
Responses from jsala

TRL Marantz Sa-14
Clio, We have the same preamp (Joule Electra LA-100 Mk3). I've got mine hooked up to an Acoustic Reality digital amp (200+ watts into 8 ohms) so lots of juice for my speakers, which are simple 2 ways (though not very efficient). I find the overall... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Sbayne, I posted comments about 5-6 weeks ago on how various PCs sounded with my TRL SA14. While the specific results may be different in your system, the TRL SA14 really shows the difference among power cords. 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Sbayne, what power cord are you using? If you've got the CRL silver series then based on my testing a VenHaus Airsine will provide a slightly more relaxed and organizc sound (all things being equal). 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
TRL told me the v1 and v2 sounded the same after mods. For me the v1 worked great since it was cheaper to buy plus black blends in better with my other gear. 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Hi Jack. I'll definitely get it done. I am really amazed at how revealing the TRL SA14 is. As I said, the bybee filters had a minor impact on the sound before but now with the SA14 the difference is night and day! Cheers,- Jay 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
As you guys recall I posted my impressions of how different power cords sounded with my TRL SA14 and on my preamp. Here's an update. I did not mention before but I have bybee filters at the analog outputs of my preamp. Before, with the bybee filte... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
More experimentation with power cables... this is like tube rolling but without the burnt fingers! ;-)I tried 2 other power cables on the TRL SA14 -- the Analysis Plus Power Oval and the VenHaus Flavor 4. Then, I really mixed things up by putting ... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Hi all, Here are the power cords that I tried with the TRL SA14:- Most tube-like sound: Bolder Cable Nitro- Most SS-like sound: Cable Research Lab (CRL) Silver series- Best of both worlds: Ven Haus AirSinePlease refer to my descriptions of the sou... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
I did a mini comparison of 3 aftermarket power cables on the TRL SA14 yesterday and was surprised at how big (and different) an impact they had! One gave the TRL SA14 a "classical" tube sound -- less treble/bass extension, a bit slow, nice bloomy ... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
I'm past 60 hours (on the cdp only, not on the system overall) and the sound is still bright / midrange is thin. 
Exemplar , Are they they still in Buisness?
What would be great is a comparison of APL vs Exemplar vs TRL! 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Thanks for the feedback. I was glad and relieved that after 24 hours the QuickSilver had settled down quite a bit. I've got an audiophile friend coming over for a listen at around the 68 hour mark. I've got the SA14 running 24 hrs/day, though the ... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Clio, the QuickSilver only has 24 hours on it but it is much smoother and less bright than it was last night. The music last night was not just bright, it was no longer coherent. This evening, much of the coherency is back. The midrange seems a li... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
I finally tried the QuickSilver silver goo last night. Its now on the RCA outputs and IEC of the TRL SA14, the RCA inputs and outputs of my Joule tube pre, the RCA plugs of the 2 sets of ICs, and the plugs of my pre and amp. Initially, I hear impr... 
TRL Marantz Sa-14
Cjenest,I see that you, like me, are breaking in a CRL Silver power cord. They take a long long time to break in. I have over 600 hours on mine and I am still hearing it smooth out. Have you tried the Quick Silver? I have not yet (I should) but I ...