held its own identity even as the overtones blended and expanded. What one would hear as the characteristic glare associated with Redbook sound was handled by the Modwright in a very euphonic way. It emerged as a brilliant shine without a headache-producing glare. This effect worked decidedly to the Modwright's advantage when reproducing the sound of brass. I especially noticed it on trombone parts.
The other thing handled decidedly better by the Modwright were the dynamics of Linda's voice. As her volume would build and peak, the LP would begin to exhibit some thinness. This could be due, in part, to the fact that it is a twenty-year-old LP which has been played several dozen times. Still, while the tone of the note remained clear, it would lose body. Maybe this has to do with arm resonance. My knowledge of the physics associated with analog playback is limited. This is where the contrast and, I'm afraid, superiority of the Modwright was really illustrated. On the CD version, as the notes would build, so would their body. They would get tangibly more powerful as she expelled more air. In contrast, the notes would weaken slightly when played through the phono equipment.
On this album, side 2, the cut "Falling in Love Again" begins with a melody produced, I assume, with vibes. It's a glowing bell-like solo which sets the mood for the song. On the LP version, it is intriguing, musical, and engrossing. From the Modwright, it is absolutely stunning! It reaches out and grabs me as each note rings out solidly. Each note decays while its overtones are marvelously experienced. Again, one has the impression of a lead performer being spotlighted on a large stage.
So which is better? If I could choose only one, it would have to be the CD player. Fortunately, I don't have to choose only one. The analog experience is still special and to me, more intimate. What it lacks in fireworks, it compensates for in rich melodic, relaxed sound reproduction. I have to say that for me, the Modwright gives a more involving sound. I'm a more active listener, hearing elements of music reproduction that I am not accustomed to. Let me restate and emphasize that the two sources were quite similar. During the Ronstadt playback, I would sometimes lose track of which source I had selected and have to wait for a telling bit of acoustics to get it straight. I have to admit that prior to this player, I'd never taken digital sources all that seriously so some of my enthusiasm is undoubtedly due to novelty. I'm still very amused/gratified that I can repeat tracks, restart the disk or change the volume without getting off my butt. I'm finally really enjoying the convenience of CD now that I can get them to sound like music!
There is a new review of a modified DV50 with the Superclock 3 modification by Reference Mods. This is a new thread worth following.
Perhaps the owner can be persuaded to participate with his unit to the upcoming 'Grand CDP Listening Slaughter & Shootout Extravaganza". AVGURU, to you the honor of contacting the owner.
It would appear from some of the posts in this thread that the strength of the Denon 3910 is its transport/DSP function. In fact, one of the modifications of this unit that has been discussed involves just using those components and replacing all else. This raises the question of how a 3910/great DAC combo would compare with the modified 3910?

Anyone tried this?
Hey Brian,

The 29th is not a good day for 1Markr, Jactoy or myself. Since having Bon's modded Sony 9000ES and 1Markr's new Wright modded Sony 999ES are critical to the shootout I suggest we plan another weekend. The person bringing the Exemplar 2900 also won't be available. And I won't have access to the handful of stock players that I wanted to bring on the 29th.

I suggest we wait until everyone's schedule permits.

OK, then will all concerned please propose the date. The following Saturday, Feb. 5th? Let's get the date reserved as soon as possible, as I have some other commitments.

All planning to attend, please RSVP because space is limited and be sure to indicate afternoon or evening, as we probably need to have two sessions. If you're bringing a player, please let me know well in advance, including details on its features. Since there will be quite a few players involved in the comparison, a little planning can go a long way. Anyone wanting to bring their player over a day or three early to plug in and warm up is welcome to do so.

I can be reached by email through this site or by phone at , preferably evenings and weekends.


For some unexplained reason my phone number got deleted from my post. It is 847-382-8433.
My advice is to have a session next weekend and allow any that can make it to come by, relax, and have a listen. If they are interested in hearing other players then they can come by another time when another particular player will be shown. I think you are going to end without good conclusions because those A/B/C/D, etc comparisons when switching players with many people changing seats ( and drinking beer) all the time is not conducive to a fruitfully effective audition. It's not much different than being in your local Circuit City listening room while the salesman is punching those switching boxes every minute or two. While some may be able to pick their sacred cow from an audition like this, most can not.

Anyway, looking forward to reading comments whenever the audition takes place.
If there's beer, I'm coming. Seriously, I will drive the 5 hours from Sandusky, OH and bring the modified DV-50. Figure out a final date and post.
Tom Roberts
TGUN5, I'm real proud of you! I will join you at the shootout in Chacago 'in spiritu'!
Beer? Seriously, Tom, you're welcome to join us. As soon as everyone lets me know when they can make it, date and time, along with what they'd like to demo, I'll post the info.

Assuming the modifiers are doing the same full-out mods, why is the Denon 3910 better than the 2900 as a base unit for modifications? Is the transport mechanism that much better?

nquiring inds ant o now


Musicfirst, I made it from the ilness. I am going trough my emails and phone calls slowly but surely. Did we get in touch? If not, please email me.

The 3910 has a slightly better signal processor for the PCM (CD, DVD-A). The difference is subtle. The SACD processing of 3910 and 2900 is identical. The 2900 achieves the same performance as the 3910 when it comes to my re-design (modification). The problem is that I can not preserve the video capabilites of the 2900 due to limited space in its enclosure.

When it comes to why there is a big difference between 2900 and 3910 with other well respected modding companies is because the DACs and PCB layout of the 3910 are much more advanced than the ones used in 2900. As for the actual transports - they are identical.

The DACs and Digital stage of the 3910 is much better than the 2900. With stock players you can't tell this difference because the analog stage is so bad in both players. Once the analog stage is brought up to snuff (as done by many of the modders) the difference (improvements) really come to the surface. Also the 2900 has been discontinued so the modders dont want to tackle something where the parts are going to be increasingly hard to come by.
I think the power supply is stronger and more complex on the 3910 also. It is also substantially bigger although there is no greater room within to do mods.
is the DAC in the 3910 actually better than the DACs in the 2900/5900? I know its newer, but I had the impression that it was cheaper and not as high quality. Am I correct?
Diw - interesting point you make, and if true, it may explain how the British magazine, Hifi News which is probably the most respected UK journal, reckoned the 3910 didn't reach the same sonic standards of the 2900.

That's even more disappointing when you consider a few audio mag's felt the 2200 outperformed the 2900 in terms of redbook performance. (The 2900 was better in SACD but DVD-A was about the same). I know I had both units at my home for about 3 days and I also came to that conclusion.

I wondered about this too. The 2900 had very nice build quality and quite good sound (especially when modified).
AVGURU, PSCIALLI had a stock Denon 2200 for a brief spell and found it rather disappointing, even after upgrading the powerchord. He is now in audio Nirvana with his ModWrite Sony 999ES Platinum.
The DV-50 (Superclock 3) is now fully burned -in and ready for battle. I'm anxious to attend the shootout. How will the power cord and isolation issues be handled? I asume we bring our favorite cords, but isolation can also change the outcome. Any thoughts of using the same (or none) on each player. Just wondering...
Hey, I'm gonna have to take a stand here, although I haven't contributed anything yet to this hilarious post.

Anyway, should alcohol allowed at the "Shootout?" I mean, don't we want non-intoxicated reviewers who are actually able to critically evaluate each player instead of being lulled to sleep?

I'm not comfortable with that...I'm not comfortable with that at all.